Obama campaign gives up on finding "Mr. Wright" - by Ann Coulter


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Sorry, folks. I guess we'll have to wade through all the usual "Coulter is a liar", "Coulter is a harpy", "Coulter hates everybody", "Coulter must die" blather that is triggered every time her name appears in print. But eventually it will die down, and we can get to the point of the artcle: That Wright's attempt to "clarify" his words and "give context", have indeed made them much clearer... and much more revolting.



Obama campaign gives up on finding 'Mr. Wright'

Posted: April 30, 2008
6:01 pm Eastern

Whew! I'm certainly glad to hear the "snippets" from Rev. Jeremiah Wright's sermons "in context."

In the famous B. Hussein Obama speech that sent a tingle down Chris Matthews' leg, Obama dismissed the clips of Rev. Wright being played on TV as mere "snippets." He claimed the media were highlighting Wright's "most offensive words," complaining that they had been played endlessly, as if repetition were the problem with the statement: "GOD DAMN AMERICA!"

It's absolutely unheard of to repeat passages from famous speeches. In fact, I have a dream that we will not do that. Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask that the media stop replaying "snippets." All we have to fear is repetition itself, because we are the people we've been waiting for to tear down that wall of endless repetition.

So, like I said: Whew. At last Rev. Wright's "snippets" have been put in a healing context. In two speeches and one uxorious interview with PBS' Bill Moyers over the past few days, Rev. Wright had plenty of time to lay out the lush analytical context of his remarks.

In his speech to the National Press Club on Monday, for example, Wright described America as a country of "segregation, Jim Crow, lynching and the separate-but-equal fantasy." Then he ran outside to feed more quarters into the meter where his time machine was parked.

Wright described this as a country that supported the "racist regime of South Africa" and "the Contras, who were killing the peasants and the Miskito Indians in those two countries" – as opposed to the Sandinistas, who were equal-opportunity murderers with a more diverse group of victims.

He said this is a country that "cuts food stamps and spends billions fighting in an unjust war in Iraq," neglecting to add that before you can cut the food stamp program, you must have a country that has a food stamp program.

He said we are a country that sent "over 4,000 American boys and girls of every race to die over a lie." And Wright said it is a country "where I can worship God on Sunday morning wearing a black clergy robe and kill others on Sunday evening wearing a white Klan robe." (Unless, like me, you do all your Klan-related murdering on "casual Fridays.")

And, to listen to Wright, those were the "U.S. of KKK A.'s" good points! (Is it just me, or does Rev. Wright sound kind of bitter these days? I sure hope he doesn't have a gun.)

He clarified his Sept. 16, 2001, sermon, in which he said that on 9/11 "America's chickens are coming home to roost" by saying: "You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you." I'm glad to get the full context on that because I had thought he was talking about chicken farming.

Actually, that's pretty much the way I took it even when presented as a "snippet."

Rev. Wright also put into context his church giving an award to fellow Obama supporter Louis Farrakhan by saying: "He is one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century. That's what I think about him. ... I am not going to put down Louis Farrakhan."

Why did Rev. Wright's supporters think it would be helpful to hear longer versions of the "snippets"?

Curiously, Rev. Wright complained that "everybody wants to paint me as if I'm anti-Semitic because of what Louis Farrakhan said 20 years ago" – especially those damn East Coast, money-grubbing Jews, he carelessly added. This from a man whose entire oeuvre is based on reveling in what happened in this country 250 years ago.

Rev. Wright clarified his statement, "GOD DAMN AMERICA!" by explaining: "God doesn't bless everything. God condemns something – and d-e-m-n, 'demn,' is where we get the word 'damn.' God damns some practices."

Well, that changes the meaning entirely.

One begins to suspect that the Clintons, flush with those mega-millions they got from selling their previous tenancy at the White House, have put the reverend on staff. I believe this used to be called "walking around money."

Obama said the Rev. Wright he heard defending himself on Monday was not the Rev. Wright he met 20 years ago. This is the political equivalent of the "It's not you, it's me" speech. He might just as well have said, "I love Rev. Wright. I'm just not in love with him anymore. Hey, can I have my CDs back?"

If it takes Obama 20 years to notice that his pastor is a traitorous, racist nut-job, it will probably take him his full term of office to realize that the U.S. has been invaded and subdued by al-Qaida. Let's just hope President Obama pays closer attention during national security briefings than he did during 20 years of the Rev. Wright's church services.

The only good news for the Obama campaign this week is that Obama admitted that his relationship with Rev. Wright is "a legitimate political issue," which at least makes him smarter than John McCain, who just last week denounced the North Carolina Republicans for an ad mentioning Obama's raving lunatic pastor.
It's absolutely unheard of to repeat passages from famous speeches. In fact, I have a dream that we will not do that. Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask that the media stop replaying "snippets." All we have to fear is repetition itself, because we are the people we've been waiting for to tear down that wall of endless repetition.

I hate to say it... But this paragraph was funny to me...
If it takes Obama 20 years to notice that his pastor is a traitorous, racist nut-job, it will probably take him his full term of office to realize that the U.S. has been invaded and subdued by al-Qaida. Let's just hope President Obama pays closer attention during national security briefings than he did during 20 years of the Rev. Wright's church services.

...was my own personal favorite. And probably the most important one in the article.

Either Obama was incredibly dense and obtuse for those 20 years... or he is lying. And worse, he is expecting us to believe such an obvious lie.

That is the most important part of this whole Rev. Wright issue.
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I disagree with the idea that what Wright says can be attributed to Obama's character. It would be different if Wright were an average every day celebrity personal friend of Obama's. But Wright is Obama's pastor.

A person is much more willing to ignore political statements they disagree with when coming from their pastor than when coming from others they associate with. People look to their pastors for spiritual leadership and guidance. Pastors can and do add political opinion here and there. (wonder why the anti-religion pundits aren't freaked out by Wright's obviously political statements coming from a religious pulpit as they do when a Catholic priest mentions abortion?) But considering an average congregation is going to contain a variety of people with a variety of political opinion, it is very likely some of the congregation is not going to agree with the political opinion of their pastor, but still be willing to continue to seek spiritual guidance.

I do hope this does not become an ego war on Wright's part. His reaction to Obama's first speech is amazingly short sighted unless Wright was deliberately trying to derail Obama. Obama has blasted Wright now. If Wright shuts up, things could be OK. The fuel added to the Clinton and Republican mud bunkers is not that bad. But if Wright comes out again in a week or two, it could be very bad for Obama.

I am not sure I would vote for Obama, but if he is going to lose, let it be for reasons that have to do with his actual abilities to fill the presidency.
That article is kind of funny but whats not funny is how unimportant this issue is compared to it's coverage.