Obama on Clarence Thomas


Obama on Clarence Thomas
August 18, 2008

Barack Obama likes to portray himself as a centrist politician who wants to unite the country, but occasionally his postpartisan mask slips. That was the case at Saturday night's Saddleback Church forum, when Mr. Obama chose to demean Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Pastor Rick Warren asked each Presidential candidate which Justices he would not have nominated. Mr. McCain said, "with all due respect" the four most liberal sitting Justices because of his different judicial philosophy.
[Barack Obama]

Mr. Obama took a lower road, replying first that "that's a good one," and then adding that "I would not have nominated Clarence Thomas. I don't think that he, I don't think that he was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time for that elevation. Setting aside the fact that I profoundly disagree with his interpretation of a lot of the Constitution." The Democrat added that he also wouldn't have appointed Antonin Scalia, and perhaps not John Roberts, though he assured the audience that at least they were smart enough for the job.

So let's see. By the time he was nominated, Clarence Thomas had worked in the Missouri Attorney General's office, served as an Assistant Secretary of Education, run the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and sat for a year on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the nation's second most prominent court. Since his "elevation" to the High Court in 1991, he has also shown himself to be a principled and scholarly jurist.

Meanwhile, as he bids to be America's Commander in Chief, Mr. Obama isn't yet four years out of the Illinois state Senate, has never held a hearing of note of his U.S. Senate subcommittee, and had an unremarkable record as both a "community organizer" and law school lecturer. Justice Thomas's judicial credentials compare favorably to Mr. Obama's Presidential résumé by any measure. And when it comes to rising from difficult circumstances, Justice Thomas's rural Georgian upbringing makes Mr. Obama's story look like easy street.

Even more troubling is what the Illinois Democrat's answer betrays about his political habits of mind. Asked a question he didn't expect at a rare unscripted event, the rookie candidate didn't merely say he disagreed with Justice Thomas. Instead, he instinctively reverted to the leftwing cliché that the Court's black conservative isn't up to the job while his white conservative colleagues are.

So much for civility in politics and bringing people together. And no wonder Mr. Obama's advisers have refused invitations for more such open forums, preferring to keep him in front of a teleprompter, where he won't let slip what he really believes.


Talk about a bitch slap.

My only surprise with Obama’s response was that he didn't come out and call Thomas an “Uncle Tom”!
I'd be really curious to hear BAC's opinion on this. BAC has said Obama's said things about black folks meant to appeal to the white conservatives and black folks know this. My impression was Obama's comments about Thomas were meant to appeal to black folk and Thomas is pretty much hated in the black community. Purely antedotal but a black co-worker of mine told me his brother is a lawyer and a Republican but said his brother told him if he ever meant Thomas at a function he would spit on his hand before shaking Thomas's. That's some strong anomosity.
Is this a nature v. nurture question? Maybe he just likes to be an asshole. Who the hell knows?

I was just asking her opinion. Maybe he's an asshole based on his judicial rulings. Maybe she or a friend had some personal contact with him and he came across as an asshole. She made the statement. I don't think it rude or out of line to ask why she feels that way.
Clarance Thomas is the only Supreme Court Justice to have recieved an UNQUALIFIED rating by the American Bar Association upon his nomination.
I'd be really curious to hear BAC's opinion on this. BAC has said Obama's said things about black folks meant to appeal to the white conservatives and black folks know this. My impression was Obama's comments about Thomas were meant to appeal to black folk and Thomas is pretty much hated in the black community. Purely antedotal but a black co-worker of mine told me his brother is a lawyer and a Republican but said his brother told him if he ever meant Thomas at a function he would spit on his hand before shaking Thomas's. That's some strong anomosity.

Let's be real clear .. Obama isn't now or is he ever going to do anything to "appeal to black people."

He's gone way overboard in his quest to be a white guy.

I call his general election strategy the Micheal Jacksonization of Obama.

However, don't get it twisted .. I was supposed to be introduced to Clarence Thomas at Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears swearing-in ceremony in Georgia a couple of years ago .. to the woman who offered to introduce me I said, "You must be joking."

No use wasting good spit on a asshole. :)