Obama strips the weak GOP of another talking point

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Guns Guns Guns

“Without a doubt, one of the biggest burdens over the last few months has been the price of gasoline, and while there are no quick fixes to the problem, there are a few steps we should take that make good sense.”

Obama said the government will begin conducting annual lease sales for oil drilling in Alaska, make faster evaluations of oil and gas resources in the Atlantic Ocean, and create new incentives to encourage oil companies to develop unused leases.

The Obama administration is also delaying the implementation of new safety procedures....


Now what will the future loser have to whine about as he faces defeat in the upcoming election campaign?

Birth certificates? Nope.

Soft on terrorism? Nope?

Drill, baby, drill? Nope.

No wonder the conservatards are hoping and praying the economy gets even worse before next November.

What patriots they are, wishing economic harm on their own country for political gain.

I eagerly await his next campaign speech (should be the next time he opens his mouth) when he comes up with a novel slogan for his sudden about face on domestic drilling. His crack team of savvy ad men will probably come up with something unique and original like Drill, Baby, Drill. A week ago Obama said something entirely different.

“We can’t just drill our way out of the problem,” Obama said during an energy policy speech in Indiana Friday. “If we’re serious about addressing our energy problems, we’re going to have to do more than drill.”


Guess those investigations of the big oil companies for price gouging is not going so well.

Longtime drilling proponent Nancy Pelosi is all aboard with Obama's sudden policy shift.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) praised Obama’s actions, calling them consistent with House Democrats’ goals.

Those goals change every day, so of course Obama's sudden shift is consistent with them.
I guess you missed this while you were trolling the internet for photoshopped pictures of Obama eating fried chicken:

"Obama said the government will begin conducting annual lease sales for oil drilling in Alaska, make faster evaluations of oil and gas resources in the Atlantic Ocean, and create new incentives to encourage oil companies to develop unused leases.

The Obama administration is also delaying the implementation of new safety procedures....

Your goals seem to be changing, too.

Since your birther BS died, and Obama got Osama, you haven't got much left to cloak your racist hate in, do you?

What you should start looking forward to is Obama's second inaugual address.

"Obama said the government will begin conducting annual lease sales for oil drilling in Alaska, make faster evaluations of oil and gas resources in the Atlantic Ocean, and create new incentives to encourage oil companies to develop unused leases.The Obama administration is also delaying the implementation of new safety procedures....

Well this is just great since most of the oil drilling companies have now relocated to other countries in the wake of Obama's moratorium on drilling after the oil spill in the gulf. I don't know how many of them might be encouraged to return, you know the old adage... Fool me once....? But it's good to hear liberals fully understand how utterly wrong and foolish they have been on this issue all this time. Now really, I am not impressed much by this claim they are going to "begin to conduct annual leases for drilling in Alaska" ...it sounds like a "maybe kinda sorta, we might think about the possibility of probably doing something like drilling, and maybe it will someday happen soon, once we have thought it through completely and examined all aspects fully, and conducted the proper focus group evaluations...." Same with these "incentives" he will supposedly offer for developing unused leases. I'll have to see the specific details on that, I don't believe this administration is going to do ANYTHING to help Big Oil.

And he's going to delay the "implementation of new safety procedures" ...Really? Is this something he thinks the right has clamored for? To be LESS SAFE in our drilling? Or were these 'new safety procedures' a bunch of ridiculous and impossible burdens he placed on them in the wake of the oil spill, when liberals were having their knee-jerk emotive breakdown? I can't imagine a liberal throwing out safety in oil drilling, for the sake of winning a few votes, can you? So something is up with this as well.

I gotta say, it is interesting to have a president who's #1 quality is to be able to campaign perpetually. You get to hear all kinds of silly nonsense!
“Without a doubt, one of the biggest burdens over the last few months has been the price of gasoline, and while there are no quick fixes to the problem, there are a few steps we should take that make good sense.”
Obama said the government will begin conducting annual lease sales for oil drilling in Alaska, make faster evaluations of oil and gas resources in the Atlantic Ocean, and create new incentives to encourage oil companies to develop unused leases.
The Obama administration is also delaying the implementation of new safety procedures....
Now what will the future loser have to whine about as he faces defeat in the upcoming election campaign?
Birth certificates? Nope.
Soft on terrorism? Nope?
Drill, baby, drill? Nope.
No wonder the conservatards are hoping and praying the economy gets even worse before next November.
What patriots they are, wishing economic harm on their own country for political gain.

Such a nice apoligist bullshit post and his hero pisses it all away with one sentence..

“We can’t just drill our way out of the problem, If we’re serious about addressing our energy problems, we’re going to have to do more than drill.”

You pinheads must think that all the US public is as stupid as the Democrats .....:lmao:

Who said we would drill our way out of anything?

What a pitiful strawman our two numbnuts have put together.

Don't worry, the alternative energy development programs will remain in place as well, despite the efforts of GOP tools and the oil lobby to cut their funding.

