Obama: The next John F. Kennedy?


New member
With Sen. Barack Obama's endorsement by Teddy and Caroline Kenndy, many of his acolytes are gushing with phrases such as "This is the passing of the torch" and "Obama is the heir apparent to the legacy of John Kennedy!".

But is he?

One thing Kennedy was responsible for, though he was assassinated before it was completely enacted into law (shortly after by LBJ): He guided a major tax rate cut through Congress, cutting the top income tax rate from 91% to 75%.

Yes, the top rate was 91% when JFK became President, on incomes of $200,000/year or more. Kind of hard to imagine now. But Democrats had been in control of both houses almost continuously since the 1930s, so taxes knew no bounds, even long after WWII was over.

JFK's tax cut caused a mini-boom as unemployment and interest rates went down, average wages went up, and rich and poor alike saw increases in their incomes and prosperity. Predictably, government revenues also went up, confounding doom-and-gloom liberals who insisted that any tax rate cut would REDUCE government revenue.

It was a foreshadowing of what was to come twenty years later, when Ronald Reagan cut tax rates further from 75% to 50%, and then to 33%. An even bigger boom resulted, with comparable increases ingovernment revenues that almost kept up with exploding Congressional spending. The Reagan prosperity boom was ridden by subsequent Presidents for the next 20-plus years.

If elected, will Barack Obama be another JFK in such important matters? Will he cut taxes as JFK did?

Unfortunately, Obama's record indicates otherwise. He has never endorsed any tax cut, but has voted in favor of nearly every tax increase to come down the pike.

It must be heady and inspiring to be compared to the Democrat party's most-loved icon (aside from FDR). But it looks like such a comparison my be VERY inappropriate, when compared with Obama's actual record.

Why do I get the feeling Obama will need to be told by someone:

"Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."
One thing Kennedy was responsible for, though he was assassinated before it was completely enacted into law (shortly after by LBJ): He guided a major tax rate cut through Congress, cutting the top income tax rate from 91% to 75%.

You know what I don't get is just how stupid you have to be to read this and not realize you've skewered yourself before you even started.
You know what I don't get is just how stupid you have to be to read this and not realize you've skewered yourself before you even started.

The usual "NO, IT ISN'T!!!" blurt with no attempt to back up her claim. (yawn)

Is this the beginning of another screaming temper tantrum from darla? :rolleyes:
What I love is how the conservatives are trying so hard to tell us all that Obama is NOT like Kennedy, or being like Kennedy means we are going to have another undeclared war in Asia. Next will be how being like Kennedy will mean that Obama will start screwing some starlet. I am hoping for Beyonce. She sort of has that same curvy Marylin-esque body with a bit more booty and a nice honey brown complexion.
JFK had sex, Threedee did not.

No comparison right htere.

He also invaded Cuba 1/4 assed (half-assed would be praise), got more involved in Nam, slept with foreign spies, and demonstrated the ability to not be incompetent on two occasions (tax policy and Bay of Pigs, although that was a result of his blundering and many foreign policy experts have criticized it on its on standing). He also failed to challenge the Soviets on the illegal wire fence they put up in Berlin.