OBAMA: Fuck You, Pinheads!

Today, President Obama un-suspended the scheduled tribunals for Gitmo detainees. It seems, upon further review, the Bush Administration policy of dealing with enemy combatants, is the best way to deal with the situation. This follows a barrage of other actions taken by the Obama Administration in recent weeks, which have to be frustrating to the left-wing anti-war radicals of his party.

Yes, we have seen the Obama Justice Department lawyers, doing an about-face on the Rendition Program... You recall, this was the program the left wanted to try Bush for war crimes over, but Obama attorneys say... meh, not so bad, we want to keep it! Likewise with the designation of "enemy combatant", it hasn't gone away with Bush.

At the start of his presidential bid, Obama said he planned to withdraw American forces from Iraq within 6 months. Before the Democrat primaries were over, this had been stretched to 9 months, and by the time the general election was over, it was up to 18 months, which coincidentally just happened to coincide with the Bush Administration's own estimate for a draw down. Last month, Obama announced another 15,000 troops will be heading to Iraq, and 17,000 to Afghanistan. Curiously enough, there is still no date circled in red on the calendar for American withdrawal from Iraq. Most experts conservatively say 2011 is the soonest we could see a major draw down of forces in the region.

The Obama Justice Department, not only lobbied to keep the Bush Administration policy of warrant-less wiretapping, they sought to extend the program beyond it's current limitations. So, apparently, this is not an "impeachable offense" of Bush violating our Constitutional rights at all. Apparently, it is typical of the Executive Branch throughout history, and Bush using these executive powers is really no different than Obama using them, or Truman, Roosevelt, Lincoln, etc.

It's amazing to watch Obama transform the Pinheads. All of this absolute bullshit he fed them during the primaries and general election, is now having to be re-thunk. He can't exactly do what he promised, he is caught between his slick polished Harvard poli-sci debate rhetoric, and the real world he is faced with. Reality being, he can't bring the troops home, he can't remove the tools we are using to keep America safe from attack. It's easy to say you are going to do this or that, but reality says there are many variables to every issue, every decision, every move. In the coming weeks, I am sure we will be entertained with valuable and wise press conferences from The One himself, to explain it all to us.
If there is one fact that comes from some of these reexaminations of policy, it is that the Bush/republican administrations created a situation so bad, and allowed the breakdown of American values to go so far that repairing the damage will take a long time. If you move into a house that was destroyed by carelessness and negligence you cannot fix it overnight. The destruction of America under war policy and voodoo economics will take time to repair. Obama is just acknowledging that. Took FDR a while to fix things last time republicans had power for an extended period too. Stay tuned.

If there is one fact that comes from some of these reexaminations of policy, it is that the Bush/republican administrations created a situation so bad, and allowed the breakdown of American values to go so far that repairing the damage will take a long time. If you move into a house that was destroyed by carelessness and negligence you cannot fix it overnight. The destruction of America under war policy and voodoo economics will take time to repair. Obama is just acknowledging that. Took FDR a while to fix things last time republicans had power for an extended period too. Stay tuned.


Or maybe obama is just another fascist who's authority ultimately depends upon force and atrocity, just like any other major leader.
HMMM break campaign promises, GW's fault ,LOL 10 years from now the left will still be screaming it is GW's fault, at what point does Obama and his follower's stand up and say ok we are in charge now we can't keep blaming the past?

I know GW left it so bad that poor Obama has to do exactly what GW did in order to fix it, that's not entirely true though , he did double the deficit in a month, so I guess if ya were looking for GW to spend recklessly ya finally got the right man ! :pke:
Today, President Obama un-suspended the scheduled tribunals for Gitmo detainees. It seems, upon further review, the Bush Administration policy of dealing with enemy combatants, is the best way to deal with the situation. This follows a barrage of other actions taken by the Obama Administration in recent weeks, which have to be frustrating to the left-wing anti-war radicals of his party.

Yes, we have seen the Obama Justice Department lawyers, doing an about-face on the Rendition Program... You recall, this was the program the left wanted to try Bush for war crimes over, but Obama attorneys say... meh, not so bad, we want to keep it! Likewise with the designation of "enemy combatant", it hasn't gone away with Bush.

At the start of his presidential bid, Obama said he planned to withdraw American forces from Iraq within 6 months. Before the Democrat primaries were over, this had been stretched to 9 months, and by the time the general election was over, it was up to 18 months, which coincidentally just happened to coincide with the Bush Administration's own estimate for a draw down. Last month, Obama announced another 15,000 troops will be heading to Iraq, and 17,000 to Afghanistan. Curiously enough, there is still no date circled in red on the calendar for American withdrawal from Iraq. Most experts conservatively say 2011 is the soonest we could see a major draw down of forces in the region.

