Obama Civilian Military?

Kamala Trump

Verified User
I Really need to know more about this. Is anyone up on this? I mean just generally: What is this all about? Is it scary? what are they going to enforce, littering? Thought Crime? Illegitimate emissions? All of these? More? Less? Hip a brother to the facts.
I Really need to know more about this. Is anyone up on this? I mean just generally: What is this all about? Is it scary? what are they going to enforce, littering? Thought Crime? Illegitimate emissions? All of these? More? Less? Hip a brother to the facts.

Add to that Obama believes that American children belong in the military.

His pick for Education, Arne Duncan, has spent his time heading Chicago public schools, privatizing schools and turning schools in minority districts into miltary acadamies.

No one, particularly those who voted for him, want to discuss this at all.
Add to that Obama believes that American children belong in the military.

His pick for Education, Arne Duncan, has spent his time heading Chicago public schools, privatizing schools and turning schools in minority districts into miltary acadamies.

No one, particularly those who voted for him, want to discuss this at all.

This is so f'ed up.
here you go.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoDEKRbd3gc"]YouTube - Obama Youth in Paramilitary Garb Chant Propaganda[/ame]
don't ya know, it's not really what he was talking about. :rolleyes:

just civil service and all.

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

just civil service? get ready for jackboots...
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

just civil service? get ready for jackboots...

Sounds like police, National guard, Coast Guard and homeland security to me.
Sounds like police, National guard, Coast Guard and homeland security to me.

why then does he want a new security force? a seperate and totally different force that is EQUAL in pay and power to the military....

no dem has ever answered that, either:

1. dems want jackboots
2. dems want another hitler
3. dems are scared
4. obama is the messiah and the goat herd is nodding dumbly
Sounds like police, National guard, Coast Guard and homeland security to me.

Not to me. It sounds like he wants an entirely new Army under his control that is just as strong and just as well funded as our military. It doesn't sound anything at all like the police, NG or USCG.

What it sounds like is scary shit. But, personally, I say let him explain himself.

My personal belief is that he was speaking out of his arse hole when he said those things. Maybe after he attempts to explain what him meant it won't sound so bad.

Yeah are full time now than before Iraq though.

Nope. How do you think National Guard units are able to function in the first place? We have components of troops that work on full-time orders called Active Guard Reserve (AGR) to take care of our daily mission/assignments. The rest of us Drill Status Guardsmen (DSG), or traditionals, work the drill weekends and are under continual training status in case we need to be activated to fill the ranks of the AGRs or for some other reason.

Coast Guard is a completely different thing. They serve to protect/patrol the homeland (full-time) while the Navy and Marines generally serve overseas. People give them crap because their formal training is not as extensive as the Navy's and because they don't deploy, but they are basically the same as the Navy except they work locally and aren't "combat oriented" (to quote Kevin Costner).

I can relate to the Coast Guard, because my unit serves a similar purpose, except we look to the skies, being Air Force. My unit also happens to be predominantly AGR, and works a federal mission that used to be operated by Active Duty AF...
Didn't I read about a CG ship in the Med or somewhere over there?

On the nat guard, I thought most were part timers before the war. But then unlike Bush I could not get in there so I don't know.
I used to be an FSO in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. I was the young kid in there :D
Didn't I read about a CG ship in the Med or somewhere over there?

On the nat guard, I thought most were part timers before the war. But then unlike Bush I could not get in there so I don't know.
I used to be an FSO in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. I was the young kid in there :D

I work at a very unusual Guard unit, so my perception of the Guard may be a bit off. The only other Guard unit that is like us is over in NY performing the same mission.

The fact is, there has always been AGR's and there always will be. Most DSG's that were activated after 9/11 have been deactivated, except for those that are currently deployed (and will be deployed). There may well be more DSG's than AGR's, but such is not the case at my unit...