Obama is really nothing new at all


He's a tad bit to the left of Bill Clinton. A tad bit. Not much. I can't really see much happening under him. The only reason really to vote for him is the war. Other than that you might as well pull the lever for McCain for all it's worth.

I saw an amusing thing in a forum once, where this right winger listed some distorted right-wing views on problems in America and said "ZOMG HOW IS OSAMA GOING TO FIX THIS?!"

And this person responded "HE'S GONNA FIX IT WITH SOME CHANGE!!!!"

That's pretty much how I'm feeling about his candidacy.

He has a nice smile though.
h2o, he may want change, but how will he get it through congress

i do not think that he is a political realist, but then neither am i
Hopefully the novelty and analysis of how a black man functions as a president won't last for too many years. I think skin color is the only thing he can successfully change. Unless of course someone in the world wants to test out the rookie's ability.