The fact that you hate everything Obama says or does, even when it’s what the GOP claimed they wanted him to do - is evidence of your racism.

"Republicans plan to argue next month that the Obama administration should act swiftly to issue offshore oil-and-gas drilling permits..."


"Republican lawmakers are stepping up attacks on the Obama administration's offshore drilling policies...Republicans and energy lobbyists say the administration should take steps to increase domestic production..."

The American people will look to Congress and the administration to foster more American energy production," said Rep. Doc Hastings (R., Wash.), chair of the House of Representatives' Natural Resources Committee. "Unfortunately, the Obama administration has been responsible for a significant decline in domestic oil and natural gas from federal lands and waters.

Rep. Fred Upton (R., Mich.), chair of the House's powerful energy committee, said earlier this week that Republicans are likely to hold hearings on the administration's new five-year drilling plan, which prevents oil companies from accessing certain parts of federal waters for the next six years.

"We've got problems ahead of us that we've got to be prepared for," Mr. Upton told reporters Tuesday, during a lunch hosted by the American Petroleum Institute.

Mr. Upton also supports drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.."


I'm looking forward to our brave oracles Bravo-birther and Dixtard's prognostications of GOP victory in the months to come.

Given their track records...

Well this is just great since most of the oil drilling companies have now relocated to other countries in the wake of Obama's moratorium on drilling after the oil spill in the gulf. I don't know how many of them might be encouraged to return, you know the old adage... Fool me once....? But it's good to hear liberals fully understand how utterly wrong and foolish they have been on this issue all this time. Now really, I am not impressed much by this claim they are going to "begin to conduct annual leases for drilling in Alaska" ...it sounds like a "maybe kinda sorta, we might think about the possibility of probably doing something like drilling, and maybe it will someday happen soon, once we have thought it through completely and examined all aspects fully, and conducted the proper focus group evaluations...." Same with these "incentives" he will supposedly offer for developing unused leases. I'll have to see the specific details on that, I don't believe this administration is going to do ANYTHING to help Big Oil.

And he's going to delay the "implementation of new safety procedures" ...Really? Is this something he thinks the right has clamored for? To be LESS SAFE in our drilling? Or were these 'new safety procedures' a bunch of ridiculous and impossible burdens he placed on them in the wake of the oil spill, when liberals were having their knee-jerk emotive breakdown? I can't imagine a liberal throwing out safety in oil drilling, for the sake of winning a few votes, can you? So something is up with this as well.

I gotta say, it is interesting to have a president who's #1 quality is to be able to campaign perpetually. You get to hear all kinds of silly nonsense!

Drilling ships move all over the world all the time Dix. Fool your self, you don't need any help with that.
"Oil and gas industry groups denounced the new regulations as likely to delay new government permits to drill.

"We cannot have an approval process that creates unpredictable delays that could place at risk the flow of domestic energy in our country," said Erik Milito, a director for the American Petroleum Institute, which represents large oil companies."


But now that Obama has given the oil lobby what they said they wanted, it's still not good enough for the Dixtard, whose virulent hatred of the president is palpable.

Drilling ships move all over the world all the time Dix. Fool your self, you don't need any help with that.

Yeah, drilling rigs up and move elsewhere all the time, when governments prohibit them from pumping crude... that's kinda what they do, so they don't really have any reason to stick around, if they can't get oil. When Obama declared the moratorium, that's exactly what many of them did... moved elsewhere! Now, will they return? Who knows? If they don't have a better deal somewhere else, maybe? If they are reasonably certain the administration in charge is not going to shut down their operations again... that's the big thing. Because, you see, nimrod... it takes a lot of money to move one of them suckers. They would have to be fairly confident they weren't going to be closed down again, or why would they go to the expense and trouble of returning?

But like I said, it is nice to see pinheads finally admit they have been complete doofuses on this, and should have never ran them off to begin with. Probably too little, too late, but who knows... it will probably sway some idiot out there in moderateville, who knows? It was worth a shot... I mean, it's really just words, right? You don't actually believe this president is going to do something to help Big Oil, do you?
You can't drill your way out of foreign oil dependency, Dix.

There hasn't been a "moratorium" for a while, BTW.

The new safety rules were designed to prevent a reoccurrence of the blowout that killed 11 men. I noticed their deaths and the ensuing pollution and harm to our fishing and tourism industries don't concern you enough to merit any mention in your whining.

Read, and learn:

Sept 30, 2010 -

The Interior Department Thursday issued two new rules to improve safety on offshore oil and gas rigs, bringing the Obama administration a step closer to lifting its ban on drilling in deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico.

One rule calls for a workplace safety system to identify hazards and reduce human errors, including a requirement that each rig have an oil spill contingency plan and conduct drills to practice it.

Oil and gas companies had strongly objected to such a rule before the BP gusher sent 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf over the spring and summer.

