Obama, The Dan Quayle Of The Democratic Party


Imagine that John McCain named a young running mate to campaign with him, and this national rookie suggested America had 58 states, repeatedly used the wrong names for the cities he was visiting, and honored a Memorial Day crowd by acknowledging the "fallen heroes" who were present, somehow alive and standing in the audience. How long would it take for the national media to see another Dan Quayle caricature? Let’s raise the stakes. What if it was the GOP presidential candidate making these thoroughly ridiculous comments? This scenario is very real, except it isn’t McCain. It’s the other fellow.

ABC reporter Jake Tapper follows politicians around for a living. On his blog, he suggested Barack Obama has a problem: "The man has been a one-man gaffe machine."

Just in the last few days, in Sunrise, Florida, Obama said, "How's it going, Sunshine?" He did the same thing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, calling it "Sioux City." Some of his geographic struggles seem calculated. When asked why Hillary Clinton trounced him in Kentucky, Obama claimed "I'm not very well known in that part of the country...Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle." But Obama’s home state of Illinois is more than "near" Kentucky – it borders Kentucky.

In Oregon, there was a doozy. Obama said of his long campaign, "I’ve been in fifty-seven states, I think, one left to go." No one in the press made much of this. As former ABC political reporter Marc Ambinder, now with the Atlantic Monthly magazine, admitted: "But if John McCain did this — if he mistakenly said he’d visited 57 states — the media would be all up in his grill, accusing him of a senior moment." If you doubt him, remember how most media outlets noted, then underlined McCain’s error about al-Qaeda being trained and funded by Iran.

In New Mexico, Obama suggested he was like a young Haley Joel Osment in "The Sixth Sense," with the ability to see dead people: "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong." Fallen heroes in the audience? Is this Barack Potatoe Obama? This is precisely the kind of misstatement that Dan Quayle-bashers would run ad infinitum.

But there have also been gaffes on more serious matters. ABC found that campaigning in Rush Limbaugh’s hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Obama argued that our military’s Arabic translators in Iraq are needed in Afghanistan: "We only have a certain number of them and if they are all in Iraq, then its harder for us to use them in Afghanistan," he claimed. But Afghans don’t speak Arabic; they speak several other languages. That’s a lot like McCain’s gaffe – except for the degree of media attention, which in the Democrat’s case was virtually nonexistent.

McCain also would have enjoyed more media focus on Obama’s completely muddled analysis of South America last week. He told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday that he would meet with Chavez to discuss "the fermentation of anti-American sentiment in Latin America, his support of FARC in Colombia and other issues he would want to talk about." But on Friday in Miami, he insisted any country supporting the Marxist guerillas of FARC should suffer "regional isolation." This left Obama advisers scrambling to suggest that these two opposing statements can somehow be put together, that he can meet Chavez and isolate him at the same time.

Sometimes, Obama invents Bosnia-sniper-style whoppers about his personal history. In Selma, Alabama, Obama claimed that the spirit of hope derived from the civil rights protests in Selma in 1965 inspired his birth – when he was born in 1961. He also has inaccurately claimed that the Kennedys funded his Kenyan father’s trip to America in 1959.

While he was making boo-boos in New Mexico on Memorial Day, Obama also (according to CBS reporter/blogger Maria Gavrilovic) talked about post-traumatic stress disorder by claiming he had an uncle "who was part of the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz," and then came home and spent six months in an attic. Gavrilovic didn’t note that the prisoners at Auschwitz were liberated by the Red Army. Obama earlier made the claim on his campaign site that his grandfather knew American troops who liberated Auschwitz and Treblinka (also liberated by the Red Army).

Everyone should grant these candidates a little room for error in the long slog of presidential campaigning. But what about some balance? The same national media that turned Dan Quayle’s name into an instant joke are now working over time to present Obama as Captain Competent.


I blame it on the drugs he did when he was younger.
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

LMAO... yeah, if McCain had stated that the left would be chanting something like "McCain is so CLOSE to death it allows him to see the dead"
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

LMAO... yeah, if McCain had stated that the left would be chanting something like "McCain is so CLOSE to death it allows him to see the dead"
It is very important to be able to see dead people when you are a Chicago politician. They are a very large voting bloc there.
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

LMAO... yeah, if McCain had stated that the left would be chanting something like "McCain is so CLOSE to death it allows him to see the dead"

Like you didn't see McCain eyeing which grave site he wanted.
I thought John Edwards talked to dead people, why didn't he win ?

Have you ever seen anything funnier than a bunch of bush-voters sitting around shooting the shit about someone’s ‘verbal gaffes”?

First they foster that brain-dead, dysfunctional drunken little pissant on us, who proceeds to humiliate this country in front of the entire world by being unable to finish a complete sentence for eight fucking years, without making a goddamned fool out of himself, a man who would have been better off learning chimpanzee sign language and attempting to communicate in that manner… and they tell us how great it us that he is such a “regular joe”.

Now they take an eloquent speaker who after being on the road for months on end, makes a couple of little mistakes and they point their fingers at him?

Shut up you stupid baboons. You look like fools.
Have you ever seen anything funnier than a bunch of bush-voters sitting around shooting the shit about someone’s ‘verbal gaffes”?

