Obama Camp Runs to Clinton to Counter Palin


ST. PAUL — Senator Barack Obama will increasingly lean on prominent Democratic women to undercut Gov. Sarah Palin and Senator John McCain, dispatching Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to Florida on Monday and bolstering his plan to deploy female surrogates to battleground states, Obama advisers said Thursday.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign event in Florida, her first for Mr. Obama since the Democratic convention, will serve as a counterpoint to the searing attacks and fresh burst of energy that Ms. Palin injected into the race with her convention speech on Wednesday, Obama aides said.

Advisers to Mrs. Clinton said that she stood ready to help the Obama-Biden ticket, but they urged the campaign not to overestimate the impact Mrs. Clinton could have, noting that she had other commitments this fall, like campaigning and raising money for Senate candidates. Obama aides said the Clinton trip had been in the works before Ms. Palin was named the running mate.



Obama can’t face a tough woman on his own, so he calls in Hillary. Maybe he should ask his wife for his balls back, does he piss sitting down. I like the quote from the Hillary's advisers, she has other commitments this fall, which means go fuck yourself for not picking me as VP.
From the link:

“What McCain has done with Governor Palin’s nomination is aim right at a demographic that Obama needs to address quickly: noncollege-educated women,” said Mike McCurry, a former spokesman in the Clinton White House. “They need to maximize Biden’s ability to reach out to them, but at the end of the day, it is Obama who has to get that very, very critical group.”


goes along with my redneck theory?
From the link:

“What McCain has done with Governor Palin’s nomination is aim right at a demographic that Obama needs to address quickly: noncollege-educated women,” said Mike McCurry, a former spokesman in the Clinton White House. “They need to maximize Biden’s ability to reach out to them, but at the end of the day, it is Obama who has to get that very, very critical group.”


goes along with my redneck theory?

Obviously, you cannot actually form an opinion of your own so you just accept or reject the opinions of others....
Here it is in simple, easy to understand words....

Obama needs Hillary Clinton to go out and do the dirty work....
Her job will be to smear and bash Palin, attack the Palin family, the preg. teenager, the 22 year old dui of the father, and of course Palin's religious beliefs....

and do it in such a way as to leave Obama and Biden looking like angelic figures, above the fray that would never smear a women....

and FYI..."noncollege-educated women" is the code phrase for Conservative women.....