Obama tells small businessman he intends to spread socialism


New member
At a campaign stop today, a plumber pointed out to Barack Obama that his plumbing business makes more than $250,000 per year, and so comes under the category that Obama has said taxes would be raised on. Obama replied that he didn't intend to punish the plumber. But, he said, the plan is to "spread the wealth around".

Obama said, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too."

Of course, government taking wealth from the people who made it, and giving it to people who didn't, is the main pillar of socialism, and has historically proven to be destructive to nearly any society that has ever tried it... the late and unlamented Soviet Union being the latest big one.

This is the clearest statement Obama has ever made, of his support for the Socialist ideal.

See the exchange at http://www.breitbart.tv/html/195153.html
Why do conservatives have such problems understanding what systems like "socialism" and "communism" stand for?

It never ceases to amaze. They use a lot of words that they are simply clueless about.
At a campaign stop today, a plumber pointed out to Barack Obama that his plumbing business makes more than $250,000 per year, and so comes under the category that Obama has said taxes would be raised on. Obama replied that he didn't intend to punish the plumber. But, he said, the plan is to "spread the wealth around".

Obama said, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too."

Of course, government taking wealth from the people who made it, and giving it to people who didn't, is the main pillar of socialism, and has historically proven to be destructive to nearly any society that has ever tried it... the late and unlamented Soviet Union being the latest big one.

This is the clearest statement Obama has ever made, of his support for the Socialist ideal.

See the exchange at http://www.breitbart.tv/html/195153.html

Phew. I'm just glad he didn't let on that, after we take his money, we're going to barbeque him and feed him to poor kids in the Ukraine.
At a campaign stop today, a plumber pointed out to Barack Obama that his plumbing business makes more than $250,000 per year, and so comes under the category that Obama has said taxes would be raised on. Obama replied that he didn't intend to punish the plumber. But, he said, the plan is to "spread the wealth around".

His plumbing BUSINESS makes over 250k a year. Has anyone talked about making a progressive corporate tax? Of course not. This guy's just a moron who doesn't understand the difference between personal and corporate taxes.
And BTW, socialism calls for NATIONALIZATION of industry to spread wealth around. Welfare policies, on the other had, came around when people with common sense saw th problems with the laissez-faire capitalism they had introduced and decided to take common sense measures to solve the problems instead of replacing the economic system. So the Republicans are the socialist party, and the Democrats are the liberal party.
Why do conservatives have such problems understanding what systems like "socialism" and "communism" stand for?

It never ceases to amaze. They use a lot of words that they are simply clueless about.

Oh, you can add g-spot to that list Onceler.
At a campaign stop today, a plumber pointed out to Barack Obama that his plumbing business makes more than $250,000 per year, and so comes under the category that Obama has said taxes would be raised on. Obama replied that he didn't intend to punish the plumber. But, he said, the plan is to "spread the wealth around".

His plumbing BUSINESS makes over 250k a year. Has anyone talked about making a progressive corporate tax? Of course not. This guy's just a moron who doesn't understand the difference between personal and corporate taxes.

You obviously don't either. Ever heard of self employment tax? If he's a sole proprietor, he pays as the owner of the business and as himeslf, the employee. You need to get a clue.
We need the Fair Tax Act to be passed.

(and for the guys Darla knows to be given some pointers on locating the G-spot)
If the poor are paying less in taxes, and the rich are paying less in taxes, who makes up the difference Sol?

The point of the Fair Tax is that everyone pays the same percentage in taxes. Everyone gets a rebate for the taxes paid on all monies up to the poverty line.

Everyone pays the same amount, WM.

And everyone who isn't paying taxes now (drug dealers, hookers, illegal immigrants, cash workers ect) will also start paying taxes.
The point of the Fair Tax is that everyone pays the same percentage in taxes.

Ass opposed to the current system, where the rich pay more. And the poor get a rebate that basically wipes out their taxes. So the rich are paying almost half as much, the poor are paying nothing. Who makes up the difference Sol?
Ass opposed to the current system, where the rich pay more. And the poor get a rebate that basically wipes out their taxes. So the rich are paying almost half as much, the poor are paying nothing. Who makes up the difference Sol?

The difference is that everyone pays roughly 20% to 22% of any money they spend on any new goods or services as a consumption tax.

Who makes up the difference? Anyone paying less than 22% in income tax. They would see an increase in their taxes. Those people who are paying 30% would see a drop.

But is it wrong to want things to be fair? Or is fairness only an issue when its the poor or a minority who is losing?
Ass opposed to the current system, where the rich pay more. And the poor get a rebate that basically wipes out their taxes. So the rich are paying almost half as much, the poor are paying nothing. Who makes up the difference Sol?

Black markets... drug dealers, under the table employees, etc..

you clearly have no clue
Also, a group asked the top corporations in Europe and Japan what changes they would make if the US went to a consumption tax.

Over 65% of them responded that they would open at least one plant or office in the US. 15% said they would relocate their corporate headquarters to the USA.

The Fair Tax Act would be a HUGE benefit for the US in terms of bringing business in, instead of seeing it bailing out like rats from a sinking ship.
The difference is that everyone pays roughly 20% to 22% of any money they spend on any new goods or services as a consumption tax.

Who makes up the difference? Anyone paying less than 22% in income tax. They would see an increase in their taxes. Those people who are paying 30% would see a drop.

But is it wrong to want things to be fair? Or is fairness only an issue when its the poor or a minority who is losing?

Yes, it is unfair when you raise taxes on someone who makes 10k a year Sol. It is not unfair when someone who makes millions a year pays a high tax on it.
Also, a group asked the top corporations in Europe and Japan what changes they would make if the US went to a consumption tax.

Over 65% of them responded that they would open at least one plant or office in the US. 15% said they would relocate their corporate headquarters to the USA.

The Fair Tax Act would be a HUGE benefit for the US in terms of bringing business in, instead of seeing it bailing out like rats from a sinking ship.

Well Solitary, actions speak louder than words. Most people still choose to locate in the United States.
Yes, it is unfair when you raise taxes on someone who makes 10k a year Sol. It is not unfair when someone who makes millions a year pays a high tax on it.

Why is that fair? Someone busts their ass to make good money, and for some reason its ok to want the government to take a third of it by force.\

And yet some dipwad makes crappy decisions, puts forth little or no effort to improve their situation in life, and we should give them a free ride??

Besides, those new corporations coming in will offer the nimrod making $10k a year a chance at making something much better.

Also, roughly 20% of the price of goods is the taxes paid by the companies that manufacture them and sell them. So, with some good competition, the prices of goods would stay roughly the same, but those people who have taxes cut from their paycheck would see and INCREASE in their net pay.