First they foster that brain-dead, dysfunctional drunken little pissant on us, who proceeds to humiliate this country in front of the entire world by being unable to finish a complete sentence for eight fucking years, without making a goddamned fool out of himself, a man who would have been better off learning chimpanzee sign language and attempting to communicate in that manner… and they tell us how great it us that he is such a “regular joe”.

Now they take an eloquent speaker who after being on the road for months on end, makes a couple of little mistakes and they point their fingers at him?

Shut up you stupid baboons. You look like fools.

Wow darla can't respond to anything without her usual catch of profanities...yet she criticizes others about their communication skills...how rude!
Have you ever seen anything funnier than a bunch of bush-voters sitting around shooting the shit about someone’s ‘verbal gaffes”?

First they foster that brain-dead, dysfunctional drunken little pissant on us, who proceeds to humiliate this country in front of the entire world by being unable to finish a complete sentence for eight fucking years, without making a goddamned fool out of himself, a man who would have been better off learning chimpanzee sign language and attempting to communicate in that manner… and they tell us how great it us that he is such a “regular joe”.

Now they take an eloquent speaker who after being on the road for months on end, makes a couple of little mistakes and they point their fingers at him?

Shut up you stupid baboons. You look like fools.


I love it, a libtard can't take it when we criticize her "Obama the Messiah", and goes into a tirade. Pop a couple more Prozac's and you will be fine.

I love it, a libtard can't take it when we criticize her "Obama the Messiah", and goes into a tirade. Pop a couple more Prozac's and you will be fine.

I'm the last person who thinks that Obama is a Messiah...but the first person to know that you're a baboon who voted for bush twice, and loved that he couldn't complete a sentence because it reminded you of your father. And now you're whining and wringing your hands about a man far more eloquent than you or your other chimp friends will ever be. And, you look like a fool.
In Oregon, there was a doozy. Obama said of his long campaign, "I’ve been in fifty-seven states, I think, one left to go." No one in the press made much of this. As former ABC political reporter Marc Ambinder, now with the Atlantic Monthly magazine, admitted: "But if John McCain did this — if he mistakenly said he’d visited 57 states — the media would be all up in his grill, accusing him of a senior moment." If you doubt him, remember how most media outlets noted, then underlined McCain’s error about al-Qaeda being trained and funded by Iran.

Yeah, accidentally upping the number of states you've been to by 10 much > than absolute and total incompetence whenever it comes to foreign affairs.

BTW, thanks for telling me about McCains "error". I had never heard that before, and I'm a very politically informed person. However, Obamas mispeak was all over the news.
Have you ever seen anything funnier than a bunch of bush-voters sitting around shooting the shit about someone’s ‘verbal gaffes”?

First they foster that brain-dead, dysfunctional drunken little pissant on us, who proceeds to humiliate this country in front of the entire world by being unable to finish a complete sentence for eight fucking years, without making a goddamned fool out of himself, a man who would have been better off learning chimpanzee sign language and attempting to communicate in that manner… and they tell us how great it us that he is such a “regular joe”.

Now they take an eloquent speaker who after being on the road for months on end, makes a couple of little mistakes and they point their fingers at him?

Shut up you stupid baboons. You look like fools.


I love it, a libtard can't take it when we criticize her "Obama the Messiah", and goes into a tirade. Pop a couple more Prozac's and you will be fine.

Oh, shut the fck up. Pointing out your clear and ever present hypocrisy and disingenous posts does not equate to anyone not being 'able to take it'.

Bush voters have NO room whatsoever to bring up mistatements or grammatically incorrect statements by any democratic contender or elected body official and pretend it should be a wake up call to people or that they should reconsider their votes and/or supports. You knuckledraggers have conceded that you don't care if an elected official is eloquent, literate, or has even the most basic grasp of the English language. Pretending that any of Obama's mistatements is of any importance will always be shot down and we'll always call you out on your double standards. Get used to it.
I'm the last person who thinks that Obama is a Messiah...but the first person to know that you're a baboon who voted for bush twice, and loved that he couldn't complete a sentence because it reminded you of your father. And now you're whining and wringing your hands about a man far more eloquent than you or your other chimp friends will ever be. And, you look like a fool.


Guess you ran out of Prozac, maybe if you just close your eyes and think happy gay thoughts you will make it through the rest of the day.

Guess you ran out of Prozac, maybe if you just close your eyes and think happy gay thoughts you will make it through the rest of the day.


guess you ran out of "head-from-a$$-grease". Maybe if you close your eyes and think happy thoughts the $hit you spew won't stink up the board so much.

guess you ran out of "head-from-a$$-grease". Maybe if you close your eyes and think happy thoughts the $hit you spew won't stink up the board so much.

No... seriously... tell us how you really feel. :eek:

Side note... I think Obama is a very intelligent man who said something funny... thus I made fun of him for it. I do not think it disqualifies him for President... but it was funny. So nana nana na na.

No... seriously... tell us how you really feel. :eek:

Side note... I think Obama is a very intelligent man who said something funny... thus I made fun of him for it. I do not think it disqualifies him for President... but it was funny. So nana nana na na.

