Obama: ‘I would not let my son play football’


A football career would be out of bounds for any son of President Obama, who compared the game to smoking in an interview with The New Yorker.

“I would not let my son play pro football,” the First Fan said in a POTUS profile for the magazine’s Jan. 27 issue.

The president’s love of sports is well documented, and his favorite NFL team is the Chicago Bears. And while football’s escalating head-injury crisis is reason enough to keep a kid he doesn’t have off the field, it’s no reason to stop watching, he told Remnick.

“At this point, there’s a little bit of caveat emptor,” Obama said of NFL athletes. “These guys, they know what they’re doing. They know what they’re buying into. It is no longer a secret. It’s sort of the feeling I have about smokers, you know?”

The President’s position on concussion-related injuries and deaths in football appears to have evolved — at least as far as his imaginary offspring are concerned. Before last year’s Super Bowl he told The New Republic, “I’m a big football fan, but I have to tell you if I had a son, I’d have to think long and hard before I let him play football. And I think that those of us who love the sport are going to have to wrestle with the fact that it will probably change gradually to try to reduce some of the violence.”

Those comments last year drew a mixed reaction, with Baltimore Ravens safety Ed Reed agreeing, and San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh joking that his infant son, Jack, would grow up kick butt in the president’s kinder-gentler NFL.

His latest remarks were quickly flagged on Twitter, with commenters ribbing him for the smoking comparison, the imaginary son and for dissing the NFL after the league agreed to help promote Obamacare.



If Obama had a son he would more likely turn out somewhere between Steve Urkel and Ethan Krupp (a.k.a. the Pajama Boy)...
American football is probably a bit safer than Russian roulette, on a good day. The first rugby game I ever saw left one dead after the first scrum, and that game is safe compared with American football. I wouldn't let any theoretical son of mine play it either, while he was theoretical: after that it would be his own stupid business!
At the very least, getting injured would take away from their regular school work. My children get excellent grades. Why would I want to jeopardize that?
my son is an uber-jock... soccer, hockey and baseball... high school team captain of two and state little league championship team member in the third, and I STRONGLY urged him to avoid football as a child.

The liberal wimpification is strong with this bunch...did you all teach your kids to sit when they take a piss.
my son is an uber-jock... soccer, hockey and baseball... high school team captain of two and state little league championship team member in the third, and I STRONGLY urged him to avoid football as a child.

Hockey is a fantastic sport. I am impressed that your son played!
Hockey is a fantastic sport. I am impressed that your son played!

thanks... it was his favorite, to be sure, but he almost lost his life playing it... an opponent stick-butted him in the abdomen and it ruptured his spleen... in rural Maine... by the time they life-flighted him to the nearest hospital, he had almost run out of blood!
thanks... it was his favorite, to be sure, but he almost lost his life playing it... an opponent stick-butted him in the abdomen and it ruptured his spleen... in rural Maine... by the time they life-flighted him to the nearest hospital, he had almost run out of blood!

Wow, I am glad he is Okay! My son was in a serious bicycle accident when he was 12. It is scary stuff when a kid gets hurt.
The uber wussification is on!
My kids played football then switched to wrestling in high school.
Great life lessons are learned in getting your ass kicked repeatedly and learning to overcome.
At the very least, getting injured would take away from their regular school work. My children get excellent grades. Why would I want to jeopardize that?

You can get injured in almost any sport. Do you discourage your kids from playing any athletics?
One of my sons played football for one season. The risk of head injuries is simply too great. It was his choice to change sports. I think seeing one of his friends in a cast for most of the school year than changed his mind.
The left has been in an all out onslaught against football since the whole "Super bowl increases domestic violence" lie.

It is amazing how seemingly intelligent people are fooled by junk science and lies
The left has been in an all out onslaught against football since the whole "Super bowl increases domestic violence" lie.

It is amazing how seemingly intelligent people are fooled by junk science and lies

I am certainly not a leftie. And I have no problem with anyone else who wants to take the risks involved in football. But, as a father, I am always concerned about the potential for debilitating injuries to my children. I would think every father of a boy who wants to play football would be very worried.