Obama Blocks New Energy Exploration


New member
:readit:, but he cares for us and feels our pain..
by Doc Hastings

With 9.5 percent of Americans out of work and rumors of yet another costly stimulus, President Obama and White House officials regularly say that “nothing is off the table” when it comes to getting our economy back on track.

But after six months in office, President Obama should revise his statement to reflect his Administration’s unspoken policy that “nothing is off the table – except for the creation of many types of energy jobs.”

Although the President regularly expresses verbal support for a comprehensive energy plan, his Administration has demonstrated that no matter how many Americans are out of work, it will continue to take steps to proactively discourage certain types of economic development – including the creation of natural gas jobs, oil drilling jobs and nuclear jobs.

Today – July 14, 2009 – epitomizes the Administration’s prejudice against job creation and expanded employment for Americans in the oil and natural gas industry. Exactly a year ago, President Bush issued an executive order lifting the ban on offshore oil and natural gas drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and opened the door for new energy production and the creation of millions of new energy jobs in our country. But today, a defacto ban remains in place only because the Obama Administration has actively blocked the new 5-year leasing program which would open areas for offshore exploration and development.

The Administration’s decision has prevented Americans from enjoying 1.2 million new, well-paying jobs annually across the country and $70 billion in additional wages each year (source: American Energy Alliance). And it also prevents the federal government from receiving over $2.2 trillion in total tax receipts – revenue that would go a long way towards addressing the historic $1.8 trillion deficit that reportedly keeps the President awake at night.

In addition to obstructing the creation of future American energy jobs, the Administration is also eliminating current energy jobs. On February 4th, the Interior Department withdrew areas offered for 77 oil and gas leases in Utah that thousands of Utah citizens were depending on for employment. When Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes traveled to Utah recently to attempt to explain this decision, he got an earful from local residents. As the Salt Lake Tribune reported on May 27th, “a hostile crowd of about 500 oil and gas field workers and their families gathered in the Western Park Museum auditorium. Their message: Halting those leases on 103,000 acres…meant lost jobs, hungry kids and a lack of commitment to energy independence.” Continued...

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all in the name of going green. this will force us commoners to resort to things like 'wind' power. and then we get to deal with all the fines and penalties from our local governments who don't want to see a bunch of wind powered generators on our homes.

ain't life in America grand?
The offshore leasing should take place, especially off the FL, East and CA coasts.
One proviso is that exploration/drilling must take place within a 5 year time limit or the leases are revoiked and sold to someone who will actually drill them instead of just sit on them.
wow someone is explaining the issue pretty good to get a 60yr old GED to halfway understand it.
Obama may lose in 12 due to this.
I'm still waiting for one of my libtard friends to tell me which other country doensn't allow drilling for billions of barrells domestically?
Conservative leaders will emerge, and it is difficult for me to say exactly who. Thompson is a possibility.

we had one shot with thompson, who would have really rallied the GOP, but we let ourselves get screwed by allowing McCain to become the nominee. I don't see thompson considering 2012
we had one shot with thompson, who would have really rallied the GOP, but we let ourselves get screwed by allowing McCain to become the nominee. I don't see thompson considering 2012
Thompson didn't commit himself fully and I can only guess at why, which is that he saw the inevitable with a national shift to the Left. If so then he might have a shot in 2012 when the country inevitable shifts Right.
Thompson didn't commit himself fully and I can only guess at why, which is that he saw the inevitable with a national shift to the Left. If so then he might have a shot in 2012 when the country inevitable shifts Right.

I like..
or those the other way around..:)
and we need to get around the lamestream media somehow to get the message out..
Thompson had his chance and all he did was prove that he has no heart for the fight. Which is pretty much why he did not run for re-election as senator, he has stated more than once that he does not like the politics of politics. I continue to hope for a strong and viable third party to emerge from all this rubble, but what are the chances of that in the next three years?. I fear that the Republicans may very well snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in 2012.