Obama hits out at climate 'naysayers'


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how do you like being told you are being "marginalized" by you own President if you don't believe as he does....Sweet isn't it..


ct 23 04:18 PM US/Eastern

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US President Barack Obama (pictured) speaks at a fundraising rally for Mass...

US President Barack Obama on Friday hit out at naysayers he blamed for peddling "cynical" claims that global warming is a myth to derail a landmark climate change bill in Congress.
Obama warned that the closer the Senate came to passing legislation which has already cleared the House of Representatives, the more opponents would resort to underhand tactics.

"The naysayers, the folks who would pretend that this is not an issue, they are being marginalized," Obama warned in a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"But I think it's important to understand that the closer we get, the harder the opposition will fight and the more we'll hear from those whose interest or ideology run counter to the much needed action that we're engaged in.

"There are those who will suggest that moving toward clean energy will destroy our economy," Obama said, a day after the release of a poll showing fewer Americans see solid evidence of global warming.

"There are going to be those who... make cynical claims that contradict the overwhelming scientific evidence when it comes to climate change, claims whose only purpose is to defeat or delay the change that we know is necessary."

Climate legislation was introduced in the Senate only at the end of September, three months after the House passed its version of the bill.

Prospects for the legislation are uncertain, but in recent weeks some prominent Republicans have signaled they will support the move to cut US emissions and introduce a cap and trade system for polluters.

Administration officials have already warned that the legislation will not pass before a UN climate change conference in Copenhagen in December -- a delay hampering hopes of a major new international treaty to combat global warming.

Obama argued that the fight against climate change was not just necessary for the health of the planet, but should also spur a new range of green jobs and technologies that could unleash economic growth and promote energy independence.

"From China to India, from Japan to Germany, nations everywhere are racing to develop new ways to produce and use energy," he said.

"The nation that wins this competition will be the nation that leads the global economy, I am convinced of that, and I want America to be that nation."

Obama, who reversed the global warming skepticism of the previous Bush administration, made his remarks a day after a new poll showed the number of Americans who believe climate change is real had fallen in the last year.

The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found 57 percent of Americans see "solid evidence of warming," compared to 71 percent in April 2008, and 77 percent in August 2007.

The increase in the number of Americans with doubts about climate change came across the political spectrum, though it was particularly pronounced among independents.
how do you like being told you are being "marginalized" by you own President if you don't believe as he does....Sweet isn't it..


ct 23 04:18 PM US/Eastern

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US President Barack Obama (pictured) speaks at a fundraising rally for Mass...

US President Barack Obama on Friday hit out at naysayers he blamed for peddling "cynical" claims that global warming is a myth to derail a landmark climate change bill in Congress.
Obama warned that the closer the Senate came to passing legislation which has already cleared the House of Representatives, the more opponents would resort to underhand tactics.

"The naysayers, the folks who would pretend that this is not an issue, they are being marginalized," Obama warned in a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"But I think it's important to understand that the closer we get, the harder the opposition will fight and the more we'll hear from those whose interest or ideology run counter to the much needed action that we're engaged in.

"There are those who will suggest that moving toward clean energy will destroy our economy," Obama said, a day after the release of a poll showing fewer Americans see solid evidence of global warming.

"There are going to be those who... make cynical claims that contradict the overwhelming scientific evidence when it comes to climate change, claims whose only purpose is to defeat or delay the change that we know is necessary."

Climate legislation was introduced in the Senate only at the end of September, three months after the House passed its version of the bill.

Prospects for the legislation are uncertain, but in recent weeks some prominent Republicans have signaled they will support the move to cut US emissions and introduce a cap and trade system for polluters.

Administration officials have already warned that the legislation will not pass before a UN climate change conference in Copenhagen in December -- a delay hampering hopes of a major new international treaty to combat global warming.

Obama argued that the fight against climate change was not just necessary for the health of the planet, but should also spur a new range of green jobs and technologies that could unleash economic growth and promote energy independence.

"From China to India, from Japan to Germany, nations everywhere are racing to develop new ways to produce and use energy," he said.

"The nation that wins this competition will be the nation that leads the global economy, I am convinced of that, and I want America to be that nation."

Obama, who reversed the global warming skepticism of the previous Bush administration, made his remarks a day after a new poll showed the number of Americans who believe climate change is real had fallen in the last year.

The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found 57 percent of Americans see "solid evidence of warming," compared to 71 percent in April 2008, and 77 percent in August 2007.

The increase in the number of Americans with doubts about climate change came across the political spectrum, though it was particularly pronounced among independents.

Excuse me? We're very familiar with "being marginalized if we don't believe what the president believes". Did you sleep through the bush administration?
Do you remember "you're either with us or against us in the fight against terror.."?
Excuse me? We're very familiar with "being marginalized if we don't believe what the president believes". Did you sleep through the bush administration?
Do you remember "you're either with us or against us in the fight against terror.."?

oh I see, so telling countries that harbor terrorist you are with us or against us... is the same as telling the American people who don't believe in MAN MADE global warming you are "being marginalized"...

like I said, sheep
oh I see, so telling countries that harbor terrorist you are with us or against us... is the same as telling the American people who don't believe in MAN MADE global warming you are "being marginalized"...

like I said, sheep

No, telling countries "you're either with us or against us" is an either-or fallacy. We had no business trying to foist a false dichotomy on anybody.
No, telling countries "you're either with us or against us" is an either-or fallacy. We had no business trying to foist a false dichotomy on anybody.

hummm, but this administration has the RIGHT to foist his beliefs in global warming on us even though more than half the people in the United states don't believe in it...

get back to me when you see your first electric bill after he "imposes" his cap and tax on us, just like they are going to do with the takeover of our health care system...

but whatever you do, don't call that COMMUNISM.
hummm, but this administration has the RIGHT to foist his beliefs in global warming on us even though more than half the people in the United states don't believe in it...

get back to me when you see your first electric bill after he "imposes" his cap and tax on us, just like they are going to do with the takeover of our health care system...

but whatever you do, don't call that COMMUNISM.

