Obama the nominee? Let the backpedalling begin!


New member

from "Best of the Web"
by James Taranto

Cut and Run and Then Run Back


With Hillary Clinton being written off (perhaps prematurely), the eight-month general election campaign between John McCain and Barack Obama seems to be getting under way. Obama, apparently moving to the right, is now threatening military intervention in Iraq after years of demanding America's immediate surrender. As the Associated Press reports:

*** QUOTE ***

McCain criticized Obama for saying in Tuesday night's Democratic debate that, after U.S. troops were withdrawn, as president he would act "if al-Qaida is forming a base in Iraq."

"I have some news. Al-Qaida is in Iraq. It's called 'al-Qaida in Iraq,' " McCain told a crowd in Tyler, Texas, drawing laughter at Obama's expense. He said Obama's statement was "pretty remarkable."

*** END QUOTE ***

Quips Glenn Reynolds: "In Obama's defense, he probably reads the New York Times, which always calls it 'Al Qaida in Mesopotamia.' That may have confused him."

Obama's response to McCain, described in the same AP dispatch, makes even less sense:

*** QUOTE ***

"I do know that al-Qaida is in Iraq and that's why I have said we should continue to strike al-Qaida targets," he told a rally at Ohio State University in Columbus.

"But I have some news for John McCain," Obama added. "There was no such thing as al-Qaida in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq. . . . They took their eye off the people who were responsible for 9/11 and that would be al-Qaida in Afghanistan, that is stronger now than at any time since 2001."

Obama said he intended to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq "so we actually start going after al-Qaida in Afghanistan and in the hills of Pakistan like we should have been doing in the first place."

*** END QUOTE ***

So let's see if we have this straight. Al Qaeda in Iraq isn't worth fighting because it wouldn't be there if it weren't for Bush and McCain. Obama is going to pull all U.S. troops out of Iraq to go fight in Afghanistan and Pakistan, although he will send them back to Iraq if al Qaeda are there, even though he now wants to withdraw notwithstanding al Qaeda's presence.

Yes, we can!
This stuff cracks me up for only one reason. And that reason is that I believe that many Obama supporters really seemed to believe that "the right wing would go into attack mode" if a Clinton was the nominee, because they hate the Clintons.

And see, I knew better. Because I have dealt with right wingers. And if you stop at "because right wingers hate" ...then, you've got it.

Doesn't matter who the nominee was going to be. This is the party after all, who turned a war hero into a traitor and coward, and a coward into a war hero.

This is who they are. Low, and dirty.
You know Gonzo, it has not escaped my attention that everytime I make a post, you are right there after me. I don't read your posts. Never will. But I want you to know, that your clownishness in following me around and hanging on my every word, is a source of amusement for me, and I appreciate your effort to get my attention.
Often my posts have nothing to do with you, that we are just frequenting the same threads.

Of course, you can't read this, so it will only explain it to the other people.

The lesson to be learned: it does not make you awesome if you constantly insult people and then ignore them so that you never have to see any of their posts-- it makes you a coward so insecure in her beliefs she knows they cannot stand up to actual argument, and therefore can only surround herself with sycophants and horny message-board nerds that will only parrot her opinion.

So, go on thinking I am hanging on your every word, because I assure you that your shit stinks just as much as everyone else's.

(Most of my comments today, should you grow the balls to have a two-sided argument, are about your hypocrisy towards the gay community).

You know Gonzo, it has not escaped my attention that everytime I make a post, you are right there after me. I don't read your posts. Never will. But I want you to know, that your clownishness in following me around and hanging on my every word, is a source of amusement for me, and I appreciate your effort to get my attention.

What a total Bimbo...ya just answered his post right after he posted it...good lord ya are one dumb bimbo!
I should just ignore her, but since I am not as "sensitive" as some of the posters here I have told myself I will never use the ignore feature.

I am, after all, an adult and I can handle myself quite well without making my problems go away.
If I may interrupt this purse fight for a moment to get back to the subject of the thread...

Now that Obama has the nomination more or less nailed down, he now seems to be waffling on his long held insistence that we get the troops out of Iraq tout de suite.

What will be the next "firmly held belief" that winds up in the trashcan, now that it has served its purpose of getting him the nomination? My money is on his promises that his socialized-medicine proposals are to be voluntary - that only the people who want government hadling their health care, have to sign up.

He has to know that any socialized health care program will collapse almost immeditately if people who would pay for more than they get, are allowed to leave, and only the people with small ability to pay, and expensive or chronic conditions, were to remain. The program would either have to raise the rates for those remaining people tremendously, or start taking large amounts of money from other programs. Both responses would be politically impossible, as well as financially foolhardy.

Any bets? What "firmly held belief" will Obama abandon next?
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What's that supposed to mean?

Darla tried to hijack the thread almost before the ink was dry on the OP, diverting it to her standard ranting about how awful right-wingers were. Couple others quickly joined in and started telling each other how awful THEY were, and back and forth the bitch-slapping and mewling went.

I thought it would be nice to return the thread to its actual subject, however briefly.

Back to the subject:

This actually isn't Obama's first waffle. A few weeks ago, someone asked him if he would still pull our troops out by a certain early date (something he had always insisted he would do). This time, instead of replying "Yes", he said he would wait to see what the military and political situation was at the time.

Mr. Obama, would you like butter and syrup with that waffle?
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ZzzzZzzz... This is what happens in our elections. During the primaries the Repubs talk like a bunch of freaking lunatics with world domination fantasies. The Dems talk about peace. After the primaries both move to the center. BFD.

What will be the next "firmly held belief" that winds up in the trashcan, now that it has served its purpose of getting him the nomination? My money is on his promises that his socialized-medicine proposals are to be voluntary - that only the people who want government hadling their health care, have to sign up.

You are an idiot. Do you think that has more promise in the general election than it does in the Dem primary?
one thing we can conclude for sure. The right wing, really, really wanted to run against Clinton. The "sudden" explosion of Obama attacks, seems like floundering to me.
And if those cretinous Dems in Ohio and Texas don't screw it up, we still may get to run against Hillary. But they need to be on their best behavior on tuesday. :duel:

And if those cretinous Dems in Ohio and Texas don't screw it up, we still may get to run against Hillary. But they need to be on their best behavior on tuesday. :duel:

but a run against Hillary is a run against 'CodePink'(Darla)...they wholeheartedly support Hillary!
Spoken like a true..........

one thing we can conclude for sure. The right wing, really, really wanted to run against Clinton. The "sudden" explosion of Obama attacks, seems like floundering to me.

Sardine...running from the Flounder(Halibut) and Tuna for that matter!:cof1:
All the better! :clink:
And THIS very thing is what I don't get. The republicans DO NOT want to run against Obama nearly as much as they want to run against Hillary. Why doesn't the Dem party see this and jump her shit? If she is nominated the Dems get 4 more years of stay the course in Iraq, and a supreme court nominee that looks like Alito and Roberts. Oh well Hillary is their funeral, I won't vote for her.
And THIS very thing is what I don't get. The republicans DO NOT want to run against Obama nearly as much as they want to run against Hillary. Why doesn't the Dem party see this and jump her shit? If she is nominated the Dems get 4 more years of stay the course in Iraq, and a supreme court nominee that looks like Alito and Roberts. Oh well Hillary is their funeral, I won't vote for her.

Hopefully they are stupid enough to do it. And hopefully it will be close enough so that the remainder of the primary season is a chaotic circus, in which people storm out of convention, lawsuits are filed over Florida and Michigan, and time and resources are wasted fighting over the Texas primary.

What can you expect from a party comprised of jackasses and dumbasses?