Obama to Implement Benefits to Same-Sex Partners of Federal Employees


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Obama to Implement Benefits to Same-Sex Partners of Federal Employees
By Jeralyn, Section Civil Liberties

President Obama will sign an executive order tomorrow extending health care and other benefits to the gay /lesbian partners of federal employees

At Huffpo: Obama Offers Gays a Consolation Prize.
i was just saying that people shouldn't have a problem with it. I guess im speaking in shoulds rather than reality.
∂˚;453333 said:
i was just saying that people shouldn't have a problem with it. I guess im speaking in shoulds rather than reality.

Gays and those who believe in equal rights should ineed have a problem with it .. and they do. Not only did he promise to end "Don't ask, Don't tell", but given his own Justice Department's scathing support for the Defense of Marriage Act .. that he opposed as a candidate .. they are rightfully upset.

In fact, it is their anger that drove Obama to throw them this bone by signing this memorandum.

Shouldn't Americans take the promises a candidate makes while campaigning seriously?

Shouldn't they rightfully have a problem when that person does not follow through?
Gays and those who believe in equal rights should ineed have a problem with it .. and they do. Not only did he promise to end "Don't ask, Don't tell", but given his own Justice Department's scathing support for the Defense of Marriage Act .. that he opposed as a candidate .. they are rightfully upset.

In fact, it is their anger that drove Obama to throw them this bone by signing this memorandum.

Shouldn't Americans take the promises a candidate makes while campaigning seriously?

Shouldn't they rightfully have a problem when that person does not follow through?

Could you expand on the bold? I'm not sure I understand what you are saying there.
Are people in the military covered under this executive order? If so how does this conflict the don't ask don't tell policy?
No problem brother ..

Obama Justice Department Defends Defense Of Marriage Act – That Candidate Obama Opposed


My understanding is that the Department of Justice is required to defend any statute that is challenged on constitutional grounds even though the President may disagree with the statute. As a result, the DoJ is required to defend the DOMA notwithstanding Obama's personal views on the statute.

Having said that, Obama should work the legislative route in getting the DOMA and DODT repealed to end this nonsense. That he hasn't done so is bullshit, particularly with respect to the DOMA in light of this most recent action given that it prevents the latest executive order from having much practical effect.