Obama IS a Great Salesman!


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Obama, the Platitude Salesman

WASHINGTON -- There's no better path to success than getting people to buy a free commodity. Like the genius who figured out how to get people to pay for water: bottle it (Aquafina was revealed to be nothing more than reprocessed tap water) and charge more than they pay for gasoline. Or consider how Google found a way to sell dictionary nouns -- boat, shoe, clock -- by charging advertisers zillions to be listed whenever the word is searched.

And now, in the most amazing trick of all, a silver-tongued freshman senator has found a way to sell hope. To get it, you need only give him your vote. Barack Obama is getting millions.

Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., smiles as he answers a question during a town hall meeting in Waukesha, Wis., Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
Related Media:
VIDEO: Obama Offers $210 Billion Economic Plan
VIDEO: Obama, McCain Look to Maintain Momentum
This kind of sale is hardly new. Organized religion has been offering a similar commodity -- salvation -- for millennia. Which is why the Obama campaign has the feel of a religious revival with, as writer James Wolcott observed, a "salvational fervor" and "idealistic zeal divorced from any particular policy or cause and chariot-driven by pure euphoria."

"We are the hope of the future," sayeth Obama. We can "remake this world as it should be." Believe in me and I shall redeem not just you but your country -- nay, we can become "a hymn that will heal this nation, repair this world, and make this time different than all the rest."

And believe they do. After eight straight victories -- and two more (Hawaii and Wisconsin) almost certain to follow -- Obama is near to rendering moot all the post-Super Tuesday fretting about a deadlocked convention with unelected superdelegates deciding the nominee. Unless Hillary Clinton can somehow do in Ohio and Texas on March 4 what Rudy Giuliani proved is almost impossible to do -- maintain a big-state firewall after an unrelenting string of smaller defeats -- the superdelegates will flock to Obama. Hope will have carried the day.

Interestingly, Obama has been able to win these electoral victories and dazzle crowds in one new jurisdiction after another, even as his mesmeric power has begun to arouse skepticism and misgivings among the mainstream media.

ABC's Jake Tapper notes the "Helter-Skelter cultish qualities" of "Obama worshipers," what Joel Stein of the Los Angeles Times calls "the Cult of Obama." Obama's Super Tuesday victory speech was a classic of the genre. Its effect was electric, eliciting a rhythmic fervor in the audience

-- to such rhetorical nonsense as "We are the ones we've been waiting for.

(Cheers, applause.) We are the change that we seek."

That was too much for Time's Joe Klein. "There was something just a wee bit creepy about the mass messianism ... ," he wrote. "The message is becoming dangerously self-referential. The Obama campaign all too often is about how wonderful the Obama campaign is."

You might dismiss The New York Times' Paul Krugman's complaint that "the Obama campaign seems dangerously close to becoming a cult of personality" as hyperbole. Until you hear Chris Matthews, who no longer has the excuse of youth, react to Obama's Potomac primary victory speech with "My, I felt this thrill going up my leg." When his MSNBC co-hosts tried to bail him out, he refused to recant. Not surprising for an acolyte who said that Obama "comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament."

I've seen only one similar national swoon. As a teenager growing up in Canada, I witnessed a charismatic law professor go from obscurity to justice minister to prime minister, carried on a wave of what was called Trudeaumania.

But even there the object of his countrymen's unrestrained affections was no blank slate. Pierre Trudeau was already a serious intellectual who had written and thought and lectured long about the nature and future of his country.

Obama has an astonishingly empty paper trail. He's going around issuing promissory notes on the future that he can't possibly redeem.

Promises to heal the world with negotiations with the likes of Iran's President Ahmadinejad. Promises to transcend the conundrums of entitlement reform that require real and painful trade-offs and that have eluded solution for a generation. Promises to fund his other promises by a rapid withdrawal from an unpopular war -- with the hope, I suppose, that the (presumed) resulting increase in American prestige would compensate for the chaos to follow.

Democrats are worried that the Obama spell will break between the time of his nomination and the time of the election, and deny them the White House. My guess is that he can maintain the spell just past Inauguration Day. After which will come the awakening. It will be rude. :pke:
Obama, the Platitude Salesman

WASHINGTON -- There's no better path to success than getting people to buy a free commodity. Like the genius who figured out how to get people to pay for water: bottle it (Aquafina was revealed to be nothing more than reprocessed tap water) and charge more than they pay for gasoline. Or consider how Google found a way to sell dictionary nouns -- boat, shoe, clock -- by charging advertisers zillions to be listed whenever the word is searched.

And now, in the most amazing trick of all, a silver-tongued freshman senator has found a way to sell hope. To get it, you need only give him your vote. Barack Obama is getting millions.

Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., smiles as he answers a question during a town hall meeting in Waukesha, Wis., Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
Related Media:
VIDEO: Obama Offers $210 Billion Economic Plan
VIDEO: Obama, McCain Look to Maintain Momentum
This kind of sale is hardly new. Organized religion has been offering a similar commodity -- salvation -- for millennia. Which is why the Obama campaign has the feel of a religious revival with, as writer James Wolcott observed, a "salvational fervor" and "idealistic zeal divorced from any particular policy or cause and chariot-driven by pure euphoria."

"We are the hope of the future," sayeth Obama. We can "remake this world as it should be." Believe in me and I shall redeem not just you but your country -- nay, we can become "a hymn that will heal this nation, repair this world, and make this time different than all the rest."

