Obama-Care Peanut Gallery Side Show Cheering Section, Bullshit By the Shovel Load


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Yesterday, Obama gathered his faithful neo-commie/neo-fascist enablers from the congress and other leftist cartels to stage the most preposterous peanut gallery cheering section ever constructed by politicians to put lipstick on the Obama-Care pig. They cheered and patted each other on the back as

Obama painted the face of the ACA disaster by claiming that enrollment had reached its goal of 7 million. What the Obama side show didn’t paint was who the majority of those alleged 7 million are. Maybe like signups for Medicaid?

Obama also never mentioned how many of those alleged 7 million had made a payment on their Obama-Care plan. Are we ”enrolled” if we haven’t made the first payment?

Obama also ignored statistics that would show how many of the alleged 7 million were folks that lost their insurance plans because of Obama-Care and were simply signing up for new insurance plans or how much the new plans were costing them.

Obama also avoided statistics that would show just how many of the alleged 7 million signups were the healthy young invincible people that even Obama admits will be needed in order for the ACA to work. Guess what, otherwise Obama-Care will have to be bailed out by American taxpayers.

The following is a related article from CNN, hardly a rightwing propaganda operation.

CNN: Healthy, Young Obamacare Enrollments Well Short of Number Needed for Program to Work

CNN reporter Tom Foreman joined The Lead anchor Jake Tapper on Friday to reveal what the network’s journalists are learning about the pace of Affordable Care Act enrollments and whether the pace of signups is meeting expectations. Foreman revealed that enrollments of healthy, young people are needed to ensure the program remains financially viable.

Tapper began by reporting that President Barack Obama’s administration pushed back the signup deadline for those who need an insurance policy by January 1 from December 15 to December 23. He noted that the open enrollment period has also been delayed until 2015, after the midterm elections.

He reported that only 23 percent of California and Washington state enrollees are young, healthy individuals.
“Kentucky, touted as one of the most successful state programs, has only 19 percent in the young, healthy category,” Foreman added. Connecticut, too, has only 19 percent in the young, healthy category. In Maryland, 27 percent of enrollees are of the young, healthy uninsured set.

“So far, there’s not one state out there that is showing a robust response by the young and healthy, Jake,” Foreman added.

Whole article here http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnn-heal...l-short-of-number-needed-for-program-to-work/
A local talk show summed it up exactly for what it is.

Obama made it a law that you have to have insurance and now he's patting himself on the back; because a percentage of the people have followed the law.
Kind of like the DMV congratulating itself on vehicle registration.