Obama Could Lose His Worst Person Title


Verified User
When the Chicago sewer rat was elected in 2008 I truly believed that he would be the worst person the American people would ever elect, not because he:

. . . was the first full-blown parasite to openly preach transforming the private sector middle class into a government middle class. Handing the nation’s wealth to tax dollar parasites began a long time ago. Obama completed the job of making educated professionals and a large segment of highly skilled workers dependent upon tax dollars.

Socialists taking liberties away from non-parasites to enhance their own incomes was essential. The very people who were once dedicated to freedom and individual liberties for everyone now derive their incomes from tax dollars.


but because Obama campaigned as spiritual leader. Every policy he hinted at was based on his personal moral code, and a Muslim moral code at that.

Before anyone jumps to Islam’s defense know that Obama was, and is, a liar because he has always been a Muslim first, a Democrat second —— and not American at all. One look at his attacks against this country prove my case. This example stands out above a long list of lies:


Obama’s ridiculous interpretation of the Constitution is a lie that could only come from the mind of a Muslim. No Communist, not even the mind of the dirty old Commie, Bernie Sanders, could come up with that one.

Note that the lying sack of shit was an Illinois state senate in 2001 —— the time of the interview. He ensured obedience to the lie after he became president.

Obama was a lying sack of shit as an adult. There is no doubt he practiced taqiyya and kitman from the day he entered politics.



It should be emphasized that while lying is a cause for shame in the West, taqiyya isn't in Islam. To Muslims, taqiyya - Iying (to infidels) to advance and protect Islam - is both a virtue and a duty (there is shame, however, in being caught - watch the video below).

So, when non-Muslims confront Muslims about facts that Muslims wish to hide (e.g., Hitler & Islam, Sharia Law, Errors in Quran, Halal, Allah Moon God, Taharrush, etc.), Muslims often Iie with a straight face, even on record and in front of other Muslims, who nod in agreement (see Muslim Brotherhood) to both approve of and to participate in taqiyya, as well as kitman - the related practice of telling half-truths - as Muhammad instructed:


Obviously, the Democrat Party was a godsend to Obama. Indeed, if I was a Muslim I would thank Muhammad five times a day for giving me the Party of Liars.

This admission pains me. I was wrong when I believed that Obama would be the worst person ever elected to the presidency. Joe Biden will be the worst by far if he steals the election. Here is why.

Biden has been in government far longer, and did more damage, than Obama.

Biden is a bigger liar than Obama.

Biden has been exercising taqiyya & kitman from positions of influence every day in his 50-odd years with a public voice.

Biden despises this country and the U.S. Constitution more profoundly than does Obama.

Biden is a Christian, and a Roman Catholic to boot.

Biden believes the XVI Amendment was specifically written to proselytize for the Roman Catholic Church.

proselytize (verb)

to try to persuade someone to change their religious or political beliefs or way of living to your own:

He was also remarkable for the proselytizing zeal with which he wrote his political pamphlets.

Television has provided the evangelists with yet another platform for their proselytizing.

Finally, throughout history the faithful (suckers if truth be told) in every organized religion gave money to support their churches. In Biden’s years as a U.S. Senator he gave the faithful money from the public purse to support his church.

Basically, Biden always supported legislation that punished every man and every woman that did not support a church —— any church —— if not the Roman Catholic Church than Socialism’s church. Biden punished them economically for starters. Forcing anybody to pay for a belief not their own is the most severe psychological punishment governments hide in their laws. Before Biden descends into catatonia he will punish EVERYBODY physically with the scare tactic he gets from coronavirus.

Biden mandating lock-downs is only the beginning. Remember that Obama/Biden punished Americans when they mandated open-borders. That mandate was followed by countless murders, rapes, and child abuse. None of those criminals were punished in the Democrat Party’s sanctuary cities.
Biden was always engaged in a Roman Catholic version of taqiyya and kitman. That makes Muslims simpatico with Biden. To Muslims, that also makes Biden a better choice than Trump. There is no surprise here:

It should be of grave concern that America's avowed enemies are cheering on the possibility of a Biden presidency. Thus, "Iraq's pro-Tehran factions have welcomed Joe Biden's election as US president[.]" That such politicians who have called the U.S. "evil" and shout the phrase "death to America" would be pleased by a possible Biden win speaks volumes.

Vijeta Uniyal explains:

The Iranian regime is equally upbeat in its statements about a possible Biden-Harris administration, hoping to revive the Obama-era appeasement policies. If the mainstream media and the Biden-Harris camp have their way, the Tehran and pro-Iran terrorist groups may have a good reason to rejoice. A Democrat-led administration will likely undo President Donald Trump's legacy on Iran, lifting economic sanctions and ending the campaign of maximum pressure against the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism and its Islamist proxies across the Middle East.