The other rule prescribes how cement and drilling fluids should be used to maintain the well bore and toughens standards for blowout preventers and other equipment design to shut off the flow of oil and gas in an emergency.

The work place rule will take affect as soon as it is published. The new drilling regulation is effective immediately. Oil and gas industry groups denounced the new regulations as likely to delay new government permits to drill.


Why not admit that you're pissed that you can't hide your racist hate for Obama behind "drill baby drill", the war on terror, or a birth certificate any more?

Yeah, drilling rigs up and move elsewhere all the time, when governments prohibit them from pumping crude... that's kinda what they do, so they don't really have any reason to stick around, if they can't get oil. When Obama declared the moratorium, that's exactly what many of them did... moved elsewhere! Now, will they return? Who knows? If they don't have a better deal somewhere else, maybe? If they are reasonably certain the administration in charge is not going to shut down their operations again... that's the big thing. Because, you see, nimrod... it takes a lot of money to move one of them suckers. They would have to be fairly confident they weren't going to be closed down again, or why would they go to the expense and trouble of returning?

But like I said, it is nice to see pinheads finally admit they have been complete doofuses on this, and should have never ran them off to begin with. Probably too little, too late, but who knows... it will probably sway some idiot out there in moderateville, who knows? It was worth a shot... I mean, it's really just words, right? You don't actually believe this president is going to do something to help Big Oil, do you?

If they can secure a permit they will drill Dixidiot
You can't drill your way out of foreign oil dependency, Dix.

Yes you can. It sounds really cool to spew that bullshit line of rhetoric, but indeed, we could drill our way out of any foreign dependency on crude oil, IF we had a mind to! We are sitting on top of one of the largest reserves of shale oil in the world, and we have billions of barrels of untapped crude out there, not to mention an abundance of natural gas. IF we set our priorities to eliminate dependency on foreign oil, we most certainly could do that, with drilling. If you want to parade around like a retarded idiot, repeating some bullshit you heard at HuffPo, that's fine. I think America is about fed up with you anyway, so it doesn't really matter. This summer, when gas prices go over $5 a gallon, I want you and the Democrats to be out there screaming against drilling, mmmk?
Yes you can. It sounds really cool to spew that bullshit line of rhetoric, but indeed, we could drill our way out of any foreign dependency on crude oil, IF we had a mind to! We are sitting on top of one of the largest reserves of shale oil in the world, and we have billions of barrels of untapped crude out there, not to mention an abundance of natural gas. IF we set our priorities to eliminate dependency on foreign oil, we most certainly could do that, with drilling. If you want to parade around like a retarded idiot, repeating some bullshit you heard at HuffPo, that's fine. I think America is about fed up with you anyway, so it doesn't really matter. This summer, when gas prices go over $5 a gallon, I want you and the Democrats to be out there screaming against drilling, mmmk?

According to Dixtard the expert, or did you have a verifiable source for that statement that you forgot to cite?

Here's some information you may want to consider...or perhaps not, because it seems to show that you are ill-informed on the subject.


According to Dixtard the expert, or did you have a verifiable source for that statement that you forgot to cite?

Here's some information you may want to consider...or perhaps not, because it seems to show that you are ill-informed on the subject.



Well, link #1 just shows a chart of oil production, which comes from drilling.... which we ain't doing enough of right now! Not really sure what you wanted to demonstrate with that, but okay..... and?

The other link is to "politifact.com" and I have declared a boycott on clicking any link to any left-wing website, I refuse to give them the hits (money), so you'll have to cite some credible news source or research institute, or something like that. I won't click the link, and I urge ALL conservative righties to do the same, stop feeding these idiots.
Well, link #1 just shows a chart of oil production, which comes from drilling.... which we ain't doing enough of right now! Not really sure what you wanted to demonstrate with that, but okay..... and?

The other link is to "politifact.com" and I have declared a boycott on clicking any link to any left-wing website, I refuse to give them the hits (money), so you'll have to cite some credible news source or research institute, or something like that. I won't click the link, and I urge ALL conservative righties to do the same, stop feeding these idiots.

How could I have been so forgetful?

Of course, I should've remembered your well-known boycott of "facts".

The charts show US domestic oil production totals in 2010.

Do I need to explain the relevance of that data to your weak, unsupported argument?
Not sure wtf shithead and wilson are trying to prove with their links....

Oil production is 40 to 45 % lower now than it was in the 1970's....


oil production in 2010 was still lower that it was in 2003, but slightly higher than in the last 6 years....

If your aim was to prove that Dixie is correct and you pinheads are wrong....you've succeeded....

Not sure wtf shithead and wilson are trying to prove with their links....

Oil production is 40 to 45 % lower now than it was in the 1970's....and oil production in 2010 was still lower that it was in 2003, but slightly higher than in the last 6 years....

If your aim was to prove that Dixie is correct and you pinheads are wrong....you've succeeded....


Funny, mention "weak", and up pops Bravo-birther to supply an example.

Are you saying that Obama caused domestic drilling to decline in 2004?