Obama drops proposal for windfall profits tax


WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama has shelved a proposal to slap the oil and gas companies with a new windfall profits tax because oil prices have dropped so much in recent months, the transition team confirmed today.

"President-elect Obama announced the policy during the campaign because oil prices were above $80 per barrel," a transition aide said. "They are currently below that now and expected to stay below that."

Obama's proposal had called for using the proceeds from the tax to give American consumers an energy rebate worth up to $500 per individual or $1,000 per married couple.

Asked whether the energy rebate plan had likewise been put on hold, the transition aide said the rebates were included in a middle class ``rescue plan'' Obama released last month.

That plan calls for a permanent tax cut of $500 for a worker or $1,000 for a family, with the Internal Revenue Service using 2007 tax returns to send out the checks. Tax cuts also would be extended to seniors.

The policy shift came to light after officials at the American Small Business League noticed that the windfall profits tax language had been removed from the transition team's Web site in what the group called "an unceremonious and abrupt manner."

Lee Fuller, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of American, applauded the change.

"Certainly, the judgment to withdraw the concept of a windfall profits tax is an important recognition that developing America's oil and natural gas would be seriously damaged by such a tax policy," Fuller said.



Those evil oil companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama has shelved a proposal to slap the oil and gas companies with a new windfall profits tax because oil prices have dropped so much in recent months, the transition team confirmed today.

"President-elect Obama announced the policy during the campaign because oil prices were above $80 per barrel," a transition aide said. "They are currently below that now and expected to stay below that."

Obama's proposal had called for using the proceeds from the tax to give American consumers an energy rebate worth up to $500 per individual or $1,000 per married couple.

Asked whether the energy rebate plan had likewise been put on hold, the transition aide said the rebates were included in a middle class ``rescue plan'' Obama released last month.

That plan calls for a permanent tax cut of $500 for a worker or $1,000 for a family, with the Internal Revenue Service using 2007 tax returns to send out the checks. Tax cuts also would be extended to seniors.

The policy shift came to light after officials at the American Small Business League noticed that the windfall profits tax language had been removed from the transition team's Web site in what the group called "an unceremonious and abrupt manner."

Lee Fuller, vice president of government relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of American, applauded the change.

"Certainly, the judgment to withdraw the concept of a windfall profits tax is an important recognition that developing America's oil and natural gas would be seriously damaged by such a tax policy," Fuller said.



Those evil oil companies are laughing all the way to the bank.

It was such a stupid concept to begin with. He's probably glad he doesn't have to try and implement it.
He's also delaying the tax the rich scheme.
Dude is practical, he might actually try to keep inocent blacks out of jail.
So far hes acting pretty moderate. Im happy except for the wretched Holder pick.

I am also pretty happy thus far. Also agree on Holder. Not a personal fan of the Clintons, so I would have preferred someone else as Sec State. But otherwise, I am pretty happy (and somewhat surprised) by his picks.
I wonder if Obama will stick with ANY of his economic proposals. I mean it's great he's become a Supply Sider and all though, look at his picks like Romer and Summers.
I am also pretty happy thus far. Also agree on Holder. Not a personal fan of the Clintons, so I would have preferred someone else as Sec State. But otherwise, I am pretty happy (and somewhat surprised) by his picks.

I'm not all that surprised. I listened to A LOT of his town halls on you tube. It was not easy for me to fill in a bubble for a democrat president so I tried to fine as much as possible to make me not do it but I agree with so much of the way he is analytical about making decisions. Stark contrast to Bush making decisions from his gut.
I'm not all that surprised. I listened to A LOT of his town halls on you tube. It was not easy for me to fill in a bubble for a democrat president so I tried to fine as much as possible to make me not do it but I agree with so much of the way he is analytical about making decisions. Stark contrast to Bush making decisions from his ass.

corrected the above for you.

I heard many of Obamas townhalls and agree with how he sounded. The 'surprise' for me was more that he is actually continuing that way now that the election is over. I am very optimistic right now that he is going to do a very good job as President.
I wonder if Obama will stick with ANY of his economic proposals. I mean it's great he's become a Supply Sider and all though, look at his picks like Romer and Summers.

He is def not a supply sider. He's going to have a Ginourmous Kaeynsian stimulus package. He's going to tax the Fuck out of the Rich (freak and Chap) and give the rest of Us a cut. Though my wife may have to quite work for us to get it.:clink:
You've apparently never read much on Romer or Summers who is a cross breed of Supply Side and Keynes. I agree you'll get both supply and demand side "stimulus", Bush tax cuts are staying and more tax cuts are coming, Romer wants to cut the Corporate Tax rate also and has wrote many papers about tax cuts, Romer is also a Friedman like Monetarist who blames the Depression on Monetary Policy and the money supply.
You've apparently never read much on Romer or Summers who is a cross breed of Supply Side and Keynes. I agree you'll get both supply and demand side "stimulus", Bush tax cuts are staying and more tax cuts are coming, Romer wants to cut the Corporate Tax rate also and has wrote many papers about tax cuts, Romer is also a Friedman like Monetarist who blames the Depression on Monetary Policy and the money supply.

OK my head just exploded. You win:clink:
seriously, watching kudlow and moron company nightly I see supply siders as saying corp tax cuts and wealthy tax cuts as the wholy grail. They rail against gov spending.
I'm neither a supply sider or a Keynesian but I fully support cutting Corp tax rates, Income taxes on the rich is far less important or helpful IMO.
I'm down with every thing Obama is doing unless my wife makes more than $20,000 this year. LOL
I'm 10x more concerned with him supporting HR5843 the stop jailing brothers for victimless crimes bill.
Yes, I agree, get non violent drug addicts out of jail!
Quickly, before they learn all the tricks of being a more successful criminal. With that and allowing them to say they were never convicted of a felony if it was solely a possession charge we might just escape our own stupidity.