In addition, the fact that the terrorist organization the Muslim Brotherhood wishes Mr. Biden well should send clarion bells ringing.

According to Khaled Abu Toameh:

Some Arabs say they are worried when they see the Muslim Brotherhood celebrating the results of the US presidential election. These Arabs fear that the Muslim Brotherhood, backed by Qatar and Turkey, is preparing to make a comeback under a potential Biden administration. The message Arabs are sending to the new US administration is: Do not repeat the mistakes of former President Barack Obama, whose administration sided with then Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood member. The Arabs also want to remind a potentially new US administration that the Islamists and their supporters are inveterate liars who care only about their own interests.


At the Arab Weekly site, one learns "that Pro-Muslim Brotherhood activists and media professionals in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and the Gulf states did not hide their prayers for a Biden victory."

It was as if Biden was the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate and not the candidate of the American Democrats.

Let that sink in!

The Muslim Brotherhood and its allies "are hoping for US pressure to be exerted on Cairo to release Brotherhood leaders convicted in court cases related to terrorism and conspiracy against Egypt's security, as well as for pressure on the Arab quartet countries to lift their boycott of Qatar and restore relations with it."

In fact:

From the outset, the Muslim Brother[hood] did not hide their bias towards Biden. They presented him as a supporter of Islam and Muslims, highlighting the fact that he cites the Prophet's hadiths, and is a fierce opponent of Islamophobia. American Islamic associations, such as the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood ... promoted Biden's candidacy among Americans and participated in his election campaign at state and national levels.

In truth, the Muslim Brotherhood is hoping that under a President Biden, the U.S. would remove the group from the list of terrorist organizations.

Yet "no US administration can afford to dismiss the warning bells sounded by Arabs in the wake of the Muslim Brotherhood's attempt to present itself as a peaceful group that seeks to bring freedom and democracy to the Arab world."

Here in America, anti-Semite activist Linda Sarsour has made her preference for Biden quite clear.

I want [Biden] to defeat Trump so we can mobilize our movements to hold him accountable and push him to do and be better. We can't do that with Trump.
In fact, "[t]his year, 110 Muslim candidates were on general-election ballots across 24 states and Washington, D.C. Two representatives — Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — are Muslim," and their hatred for Trump is on daily display.

Many Muslim Americans want Biden to change refugee limits to allow more migrants into the United States — the country that is allegedly racist and anti-Muslim.

So while they rail against the United States, one must wonder why they want to settle more Muslims here.

Could it be the implementation of hijrah? Hijrah is immigration by jihadists who seek to populate and dominate new lands. They have absolutely no intention of assimilating peacefully in a new host nation. In fact, they scorn the host nation's traditions and legal systems. Rather, hijrah is a means to "colonize and then transform non-Muslim target societies since the ultimate goal is global submission to sharia law."

Let us unpack what the Muslim Brotherhood means when it speaks of a world living "in dignity under the principles of freedom, justice, democracy and respect for human rights."

For the Muslim Brotherhood and its adherents, "doing 'good' has never meant practicing the ... Western Golden Rule for the sake of mankind or recognizing and legitimizing the other, but only domestically, doing good within the Islamic community."

The pinnacle of that 'good' in political terms is to promote Islam as the only religion and to work for the advancement of Islamic interests. Therefore, it is important for Western public opinion to understand that when Muslims declare in praise of peace, tranquility, and cooperation it is not for mutual peaceful relationships with the infidels, in a pluralistic world, according to Western conceptions, but only for the Islamic interests, advancement, and achievements. There is no recognition and no acceptance of the other's legitimate existence.

How does hijrah advance this? Each stage works to promote the idea of an Islamic global caliphate. Muslims must keep their Islamic identity and must not integrate and assimilate in their host societies. Mosques are central features of life, and clerics serve as the "main political component in the process of the phased strategy resulting in the occupation of the infidel's land."

Another component that serves as a "political declaration of supremacy concerns street prayers which have nothing to do with practicing the religion but serve as a political agitation against the outer society." Yet they "have enough places of prayers, and mosques abound. But closing the main streets with masses is totally political, to introduce the Islamic call."

To Western thinking "Muslim activities ... appear to be reasonable and logical among the host society's mind, as if they are part of the culture and religion to be cherished in a pluralistic liberal society." But "the infidels do not understand the meaning and aims of the Islamic standings ... and fall to the hazards Islam poses. The infidels' ignorance and the gaps of cultures increase the Muslims' demands and actually empower them."

