OBAMA is the shit!!!


Verified User
He goes to Seattle and packs an 18,000 seat basketball stadium.
Hillary comes to a Nawlins college and draws 80. That's 80 people not thousand.
I maybe late to the party but I'm here:clink:
He goes to Seattle and packs an 18,000 seat basketball stadium.
Hillary comes to a Nawlins college and draws 80. That's 80 people not thousand.
I maybe late to the party but I'm here:clink:

LOL. I don't know why I like you
Yo!!! I was supporting Hillary cause I was a newly coined turbo-lib(any non bushiete would do).
That said I ain't sheddin any croackadile tears which ever camp wins.
It's undeniable that Obama has inspired a lot of the electorit and so has hillary
2 other things Obama's medical plan is Hillary care lite which makes it more doable.
And is he talking about stealing oil companies money like Hillary is?
He goes to Seattle and packs an 18,000 seat basketball stadium.
Hillary comes to a Nawlins college and draws 80. That's 80 people not thousand.
I maybe late to the party but I'm here:clink:

McCain is like a hundred and fifty years old. :fogey:

I don't know how he's going to match up to Obama in the debates. It's gonna be ugly.
obama is vapor politics.

vapor politics ©2008 Grind


This is one of those "repeat it often enough & it will be true" things. Sure, his primary-night speeches are hope & platitude, but as a candidate, in debates, speeches & on his website, he has offered as much substance on the issues as any other candidate on either side right now.
Obama most certainly does have plans that resonate.
like the cutting taxes on seniors (yeah I'm 48 does that qualify)
he say corp loopholes to companies that don't need them.
I've never heard him say me, which is couples in the 150,000 to 200,000 range.
Boo Yahh.
IF he did I'd drop him like a bag of dirt.
he say corp loopholes to companies that don't need them.
I've never heard him say me, which is couples in the 150,000 to 200,000 range.
Boo Yahh.
IF he did I'd drop him like a bag of dirt.

Bush tax cuts baby. Letting them expire will raise your taxes. Hey, you can still vote for him but your taxes are going to be raised.
2012 is when they expire right
Question. 2012 or topspin to 2 mill first.
I'm not voting against him cause a may have 1 or 2 yrs of higher taxes.
Once I retire I intend on keeping my income under $100,000
2012 is when they expire right
Question. 2012 or topspin to 2 mill first.
I'm not voting against him cause a may have 1 or 2 yrs of higher taxes.
Once I retire I intend on keeping my income under $100,000
Why should it matter? According to the amazing psychic Mayans the world ends in 2012.
2012 is when they expire right
Question. 2012 or topspin to 2 mill first.
I'm not voting against him cause a may have 1 or 2 yrs of higher taxes.
Once I retire I intend on keeping my income under $100,000

they all expire by the end of 2010.
I'll be close enough in 3 yrs baby!!!
Sherpahood for topspin is just around the corner, A MM card and a trucker hat baby!!!!
yes much like "yes we can" and "obama definately would be where he is even if not for his skin color

Faulty comparison.

"Yes we can" is a positive, forward-looking mantra. I happen to believe in the energy that can be spread via such mantras. There is nothing about it that is factual or non-factual; it just is.

"Obama is just air & doesn't offer specifics or substance" - or any variation of that - is simply factually incorrect.