Obama compares America to Nazi Germany

Our treatment of African Americans DID look like how the Nazi's viewed the untermensch. Tell me, Mr Faux outrage how it was any different. Blacks were not deemed good enough to eat with Whites, drink from their water fountains or shit in the same toilets, Black men were lynched and the reason was always because they raped a white woman. Race baiting was rampant in the United States. Our police forces used dogs and water hoses and night sticks on people who did nothing more than assert that they were the same as you and me. Time after time after time the legal system endorsed this treatment. Until the late 50's the federal government refused to step in. What the FUCK are you outraged at? The US did look like Nazi Germany in the 40's and 50's throughout much of the country. For fuck sakes, at Fort Bliss where they kept German POW's THEY could eat with the white soldiers while blacks soldiers, who were fighting and dying for THEIR country were not allowed. This false fucking outrage is PATHETIC! The fact that you would even try to pretend that we didn't look alot like Nazi germany in our treatment of Blacks is even MORE pathetic and honestly, pretty fucking stupid. No we didn't put them on trains and gas them, but neither did the germans at first. At first they separated them, they kicked them out their schools and their jobs and then later then put them Ghettos. Live in your fantasy world white man. The rest of us went to history class!
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This must have just been a McCain talking point today. His campaign told all you good little soldiers to go out and get people worked up because hell maybe they won't have a grasp of history that is good enough that they will see what Obama meant.
Our treatment of African Americans DID look like how the Nazi's viewed the untermensch. Tell me, Mr Faux outrage how it was any different. Blacks were not deemed good enough to eat with Whites, drink from their water fountains or shit in the same toilets, Black men were lynched and the reason was always because they raped a white woman. Race baiting was rampant in the United States. Our police forces used dogs and water hoses and night sticks on people who did nothing more than assert that they were the same as you and me. Time after time after time the legal system endorsed this treatment. Until the late 50's the federal government refused to step in. What the FUCK are you outraged at? The US did look like Nazi Germany in the 40's and 50's throughout much of the country. For fuck sakes, at Fort Bliss where they kept German POW's THEY could eat with the white soldiers while blacks soldiers, who were fighting and dying for THEIR country were not allowed. This false fucking outrage is PATHETIC! The fact that you would even try to pretend that we didn't look alot like Nazi germany in our treatment of Blacks is even MORE pathetic and honestly, pretty fucking stupid. No we didn't put them on trains and gas them, but neither did the germans at first. At first they separated them, they kicked them out their schools and their jobs and then later then put them Ghettos. Live in your fantasy world white man. The rest of us went to history class!

untermensch? you spelled it completly wrong