Obama replaces American flag on campaign plane, with big "O"


New member
No big deal. The liberals have been telling us for years, that the American flag doesn't really mean anything, it's just a piece of cloth. What's the big whoop about getting rid of it?



American flag disappears from Obama campaign jet

Candidate's trademark 'O' replaces stars and stripes

Posted: July 21, 2008
6:31 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein

As part of a month-long aircraft makeover, a painted American flag was removed from the tail of Sen. Barack Obama's official campaign airplane and was replaced with the presidential candidate's trademark "O" symbol.


The U.S. flag no longer appears on the tail of the plane that will be used by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama (Courtesy Sun-Times

The refurbished 757 was unveiled to members of the press today, 41 of whom boarded the craft and took off to meet Obama in Amman, Jordan, where the presidential candidate will stop as part of a Middle Eastern and European tour.

Obama traveled to the Mideast earlier this week on board a separate airplane.

Fox News blogger Bonny Kapp, traveling on Obama's new airplane, reported:

"The North American jet that flew Obama and his traveling crew around for much of the primary season was refurbished with new seats and power for each passenger a must on the campaign trail. And the plane that once had an American flag on its tail now sports the Obama 'O.'"

Obama's 'O' symbol is red, white and blue.

Most official U.S. government aircraft, including Air Force One, have U.S. flags on their tails.

Both Fox News and the Chicago Sun-Times posted pictures of the Obama campaign's redressed airplane, which does not have an American flag or any other U.S. national symbols on the section that sports the airplane door from which Obama and his team will enter and exit.

The airplane boasts Obama's anthem, "Change We Can Believe In" and the candidate’s website address.

The plane that Sen. Barack Obama will use on his campaign features his slogan and his web address (Courtesy Sun-Times)

The aircraft also has required identification numbers and a U.S. flag to identify the nationality of the aircraft.
I wouldn't expect a racist troll to understand that Obama's logo includes the flag. What's the big whoop?
More false outrage from the right!

BTW, McCains plain does not have a flag on the tail.
You right wingers and that fucking flag. I bet you get a boner every time you see it huh little nut? I bet you actually have a little nut huh little nut? It is JUST A FLAG. As a soldier I NEVER swore to protect and defend the flag. I swore to protect and defend the the Consitution of the United States. Is that the same oath you took little nut? If it is they you too will remember that there was no oath to the flag when you swore in as a member of the US Military.

Well, that's it. I'm not voting for him now.
I hope one of the 1st things he does in office is replace the stars & stripes w/ a big "O." Then, he should put his face on every measure of currency we have - he could just have different expressions for each amount. When that's done, he should issue an executive order officially changing the lyrics of the pledge to 'I pledge allegiance to Obama.'

I really want to freak the righties out.
I hope one of the 1st things he does in office is replace the stars & stripes w/ a big "O." Then, he should put his face on every measure of currency we have - he could just have different expressions for each amount. When that's done, he should issue an executive order officially changing the lyrics of the pledge to 'I pledge allegiance to Obama.'

I really want to freak the righties out.

I hope one of the 1st things he does in office is replace the stars & stripes w/ a big "O." Then, he should put his face on every measure of currency we have - he could just have different expressions for each amount. When that's done, he should issue an executive order officially changing the lyrics of the pledge to 'I pledge allegiance to Obama.'

I really want to freak the righties out.

Obama needs to be more original than that. People already pray to USC my friend. To the USC cheerleaders, to the USC football team and to the highest power Mr. Carroll. As we all know, God is a Trojan.

Take a seat Obama.
Obama needs to be more original than that. People already pray to USC my friend. To the USC cheerleaders, to the USC football team and to the highest power Mr. Carroll. As we all know, God is a Trojan.

Take a seat Obama.
Trojans are LOSERS ego God is a LOSER? I guess I can buy that.
Jan 7th Socrtease, Orange Bowl, Miami, FL, I will be there to watch the Trojans win the national championship again. On Jan 8th, I expect an apology from you!
Wake up carwacko wake up buddy, you were dreaming, aw look you even have a little tear in your eye. Wake up buddy.