Obama plans to pick Republicans for cabinet?


Abreast of the situations

Senior advisers confirmed that Hagel, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and one of McCain’s closest friends in the Senate, was considered an ideal candidate for defence secretary. Some regard the outspoken Republican as a possible vice-presidential nominee although that might be regarded as a “stretch”.

Asked about his choice of cabinet last week, Obama told The Sunday Times: “Chuck Hagel is a great friend of mine and I respect him very much,”
id love this but really hard to believe anything you see or hear in next 2 days until after primary. smoke in mirror time.
The rumors of him considering an Abraham Lincoln/JFK mixed cabinet does play up to my suspicions that hes much more centrist then democrats think.. My suspicions stem from looking closely at the details of his plans he has outlined in his stumps and on his website. Personally I think he will be right of Hillary as president on many issues.
The rumors of him considering an Abraham Lincoln/JFK mixed cabinet does play up to my suspicions that hes much more centrist then democrats think.. My suspicions stem from looking closely at the details of his plans he has outlined in his stumps and on his website. Personally I think he will be right of Hillary as president on many issues.

I think its a smart political move. It seems the Dem base is pretty fired up about this election and will strongly behind Obama. By touting the fact that he will bring a Republican or two into his cabinet should play real well with Independents in the general election. While McCain has appeal with Independents as well he is not as strong with his base and could not risk alienating them by stating he was going to bring a Democrat or two (prior to the election).
If this is true and he has a blended cabinet of pubs and crats that is truly a centrist administration, and it runs government from a pragmatic realistic point of view and not from some ideological point of view, Obama could be the first president to show the american voter how a centrist government works best. I harp on it all the time, but the first party to the center that stays outta peoples lives the most wins.
It used to be a common practice to mix parties in your cabinet but it's become practically non-existant today. It wouldn't be crazy of him to pick a guy like Hagel, but he's only really picking him because Hagel is a rebel. Any way it goes, Hagel is in a very good position.
And Bush hired Norman Meneta to be his token Democrat as Transportation Authority or something like that.
I think Obama should see if Powell wants to be Sec State again and promote a sane foreign policy. What is Obama's sane foreign policy? Who knows but it's not a Bush foreign policy so as General McPeak is pushing now, it has to be better.
The rumors of him considering an Abraham Lincoln/JFK mixed cabinet does play up to my suspicions that hes much more centrist then democrats think.. My suspicions stem from looking closely at the details of his plans he has outlined in his stumps and on his website. Personally I think he will be right of Hillary as president on many issues.

they're both essentially DLC centrists. I haven't been fooled. Don't lump me in with all democrats. :)
they're both essentially DLC centrists. I haven't been fooled. Don't lump me in with all democrats. :)

lol ok. i think Hillary is much much further left on SSI and Healthcare and shes positioned herself more as the lower income populist.