Obama says Dobson 'making stuff up'


JPP Modarater

(CNN)— Sen. Barack Obama said Tuesday night evangelical leader James Dobson was “making stuff up,” when he accused the Illinois senator of distorting the Bible and taking a "fruitcake interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution.

“Any notion that I was distorting the Bible in that speech, I think anyone would be hard pressed to make that argument,” Obama told reporters on board his press plane Tuesday night.

I don't even think Obama should legitimize this man's ridiculous attacks with a response. Who cares what this fundie thinks. Obama's better off focusing on policy issues that actually affect people. Not this sanctimonious religious BS.
Well, he has to respond to questions that he is asked, and I'm sure someone asked about it on the plane. I think the response is appropriate.
Any theologins on this board? I read what Dobson said yesterday but don't know enough to know whether his complaint or interpretation was a reasonable one or not.
why do we still talk about the bible in elected office. how about we talk about harry potter instead.. or lord of the rings.. Much more entertaining.
why do we still talk about the bible in elected office. how about we talk about harry potter instead.. or lord of the rings.. Much more entertaining.

That's what I'm saying. I don't see any value in getting in a pissing match with fundies.
If you never read the Bible, and you listened to James Dobson, you would think that Christ was someone who hated homosexuals & spent his time doing nothing but condemning them as he walked the earth.

A little bit of the "glass houses" thing on distorting the Bible...