The Obama Justice Department, not only lobbied to keep the Bush Administration policy of warrant-less wiretapping, they sought to extend the program beyond it's current limitations. So, apparently, this is not an "impeachable offense" of Bush violating our Constitutional rights at all. Apparently, it is typical of the Executive Branch throughout history, and Bush using these executive powers is really no different than Obama using them, or Truman, Roosevelt, Lincoln, etc.

It's amazing to watch Obama transform the Pinheads. All of this absolute bullshit he fed them during the primaries and general election, is now having to be re-thunk. He can't exactly do what he promised, he is caught between his slick polished Harvard poli-sci debate rhetoric, and the real world he is faced with. Reality being, he can't bring the troops home, he can't remove the tools we are using to keep America safe from attack. It's easy to say you are going to do this or that, but reality says there are many variables to every issue, every decision, every move. In the coming weeks, I am sure we will be entertained with valuable and wise press conferences from The One himself, to explain it all to us.


Can't add to that whatsoever.
Today, President Obama un-suspended the scheduled tribunals for Gitmo detainees. It seems, upon further review, the Bush Administration policy of dealing with enemy combatants, is the best way to deal with the situation. This follows a barrage of other actions taken by the Obama Administration in recent weeks, which have to be frustrating to the left-wing anti-war radicals of his party.

Yes, we have seen the Obama Justice Department lawyers, doing an about-face on the Rendition Program... You recall, this was the program the left wanted to try Bush for war crimes over, but Obama attorneys say... meh, not so bad, we want to keep it! Likewise with the designation of "enemy combatant", it hasn't gone away with Bush.

At the start of his presidential bid, Obama said he planned to withdraw American forces from Iraq within 6 months. Before the Democrat primaries were over, this had been stretched to 9 months, and by the time the general election was over, it was up to 18 months, which coincidentally just happened to coincide with the Bush Administration's own estimate for a draw down. Last month, Obama announced another 15,000 troops will be heading to Iraq, and 17,000 to Afghanistan. Curiously enough, there is still no date circled in red on the calendar for American withdrawal from Iraq. Most experts conservatively say 2011 is the soonest we could see a major draw down of forces in the region.

The Obama Justice Department, not only lobbied to keep the Bush Administration policy of warrant-less wiretapping, they sought to extend the program beyond it's current limitations. So, apparently, this is not an "impeachable offense" of Bush violating our Constitutional rights at all. Apparently, it is typical of the Executive Branch throughout history, and Bush using these executive powers is really no different than Obama using them, or Truman, Roosevelt, Lincoln, etc.

It's amazing to watch Obama transform the Pinheads. All of this absolute bullshit he fed them during the primaries and general election, is now having to be re-thunk. He can't exactly do what he promised, he is caught between his slick polished Harvard poli-sci debate rhetoric, and the real world he is faced with. Reality being, he can't bring the troops home, he can't remove the tools we are using to keep America safe from attack. It's easy to say you are going to do this or that, but reality says there are many variables to every issue, every decision, every move. In the coming weeks, I am sure we will be entertained with valuable and wise press conferences from The One himself, to explain it all to us.
Sounds like you're a Sore Loserman to me.
Today, President Obama un-suspended the scheduled tribunals for Gitmo detainees. It seems, upon further review, the Bush Administration policy of dealing with enemy combatants, is the best way to deal with the situation. This follows a barrage of other actions taken by the Obama Administration in recent weeks, which have to be frustrating to the left-wing anti-war radicals of his party.

Yes, we have seen the Obama Justice Department lawyers, doing an about-face on the Rendition Program... You recall, this was the program the left wanted to try Bush for war crimes over, but Obama attorneys say... meh, not so bad, we want to keep it! Likewise with the designation of "enemy combatant", it hasn't gone away with Bush.

At the start of his presidential bid, Obama said he planned to withdraw American forces from Iraq within 6 months. Before the Democrat primaries were over, this had been stretched to 9 months, and by the time the general election was over, it was up to 18 months, which coincidentally just happened to coincide with the Bush Administration's own estimate for a draw down. Last month, Obama announced another 15,000 troops will be heading to Iraq, and 17,000 to Afghanistan. Curiously enough, there is still no date circled in red on the calendar for American withdrawal from Iraq. Most experts conservatively say 2011 is the soonest we could see a major draw down of forces in the region.

The Obama Justice Department, not only lobbied to keep the Bush Administration policy of warrant-less wiretapping, they sought to extend the program beyond it's current limitations. So, apparently, this is not an "impeachable offense" of Bush violating our Constitutional rights at all. Apparently, it is typical of the Executive Branch throughout history, and Bush using these executive powers is really no different than Obama using them, or Truman, Roosevelt, Lincoln, etc.