And believe they do. After eight straight victories -- and two more (Hawaii and Wisconsin) almost certain to follow -- Obama is near to rendering moot all the post-Super Tuesday fretting about a deadlocked convention with unelected superdelegates deciding the nominee. Unless Hillary Clinton can somehow do in Ohio and Texas on March 4 what Rudy Giuliani proved is almost impossible to do -- maintain a big-state firewall after an unrelenting string of smaller defeats -- the superdelegates will flock to Obama. Hope will have carried the day.

Interestingly, Obama has been able to win these electoral victories and dazzle crowds in one new jurisdiction after another, even as his mesmeric power has begun to arouse skepticism and misgivings among the mainstream media.

ABC's Jake Tapper notes the "Helter-Skelter cultish qualities" of "Obama worshipers," what Joel Stein of the Los Angeles Times calls "the Cult of Obama." Obama's Super Tuesday victory speech was a classic of the genre. Its effect was electric, eliciting a rhythmic fervor in the audience

-- to such rhetorical nonsense as "We are the ones we've been waiting for.

(Cheers, applause.) We are the change that we seek."

That was too much for Time's Joe Klein. "There was something just a wee bit creepy about the mass messianism ... ," he wrote. "The message is becoming dangerously self-referential. The Obama campaign all too often is about how wonderful the Obama campaign is."

You might dismiss The New York Times' Paul Krugman's complaint that "the Obama campaign seems dangerously close to becoming a cult of personality" as hyperbole. Until you hear Chris Matthews, who no longer has the excuse of youth, react to Obama's Potomac primary victory speech with "My, I felt this thrill going up my leg." When his MSNBC co-hosts tried to bail him out, he refused to recant. Not surprising for an acolyte who said that Obama "comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament."

I've seen only one similar national swoon. As a teenager growing up in Canada, I witnessed a charismatic law professor go from obscurity to justice minister to prime minister, carried on a wave of what was called Trudeaumania.

But even there the object of his countrymen's unrestrained affections was no blank slate. Pierre Trudeau was already a serious intellectual who had written and thought and lectured long about the nature and future of his country.

Obama has an astonishingly empty paper trail. He's going around issuing promissory notes on the future that he can't possibly redeem.

Promises to heal the world with negotiations with the likes of Iran's President Ahmadinejad. Promises to transcend the conundrums of entitlement reform that require real and painful trade-offs and that have eluded solution for a generation. Promises to fund his other promises by a rapid withdrawal from an unpopular war -- with the hope, I suppose, that the (presumed) resulting increase in American prestige would compensate for the chaos to follow.

Democrats are worried that the Obama spell will break between the time of his nomination and the time of the election, and deny them the White House. My guess is that he can maintain the spell just past Inauguration Day. After which will come the awakening. It will be rude. :pke:

If you are going to cut and paste entire op-eds please provide a link. Better yet, provide a small portion of the op-ed and a link. Better still, if it's Charles Krauthammer, don't post any of the op-ed or a link.
Oh, BTW, I got this letter from townhall.com, where people from all over America read, and can voice their opinion. I'll admit, before he started speaking about what he would DO as President, before I knew how FAR Leftist he was, before I knew that he won the "Most Liberal Senator" Award, I thought he was a good speaker. He won the "Most Liberal Senator" Award, measured by ultraSocialist "People for the LiberalAmerican Way", and 3 other Lefist organizations, who look at the actual VOTES of 100 Senators, Barack beating out Ted Kennedy! He even beat out Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-Vermont, who describes HIMSELF as "a Socialist"! Barck Obama, in a contest of who was MORE Left-Wing, beat a SOCIALIST!!!!!!! And people are actually thinking of voting for this guy to be PRESIDENT?!? Never MIND that he has NO Executive experience! Never MIND that his speeches which sound pretty, consist of little more that 100 creative ways to use the words "hope", and of course, "change", Haaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!!!!
The Dem running for pres always is rated most liberal. It is done that way on purpose. Which is why that publication has a bad rep.
Oh, BTW, I got this letter from townhall.com, where people from all over America read, and can voice their opinion. I'll admit, before he started speaking about what he would DO as President, before I knew how FAR Leftist he was, before I knew that he won the "Most Liberal Senator" Award, I thought he was a good speaker. He won the "Most Liberal Senator" Award, measured by ultraSocialist "People for the LiberalAmerican Way", and 3 other Lefist organizations, who look at the actual VOTES of 100 Senators, Barack beating out Ted Kennedy! He even beat out Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-Vermont, who describes HIMSELF as "a Socialist"! Barck Obama, in a contest of who was MORE Left-Wing, beat a SOCIALIST!!!!!!! And people are actually thinking of voting for this guy to be PRESIDENT?!? Never MIND that he has NO Executive experience! Never MIND that his speeches which sound pretty, consist of little more that 100 creative ways to use the words "hope", and of course, "change", Haaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!!!!

if you listen to his plans and ideas you would find him to be more conservative then even mccain in many areas that are of financial importance. There is a reason that astute highly educated high income, small business independents, obamicans, and dems are for him.. Do some homework. even rush and other conservative talk shows are talking him up now .
To answer someones question, yes, I will hold my nose and vote for McCain. Its just funny how he enjoyed SO much being a Washington Media darling, the "maverick", always sticking his thumb in Conservative's eyes. NOW, he NEEDS us. Lucky for him, he's the better of 3 not-great candidates.
If Obama is the most "liberal" then I would expect that to mean he actually supports civil liberties, peace and generally favors big government. So he is better than Clinton or McCain on two issues and the same on the third.