That Biden has stated that he wishes that schools would teach more about the Islamic faith is music to those whose ultimate aim is Islamic domination. Biden is either unaware of the true reality of Islamic ideas of supremacy or on board with them. As a tool for the totalitarian left, he is the perfect point man. As Jim Simpson points out in The Red-Green Axis 2.0: An Existential Threat to America and the World, the international Marxists (think BLM) and Islamic alliance continue to grow more potent because of their "inspired mass migration to erase American constitutional liberty." In a word: hijrah.

The result is disastrous for America and a win for the jihadists. No wonder they are rooting for Biden.

November 17, 2020
Jihadists Are Rooting for a Biden Presidency
By Eileen F. Toplansky


The Arab world is awash with petro dollars. Does anyone know how much money Iraqi and Iranian Muslims gave to Biden’s campaign?

I ask because taking as little as a penny from foreigners is illegal. Obama took in approximately $200,000,000 in foreign campaign ‘donations. Donors got it back a hundredfold over the years 2009 to January 2017

In September, for instance, Obama's campaign announced it had raised $181 million. But if you're looking for transparency, you won't find it: Just 2% of that amount — $3.6 million — has to be reported to the FEC.

Bill Clinton received a paltry 300 large compared to the amount China surely ‘DONATED’ to China Joe:

In 1996, Chinese agent Johnny Chung gave almost $100,000 to American politicians, much of it from powerful members of China's military. Chung reportedly gave $300,000 to President Clinton's campaign.

Obama Campaign Rakes In Millions In Illegal Foreign Cash
07:03 PM ET 10/08/2012


p.s. Elected officials should not be converting anybody to anything except a belief in constitutionally limited government.

Madison Cawthorn, the North Carolina Republican who will become the youngest member of Congress in history, has admitted he tried to convert Jews and Muslims to Christianity.

Newly Elected Madison Cawthorn Caught in Religious Controversy, and It's Ridiculous
By Bonchie
Nov 17, 2020 10:00 AM ET


Biden believes the XVI Amendment was specifically written to proselytize for the Roman Catholic Church.
When the Chicago sewer rat was elected in 2008 I truly believed that he would be the worst person the American people would ever elect, not because he:

. . . was the first full-blown parasite to openly preach transforming the private sector middle class into a government middle class. Handing the nation’s wealth to tax dollar parasites began a long time ago. Obama completed the job of making educated professionals and a large segment of highly skilled workers dependent upon tax dollars.

Socialists taking liberties away from non-parasites to enhance their own incomes was essential. The very people who were once dedicated to freedom and individual liberties for everyone now derive their incomes from tax dollars.


but because Obama campaigned as spiritual leader. Every policy he hinted at was based on his personal moral code, and a Muslim moral code at that.

Before anyone jumps to Islam’s defense know that Obama was, and is, a liar because he has always been a Muslim first, a Democrat second —— and not American at all. One look at his attacks against this country prove my case. This example stands out above a long list of lies:


Obama’s ridiculous interpretation of the Constitution is a lie that could only come from the mind of a Muslim. No Communist, not even the mind of the dirty old Commie, Bernie Sanders, could come up with that one.

Note that the lying sack of shit was an Illinois state senate in 2001 —— the time of the interview. He ensured obedience to the lie after he became president.

Obama was a lying sack of shit as an adult. There is no doubt he practiced taqiyya and kitman from the day he entered politics.

It should be emphasized that while lying is a cause for shame in the West, taqiyya isn't in Islam. To Muslims, taqiyya - Iying (to infidels) to advance and protect Islam - is both a virtue and a duty (there is shame, however, in being caught - watch the video below).

So, when non-Muslims confront Muslims about facts that Muslims wish to hide (e.g., Hitler & Islam, Sharia Law, Errors in Quran, Halal, Allah Moon God, Taharrush, etc.), Muslims often Iie with a straight face, even on record and in front of other Muslims, who nod in agreement (see Muslim Brotherhood) to both approve of and to participate in taqiyya, as well as kitman - the related practice of telling half-truths - as Muhammad instructed:


Obviously, the Democrat Party was a godsend to Obama. Indeed, if I was a Muslim I would thank Muhammad five times a day for giving me the Party of Liars.

This admission pains me. I was wrong when I believed that Obama would be the worst person ever elected to the presidency. Joe Biden will be the worst by far if he steals the election. Here is why.

Biden has been in government far longer, and did more damage, than Obama.

Biden is a bigger liar than Obama.

Biden has been exercising taqiyya & kitman from positions of influence every day in his 50-odd years with a public voice.

