Obama Comes Out Swinging


This is great. If you get doddering John on the mat, he’s never getting up. We’ll have to get him one of those medic alert bracelets. I’ve fallen, and I can't get up!

With Fall Vote in View, Obama Assails McCain on Economy
RALEIGH, N.C. — Senator Barack Obama, with the Democratic stage to himself for the first time, began a two-week assault on Senator John McCain’s economic policies in a series of battleground states on Monday, moving to define the general election campaign by focusing on the economy as the central theme.

In a speech at the North Carolina state fairgrounds here, Mr. Obama assailed Mr. McCain, the likely Republican nominee for president, for what he characterized as a dangerous ignorance of economic matters. His remarks signaled how he plans to pound away at his core argument: that electing Mr. McCain would mean four more years of what he termed the failed economic programs of the Bush administration.

Mr. Obama used the address to reach out to lower-income and lesser-educated Americans who rejected him in the Democratic primaries in favor of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who formally conceded the race on Saturday and pledged her support for Mr. Obama.

The speech came at the start of a tour that suggested where the Obama campaign saw the key battlegrounds in November: Monday’s speech was in North Carolina, which has long voted for Republican presidential candidates but which has a large black population, and he will be traveling to Missouri, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida to press the economic theme.

In his remarks on Monday. Mr. Obama spoke of hard-pressed workers in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Indiana struggling to pay their bills and afford gasoline for their cars. He laid the blame squarely at the feet of President Bush and his Republican enablers, including Senator McCain.

“We did not arrive at the doorstep of our current economic crisis by some accident of history,” Mr. Obama said to an invitation-only audience here. “This was not an inevitable part of the business cycle that was beyond our power to avoid. It was the logical conclusion of a tired and misguided philosophy that has dominated Washington for far too long.”

He added a moment later: “We were promised a fiscal conservative. Instead, we got the most fiscally irresponsible administration in history. And now John McCain wants to give us another. Well, we’ve been there once. Were not going back.”

The pieces of the economic program that Mr. Obama laid out on Monday are not new, but the context assuredly is. This is the first full week of the general election campaign and Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain are beginning what promises to be an aggressive fight over the economy and the Iraq war.
Mr. Obama, by announcing a two-week tour to stress economic issues, chose the ground for the first battles in this general election contest, shoving Iraq and national security matters, where Mr. McCain has far more experience, to the background for now.
there has been little pathetic attempts from people like Novak to try and say an Obama presidency would be a Bush 3 admin.

Now that is fucking funny stuff.
there has been little pathetic attempts from people like Novak to try and say an Obama presidency would be a Bush 3 admin.

Now that is fucking funny stuff.

More like it could be a Jimmy Carter second term. He came out today calling for a windfall profit tax on oil companies. That's right out of the Carter playbook. Obama rightfully (in my opinion) called out McCain and Hillary for their federal gas tax holiday proposal saying it is Washington politics. Now Obama turns around does the same Washington politics thing with this proposal.
More like it could be a Jimmy Carter second term. He came out today calling for a windfall profit tax on oil companies. That's right out of the Carter playbook. Obama rightfully (in my opinion) called out McCain and Hillary for their federal gas tax holiday proposal saying it is Washington politics. Now Obama turns around does the same Washington politics thing with this proposal.

Their profits have been obscene and immoral, and it's two very different things.
What Obama is angry about is America, and what it stands for.

Barack Obama has no real interest in the audacity of hope. With his race speech, Obama is just another a peddler of jealousy, resentment and despair.

Too bad he doesn't direct his rage at the liberal establishment that sells Black Americans a bill of poisoned goods in exchange for their votes.

Pride, self-reliance and the spirit of enterprise are tools available to all.
It's racist to question Obama. It's racist to criticize Obama. It's racist to oppose Obama.

In fact, unless you vote for Obama at least 3 times in November, you're racist.
I recently saw a poll saying Obama has been opeing his lead on McCain.

You aint seen nothing yet Desh. The Dems savaged Bush in 2004 up to the Republican convention and Bush attacked with a swift boat vengence.

My main concern about O'Bama is that we desperately need change in government and I do not feel that this country is ready for a black President.

You remember what happened to Harold Ford in Tennessee in 2006? Well you're going to see that on a national level.

Though I support Obama and I think he's the best man for the job I have this nagging sinking feeling that he's going to lose at a time where this nation desperately needs to reject the extremism of the Republican party.

There are to many white americans, many of them strongly democratic, who would rather cut of their own arm and eat it then vote for a niger.

Just look at the vile and repulsive and hatefull postings of cretins like Irreputable and imagine that being manipulated by the Karl Roves or the world?

This is going to be a nasty campaign and I fear America will suffer because to many are not prepared to throw off their racist past.
You aint seen nothing yet Desh. The Dems savaged Bush in 2004 up to the Republican convention and Bush attacked with a swift boat vengence.

My main concern about O'Bama is that we desperately need change in government and I do not feel that this country is ready for a black President.

You remember what happened to Harold Ford in Tennessee in 2006? Well you're going to see that on a national level.

Though I support Obama and I think he's the best man for the job I have this nagging sinking feeling that he's going to lose at a time where this nation desperately needs to reject the extremism of the Republican party.

There are to many white americans, many of them strongly democratic, who would rather cut of their own arm and eat it then vote for a niger.

Just look at the vile and repulsive and hatefull postings of cretins like Irreputable and imagine that being manipulated by the Karl Roves or the world?

This is going to be a nasty campaign and I fear America will suffer because to many are not prepared to throw off their racist past.

Unsurprisingly we have different takes on what is occurring, neither of us will know who's right for years. I think the US is more than ready for a black president or a woman or a Jew or a Hispanic. I just don't think that Obama is the man for this position. That's my opinion and it isn't based on race. Tell the truth, I can't think of any politician from Illinois I think would make a good president, possible exception Mark Kirk, but he too is lacking in experience.