It's amazing to watch Obama transform the Pinheads. All of this absolute bullshit he fed them during the primaries and general election, is now having to be re-thunk. He can't exactly do what he promised, he is caught between his slick polished Harvard poli-sci debate rhetoric, and the real world he is faced with. Reality being, he can't bring the troops home, he can't remove the tools we are using to keep America safe from attack. It's easy to say you are going to do this or that, but reality says there are many variables to every issue, every decision, every move. In the coming weeks, I am sure we will be entertained with valuable and wise press conferences from The One himself, to explain it all to us.

Ever thought of getting your novels published dixie?
Sounds like you're a Sore Loserman to me.

LMAO.... No, quite the contrary, I assure you! Aside from disagreeing with Obama on turning America into a Socialist nation, appointing social policy-makers to the bench, and the out of control liberal spending binge, I actually kinda like the guy. Especially when he stuffs pinheads, and chooses to stay with policies of the previous administration. It's got to be embarrassing to those of you who railed on Bush for these things. Rendition... OMG, we needed to drag Bush and Cheney before the World Court and try them for war crimes... but Obama lawyers argue to keep the program... lol-- priceless! Warrant-less wiretaps.... OMG, Bush was flagrantly violating the basic Constitutional rights of every America... shitting on the Constitution, to hear you guys tell it... but Obama lawyers argue to not only keep, but extend the scope of the program...lol-- priceless!!

Oh, and I even forgot to mention the Obama Administration blocking the release of "prison abuse" photos, which I am sure some liberal pinhead worked very hard to get released. Now, when Bush and Cheney made the exact same arguments, they were trying to cover something up, stifle the press, keep us in the dark... don't you remember? Every American needed to stand up and demand full disclosure, and oppose the outrage... but, now that Obama is The One, not a peep from the left about this!

I love the left trying to spin this... Oh, it's sooooo bad, Obama has to do exactly what Bush did, he has no other choice.... This is particularly hilarious to me, since Bush was always fully able to do whatever he wanted, and simply chose not to. Obama is President of the United States, he can set whatever the hell policy he wants to... he chose to extend Bush policy! This tells us several things... Maybe Bush wasn't so wrong after all... maybe Bush/Cheney policy wasn't so far out of whack... Perhaps these things are not as terrible and awful as the left led us to think with Bush... perhaps Obama is not the idiot some on the left clearly are?
He's reversing so fast its not worth a new thread:

President Obama is continuing to dance the “reversal cha-cha,” said Truthdig. Obama has reportedly decided to “take up the very military tribunals he’d sharply criticized before taking office.” The spectacle of Obama military tribunals will serve as a reminder of how easily politicians can forget their campaign promises.
If there is one fact that comes from some of these reexaminations of policy, it is that the Bush/republican administrations created a situation so bad, and allowed the breakdown of American values to go so far that repairing the damage will take a long time. If you move into a house that was destroyed by carelessness and negligence you cannot fix it overnight. The destruction of America under war policy and voodoo economics will take time to repair. Obama is just acknowledging that. Took FDR a while to fix things last time republicans had power for an extended period too. Stay tuned.



the excuses of the libs are great comic fodder

obama "has" to do what bush did...LOL, no he doesn't, he is the CIC, he could just release those guys, just like he promised. why do you hate america midcan?
They are idealist until the are faced with the harsh reality of what is really America.
If there is one fact that comes from some of these reexaminations of policy, it is that the Bush/republican administrations created a situation so bad, and allowed the breakdown of American values to go so far that repairing the damage will take a long time. If you move into a house that was destroyed by carelessness and negligence you cannot fix it overnight. The destruction of America under war policy and voodoo economics will take time to repair. Obama is just acknowledging that. Took FDR a while to fix things last time republicans had power for an extended period too. Stay tuned.


If there is one fact that is undeniably true, its that when Obama comes face to face with a problem involving national defense or terrorism, he obviously finds out what Bush was going to do....changes a word or a date....and announces he will follow essentially the exact same policy.....so you have to give the guy some credit...hes not a total pinhead like his followers....ie, midcan, watermark, mottlydude, etc......
If there is one fact that is undeniably true, its that when Obama comes face to face with a problem involving national defense or terrorism, he obviously finds out what Bush was going to do....changes a word or a date....and announces he will follow essentially the exact same policy.....so you have to give the guy some credit...hes not a total pinhead like his followers....ie, midcan, watermark, mottlydude, etc......

In other words, he's like Clinton was, smart enough to realize that he doesn't know everything and when in doubt stay the course.