Biden despises this country and the U.S. Constitution more profoundly than does Obama.

Biden is a Christian, and a Roman Catholic to boot.

Biden believes the XVI Amendment was specifically written to proselytize for the Roman Catholic Church.

proselytize (verb)

to try to persuade someone to change their religious or political beliefs or way of living to your own:

He was also remarkable for the proselytizing zeal with which he wrote his political pamphlets.

Television has provided the evangelists with yet another platform for their proselytizing.

Finally, throughout history the faithful (suckers if truth be told) in every organized religion gave money to support their churches. In Biden’s years as a U.S. Senator he gave the faithful money from the public purse to support his church.

Basically, Biden always supported legislation that punished every man and every woman that did not support a church —— any church —— if not the Roman Catholic Church than Socialism’s church. Biden punished them economically for starters. Forcing anybody to pay for a belief not their own is the most severe psychological punishment governments hide in their laws. Before Biden descends into catatonia he will punish EVERYBODY physically with the scare tactic he gets from coronavirus.

Biden mandating lock-downs is only the beginning. Remember that Obama/Biden punished Americans when they mandated open-borders. That mandate was followed by countless murders, rapes, and child abuse. None of those criminals were punished in the Democrat Party’s sanctuary cities.

Awww...you seem upset. And you are taking it out on former President Obama.

Perhaps because Trump lost?

He did lose. And so did his supporters.

So you are just going to have to continue with the heel-kicking and holding your breath.

You people look like such jerk-offs doing it.

Frank Apisa;4050763And you are taking it out on former President Obama. [QUOTE said:
To Frank Apisa: Hardly. My message about Biden gave me an opportunity to remind everybody that exactly what the Chicago sewer rat is should never be forgotten.

Perhaps because Trump lost?
To Frank Apisa: Your choice of words is either a Freudian slip or you secretly admit that Trump won.

perhaps (adverb)

Maybe; possibly.

He did lose.
To Frank Apisa: Asshole. Three strikes and you are out.

Biden telegraphed his pitch with the most bungled attempted burglary in the history of politics. Planning the robbery was so amateurish Biden was dumb enough to install the Dominion Voting Systems in battleground states. How stupid is Biden to think nobody would find out until it was too late?

Bottom line: Every Democrat loser like you is preparing the Gore (strike one) Hillary (strike two) Defense —— ‘I won the popular vote.’

And so did his supporters.
To Frank Apisa: Only if the overwhelming majority of Americans lose.

Lin Wood: “This election was a fraud. Donald Trump won I believe a 70% plus landslide election in the nation. He probably won over 400 electoral votes.”

BOOM! Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won a 70% Plus Landslide Election – He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes (Audio)
By Jim Hoft
Published November 17, 2020 at 10:18pm


So you are just going to have to continue with the heel-kicking and holding your breath.
To Frank Apisa: Get some new dialogue. I heard it all on another board in 2016 when I was telling liberals “Trump will win in a landslide.”

Incidentally, I wondered why Democrats and their television stooges did not attempt to destroy the reputations of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood? Rush Limbaugh told me why:

RUSH: By the way, the raving testimonial I gave Sidney Powell I could also give to Lin Wood, although I don’t know him, I’ve never interviewed him. But these are people that have no reputation as phonies, liars, charlatans, opportunists, none of that has ever attached to them. So when you hear these people talk about the evidence they’ve got, the ontological certitude they have over this election being stolen and fraudulent, it’s difficult, folks, to just not believe them because of who they are.

This is going to be a real test because these two people have impeccable reputations. They have as impeccable a reputation as you could hope to achieve. The only thing they’re not is liberals. If they were liberals they would be king and queen. But they’re not. They may not be conservatives. They could be Libertarians. They could be apolitical. Sidney Powell, I don’t know what her politics are. Might want to assume.

But my point is that their reputations you can’t touch. If an untouchable reputation is a goal of yours in your life, if you hope that at some point in your adult life you’ve achieved this great achievement of an impeccable reputation, these two people have done that. And it’s gonna be real interesting to see how they are dealt with. And it’s going to be interesting to see just how valuable in 2020 and 2021 an impeccable reputation is.

For Biden, however, outlets were disgracefully quick to call states where his victory was not clear at all. Many went to sleep wondering if something was afoot—a media driven “reality” meant to conceal what had really happened. Others who stayed up remember several crucial swing states simultaneously announcing a sudden pause in the counting of ballots.

If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself

. . . Gore (strike one) Hillary (strike two). . .

Relax until after the fat lady finishes singing. Think about Joe Biden as Mighty Casey:
