Obama Finally Resigns From Racist Church


Sen. Barack Obama's campaign confirmed Saturday that he has resigned from the church where controversial sermons by his former pastor and other ministers created repeated political headaches for the Democratic frontrunner.


Gee, only took him twenty years to figure out he belonged to a racist church.
Sen. Barack Obama's campaign confirmed Saturday that he has resigned from the church where controversial sermons by his former pastor and other ministers created repeated political headaches for the Democratic frontrunner.


Gee, only took him twenty years to figure out he belonged to a racist church.

I was so pissed off when that father Pfleger was talking that racist shit against white people. That's the thing about white people - they hate white people! Those mofu'ers!
I was so pissed off when that father Pfleger was talking that racist shit against white people. That's the thing about white people - they hate white people! Those mofu'ers!

I finally saw the pfluger clip, I thought it was pretty funny. Not correct for a preacher from a pulpit, but funny.