Obama The Elitist


Barack Obama. Champion of education. Determine to reform our wonderful public school system. He won’t abandon ... oh:

After telling a gathering of the American Federation of Teachers that he opposes school voucher programs over the weekend, Senator Obama added that: “We need to focus on fixing and improving our public schools; not throwing our hands up and walking away from them.”

Senator Obama sends his own two daughters to the private “Lab School” founded by John Dewey in 1896, which charged $20,000 in tuition at the middle school level last year. Though he says “we” should not be “throwing up our hands and walking away” from public schools, he has done precisely that.

That is his right, and, as a wealthy man, it is his prerogative under the current system of American education, which allows only the wealthy to easily choose between private and government schools. But instead of offering to extend that same choice to all families, Senator Obama wants the poor to wait for the public school system to be “fixed.”

I don’t begrudge Obama sending his kids to an elite school any more than I begrudged the Clintons for sending Chelsea to Sidwell Friends. They can and should do what it takes to get their children a first-rate education. I just find it ironic that this champion of the poor, this bringer of equality, is perfectly content for a quality education to be the exclusive province of the rich.


Gotta keep his kids safe from that ghetto trash that attend public schools.
Private school?

Are you a fan of the GOP? Are you SURE you want to set "private school" as the standard for "elitist?"
It would actually be elitist to send your kids to private school, and then say "screw the public schools; I don't even use 'em," like a "let them eat cake" kind of sentiment.

But you're way too retarded to understand that...
It would actually be elitist to send your kids to private school, and then say "screw the public schools; I don't even use 'em," like a "let them eat cake" kind of sentiment.

But you're way too retarded to understand that...

I'm not going to argue what is or isn't elistist but what is crap is sending your kids to private schol because you can afford it and then denying kids similar opportunities who can't afford private school or to move to a district with better public schools but are stuck in failing public schools.
I'm not going to argue what is or isn't elistist but what is crap is sending your kids to private schol because you can afford it and then denying kids similar opportunities who can't afford private school or to move to a district with better public schools but are stuck in failing public schools.

Is this an argument for vouchers?

If you have money, you probably send your kids to private school. If you have money and you're a politician, you had better damned well do whatever you can to improve the public school system. If you're committed to that, I really don't give a damn where you send your kids or how you spend the money you've earned.
Is this an argument for vouchers?

If you have money, you probably send your kids to private school. If you have money and you're a politician, you had better damned well do whatever you can to improve the public school system. If you're committed to that, I really don't give a damn where you send your kids or how you spend the money you've earned.

It can be but doesn't have to be vouchers. What has one politician tried to do to improve the public school system? Bush tried with NCLB but that sucks because it gives the federal government more power over schools which it does not need.

The only talk you will ever hear about public schools is funding. You will never hear the need to change anything over than we need more money. Have you heard any politician suggest anything else other than school choice?
It can be but doesn't have to be vouchers. What has one politician tried to do to improve the public school system? Bush tried with NCLB but that sucks because it gives the federal government more power over schools which it does not need.

The only talk you will ever hear about public schools is funding. You will never hear the need to change anything over than we need more money. Have you heard any politician suggest anything else other than school choice?

I'd never argue that any politician has done right by the schools. NCLB really does suck; I suppose it was an effort, but it was ill-conceived and actually made things worse, imo.

I just think it's stupid to say a rich guy should send his kids to public school, just for the sake of not being seen as 'elitist,' particularly the way that webbway presented it, as though he should NOT be saying 'don't turn your back on public schools.' I don't believe in cheap symbolism; I believe in action. If Obama doesn't take action, judge him on that; don't judge him on his lack of cheap symbolism.