Obama - Telepromter Will Travel


Obama's teleprompter hits the trail

Obama delivered his remarks at the Colorado State Fair of a teleprompter.

(CNN) — It appears Barack Obama's teleprompter is hitting the campaign trail.

The Democratic presidential nominee has never tried to hide the fact he delivers speeches off the device, though normally he doesn't use one at standard campaign rallies and town hall events.

But the Illinois senator used a teleprompter at both his Colorado events Monday — making for a particularly peculiar scene in Pueblo, where the prompter was set up in the middle of what is normally a rodeo ring.

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Without it Obama cannot talk.
I'm not good at off the cuff speaking either. Is it some sort of actual, real, important deficit? Of course not.
I'm okay with it, and if I know the context of what I am supposed to be saying I can even "write" as I go, it isn't nearly as smooth as memorized prepared text though. I can give a speech better than Cindy McCain though.... *whew*, you bet I can!