Obama.... Here it comes!


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McCain Shifts to Nearly All Negative Ads

TPM finds Sen. John McCain's campaign "has now shifted virtually 100% of his national ad spending into negative ads" attacking Sen. Barack Obama.

Analysis shows that as of October 1, McCain's $1.3 million weekly is being broken down as follows:

Nearly half a million on "Dome," which attacks "Obama and his liberal allies" in Congress for favoring "massive government."

A little more than half a million on "Mum," which attacks "Obama and his liberal allies" as "mum on the market crisis."

Much of the remaining money on "Overseas," which says that "Barack Obama and his liberal allies are to blame" for jobs going overseas.

The small remainder is going to a positive spot, the "Original Mavericks" ad.

This is a dramatic shift from the period before he suspended his campaign when he spent approximately half his ad money on the positive "Original Mavericks" ad, and around half on the negative "Dome" spot.
Like I predicted....

The waves and waves of negative attack ads are coming.....

Although I do appreciate one thing from McCain.....

That none of these negative ads are like the blatant race baiting ads used by the NRA and Chamber of Commerce....
