Obama Speech Sounds Like ISIS Wrote It


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Listening to the speech Obama gave not so long ago, one is left wondering if it wasn't written by al Baghdadi himself. Just about every sentence was something advantageous to ISIS. Just about every one could be easily refuted.

In of the highlights of his speech Obama flashed the prolific "recruitment" card. This is the talking point very often mentioned by political correctness plagued liberals, that tries to preach that by villainizing Islam, that will recruit many more Muslims into the fight. Obama mentioned the Muslim Ban proposal of Donald Trump, without mentioning his name.

There are a few rather strong arguments to be made against this recruitment theory however. It is not conclusive with any evidence that banning Muslim immigration to the US would have any effect on jihadist recruitment. Secondly, it is possible that it could work to just the opposite of that. Already, millions of people who call themselves Muslims are that in name only. They don't subscribe to the mass genocide commands so common in the Koran, don't engage in wife-beating, pedophilia, or other trashy things in that vile book of hate.

As such, those millions of Muslims probably understand quite well why the US would have a ban on Muslim immigration, and they might wish there were less Muslims in their own countries as well. And those who agree with the Koran's trash (or at least they PUBLICLY) say they do, are not being recruited to what they already believe anyway.

But Obama has this approach totally backwards. His PC policies of kissing jihadist ass, just serves to empower jihad all the more. In his website, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, author of the 2016 book, Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War, he takes Obama to task for these improper and dangerous PC policies of his, which were clearly evident in his speech today.

Gorka states "The time for political correctness is behind us. The idea that federal agencies, armed services, and law enforcement are not allowed to discuss the religious motivation and ideology of our enemies, and that words such as jihad have to be censored out of our lexicon of counter-terrorism and military training has to end.
If this administration persists in ignoring the reality that jihadi terrorism is a global phenomenon that has reached our shores, and continues to focus instead on concepts such as “lone wolf,” “hate crime,” and “the proliferation of weapons in private hands,” we will continue to see Americans die on U.S. soil."

Obama has done nothing more with his anti-Trump speech, and his anti-Muslim ban policy, than further confirm how wrong his policies are, how badly he has taken us down a very wrong path, and how necessary it is for us to use words like JIHAD, and to recognize Islam itself and its Koran as the basis of the war against us.

Obama's speech also seems as though it could have been written by CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) chief Nihad Awad (often called "Jihad" Awad by FBI agents). Just like Obama, CAIR has been a persistent thorn in the side of those working on behalf of US national security. In a class action lawsuit against CAIR and its Canadian affiliate, lawyers for the estate of John P. O'Neill, former security director in the World Trade Center (who was killed in the 9-11 attack), state >> ?

"Both organizations have actively sought to hamper govt anti-terrorism efforts, bydirect propoganda activities aimed at police, first responders, intelligence agencies, through so-called sensitivity training. Their goal is to create as much self-doubt, hesitation, fear of name calling, and litigation within police departments and intelligence agencies, as possible, so as to render such authorities ineffective in pursuing international and domestic terrorist entities."

This same "wall" of defense for jihadists was evident in the case of Tampa jihadist, Sami al Arian (Palestinian Islamic Jiha) back in his University of South Florida connected days. Prior to the 9-11 attacks, PC restrictions imposed by the Clinton Justice Dept. prevented the FBI's counterterrorism agents from communicating effectively with criminal investigators and Justice dept prosecutors. This was the Clinton Justice Dept's infamous "wall". Consequently, al-Arian was able to carry on his deadly business for years. It wasn't until the "wall" was destroyed, that agents connected the intelligence dots that produced a prosecutable case.

This is exactly the stonewalling that Obama, in his speech today, is engaging in. As far I'm concerned, he's one of them.



Andrew C. McCarthy, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America, pg 153-154, 369.

To be fair to Obama, sanitizing of US govt speech involving Muslims occured before Obama became president, as in 2008, during the Bush administration, when the Homeland Security and NCTC (National Counterterrorism Center) issued staffwide memos imposing a restrictive speech code. It became a no-no to use words like "jihadist", "Islamist",or even "Islamic terrorist" Acceptable alternatives, they were told, include "violent extremist", or just the word "terrorist"

Also excluded were the words "jihad", "Islamofacism", and "caliphate". Also in the memos were these gems >> "Don't invoke Islam, in any way"......."Avoid inflating the religious bases"......" and "make no overt reference to Islam" lest you "cause offense"

P. David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry, Muslim Mafia, pg. 104, 106.