I will get back to you. I'm looking forward to the day when that huge monthly insurance payment is dropped from the check. I seriously doubt that the tax increase will even come near it.
I will get back to you. I'm looking forward to the day when that huge monthly insurance payment is dropped from the check. I seriously doubt that the tax increase will even come near it.

oh dear me...just who do you think will be paying for your insurance from the Government...they are going to pluck the money from the Government money tree..
oh dear me...just who do you think will be paying for your insurance from the Government...they are going to pluck the money from the Government money tree..

Uh, yeah. That's what I said. What the gov't. charges in health care tax won't come near what the insurance company charges.
Excuse me? We're very familiar with "being marginalized if we don't believe what the president believes". Did you sleep through the bush administration?
Do you remember "you're either with us or against us in the fight against terror.."?

Thats really interesting....so you felt "marginalized" during the Bush admin. BECAUSE you weren't "WITH US" in the fight against terror.....

If you weren't "with us"...were you "against us"....?

If you weren't "with us"...didn't you care about the countrys saftey?

If you weren't "with us"...were you on the side of the terrorists that decalred war on us ?

Or are you just an asshole that doesn't get it and doesn't have a clue ?

If its telling other countrys that they are "either with us or against us"...what the hell does that have to do with YOU feeling "marginalized"...????
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Thats really interesting....so you felt "marginalized" during the Bush admin. BECAUSE you weren't "WITH US" in the fight against terror.....

You can't fight terror. It's an intangible. There is no country, leader or troops called "terror".

If you weren't "with us"...were you "against us"....?

"With us" in what way? Starting a war with a country that had no connection to 9/11?

If you weren't "with us"...didn't you care about the countrys saftey?

How was the country being made safer by going to war with Iraq?

If you weren't "with us"...were you on the side of the terrorists that decalred war on us ?

You can't be against terrorists and against starting a war with a country that had no connection to 9/11?

Or are you just an asshole that doesn't get it and doesn't have a clue ?

Or are you just an asshole who still thinks there was a connection between 9/11 and Iraq?

If its telling other countrys that they are "either with us or against us..."

What gives us the right to deliver any ultimatum to any country because of 9/11?

...what the hell does that have to do with YOU feeling "marginalized"...????

It has to do with the reigning members of YOUR party calling anybody who didn't support bush's policies or the Iraq war as "traitors, terrorist supporters and surrender monkeys".


I know you're confused. It didn't take a smiley to show it.
I know you're confused. It didn't take a smiley to show it.

First you're was against the war on terror and then you're ranting about the war with Iraq....Yeah, I am confused...its obvious you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground....
YOUR party voted FOR the Iraq War Resolution...or did you just conviently forget about that little Congressional action.....
And if you just want to play word games, saying you can't fight a war on terror, maybe you ought to contact your messiah and ask what the hell hes doing with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan as of NOW....

Or better yet, just STFU until you grow up and your ready to understand what its all about....
I will get back to you. I'm looking forward to the day when that huge monthly insurance payment is dropped from the check. I seriously doubt that the tax increase will even come near it.

You really have no clue what's about to happen. Are you ready to be forced to buy insurance and have your employer stick you with the responsibility?

Clueless. Hilarious

I'll get back to you when the W-2 shows an annual five-figure tax increase for health insurance that matches what I'm paying for insurance now.

Since I'm clueless, how about explaining why I'll pay more for gov't. health care when the pool of insureds will increase by orders of magnitude. And I don't mean supposition or "prophesying".
You really have no clue what's about to happen. Are you ready to be forced to buy insurance and have your employer stick you with the responsibility?

Okay, let's pretend I'm clueless. How much do you think the average taxpayer will contribute monthly for government health care?
First you're was against the war on terror and then you're ranting about the war with Iraq....

"You're was against the war on terror...? Try to clarify your thoughts before writing, it makes it easier for people to respond.

Yeah, I am confused...its obvious you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground....

And it's obvious you either didn't read or didn't understand my remarks.

YOUR party voted FOR the Iraq War Resolution...or did you just conviently forget about that little Congressional action.....

I not only remembered it, I complained vehemently and often to Congress, and specifically to my congressmen, who voted for that foul resolution. I guess that's hard for you locksteppers to understand, with your black and white support of anyone with an "R" beside his name..

And if you just want to play word games, saying you can't fight a war on terror, maybe you ought to contact your messiah and ask what the hell hes doing with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan as of NOW...

LOL. I HAVE contacted him and I DO NOT support the way he's handling Iraq and A'stan, after what he led me to believe during the campaign. For almost a decade I've criticized these particular policy decisions and it doesn't matter who made them or who's continuing them.

Or better yet, just STFU until you grow up and your ready to understand what its all about....

Maybe you should STFU until you learn to control your temper... or at least until you actually understand what my position is before opening your piehole.