Obama to replace U.S. Attorneys


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President Barack Obama plans to replace a "batch" of U.S. Attorneys in the next few weeks and more prosecutors thereafter, according to Attorney General Eric Holder.

"I expect that we’ll have an announcement in the next couple of weeks with regard to our first batch of U.S attorneys," Holder said Thursday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing which stretched out over most of the day due to breaks for members' votes. "One of the things that we didn’t want to do was to disrupt the continuity of the offices and pull people out of positions where we thought there might be a danger that that might have on the continuity--the effectiveness of the offices.But...elections matter--it is our intention to have the U.S. Attorneys that are selected by President Obama in place as quickly as they can."

Holder's comments begin to resolve questions in the legal community about whether the new administration would hesitate to replace the chief prosecutors en masse because of the intense controversy that surrounded President George W. Bush's unusual mid-term replacement of nine U.S. attorneys in late 2006. In addition, legal sources said some Bush appointees were looking to burrow in, in part to avoid a grim economic climate for private-sector legal jobs.

However, by using terms like "elections matter," Holder seems to be signaling that Obama plans to install new leadership in most offices.

Pressure from lawmakers and local Democrats to replace the sitting prosecutors has been significant. Holder's comments Thursday came in response to a question from Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) "Many jurisdictions are waiting desperately to see what is going to be done. As we understand it, the protocol has been that U.S. Attorneys would hand in their resignations and would give the new administration an opportunity to make new appointments, we don’t see that happening quite fast enough," she said, pointing to complaints about prosecutors in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.

Waters seemed satisfied with Holder's answer, but she was intent on creating a sense of urgency. "There is a danger with some of them being left there. So whatever you can do to move them we appreciate it," she said.

While Holder signaled that a new slate of prosecutors will be nominated, he did not rule out the possibility of holding over or reappointing some U.S. Attorneys named by Bush. Legal experts expect the new administration to retain some who are handling politically sensitive cases, such as Chicago-based prosecutor Pat Fitzgerald, who is prosecuting former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for his alleged efforts to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Obama.

If the first U.S. Attorney selections from Obama do come in the next few weeks, he will still be ahead of Bush's timetable. He proposed his first U.S. Attorneys on August 1, 2001.

U.S. Attorneys require confirmation by the Senate and are usually proposed with the concurrence of the senators from that state.

It is about time we got rid of some of those Jerry Falwell lawyers.

Check the history, Bush hired lots of lawyers from Jerry Falwells university.
Every president replaces US attorney's when he comes into office. That is NOT what the firings were about. If Bush was just replacing US Attorney's from one party to the other, which happens with every president, there would be no complaint. He fired David Iglesias for refusing to rush a case for political reasons.
Every president replaces US attorney's when he comes into office. That is NOT what the firings were about. If Bush was just replacing US Attorney's from one party to the other, which happens with every president, there would be no complaint. He fired David Iglesias for refusing to rush a case for political reasons.


the right's absolute refusal to acknowledge that difference is laughable.
Rove's role as a Veep is to do whatever the President delegates that to him. If it means firing some attorneys then so be it. *shrug*
Every president replaces US attorney's when he comes into office. That is NOT what the firings were about. If Bush was just replacing US Attorney's from one party to the other, which happens with every president, there would be no complaint. He fired David Iglesias for refusing to rush a case for political reasons.

What BS! That is precisely why they get replaced. Dems were out to get Bush for ANY political reason and you bitch that they fired an attorney serving at the presidents pleasure for "politcial reasons"? What does this rush sound like:

"Waters seemed satisfied with Holder's answer, but she was intent on creating a sense of urgency. "There is a danger with some of them being left there. So whatever you can do to move them we appreciate it," she said."
What BS! That is precisely why they get replaced. Dems were out to get Bush for ANY political reason and you bitch that they fired an attorney serving at the presidents pleasure for "politcial reasons"? What does this rush sound like:

"Waters seemed satisfied with Holder's answer, but she was intent on creating a sense of urgency. "There is a danger with some of them being left there. So whatever you can do to move them we appreciate it," she said."

I read soc's post earlier and I just shook my head. :rolleyes:
What BS! That is precisely why they get replaced. Dems were out to get Bush for ANY political reason and you bitch that they fired an attorney serving at the presidents pleasure for "politcial reasons"? What does this rush sound like:

"Waters seemed satisfied with Holder's answer, but she was intent on creating a sense of urgency. "There is a danger with some of them being left there. So whatever you can do to move them we appreciate it," she said."
The DOJ's internal investigation WHILE Bush was still in office found that Iglesias was wrongly terminated.
In October 2008, a report by the Department of Justice's Inspector General found that Iglesias had been wrongfully dismissed because he had refused to pursue prosecutions against the Democrat-linked community organization ACORN and a prominent New Mexico Democrat. "The real reasons for Iglesias' removal were the complaints from New Mexico Republican politicians and party activists about how Iglesias handled voter fraud and public corruption cases in the state," the report says. The Inspector General's report says that Senator Domenici's complaints were the "primary" reason Iglesias was fired.

An Investigation Into the Removal of Nine U.S. Attorneys in 2006 * Department of Justice, pgs. 190-192
In October 2008, a report by the Department of Justice's Inspector General found that Iglesias had been wrongfully dismissed because he had refused to pursue prosecutions against the Democrat-linked community organization ACORN and a prominent New Mexico Democrat. "The real reasons for Iglesias' removal were the complaints from New Mexico Republican politicians and party activists about how Iglesias handled voter fraud and public corruption cases in the state," the report says. The Inspector General's report says that Senator Domenici's complaints were the "primary" reason Iglesias was fired.

An Investigation Into the Removal of Nine U.S. Attorneys in 2006 * Department of Justice, pgs. 190-192

So, incompetence, then?
Rove's role as a Veep is to do whatever the President delegates that to him. If it means firing some attorneys then so be it. *shrug*

He held no cabinet position or even as a Czar. He was a political advisor. You know what advisors to? They advise not act.
He held no cabinet position or even as a Czar. He was a political advisor. You know what advisors to? They advise not act.

Has Cheney's latest revelation about his relationship with Bush cracked you up?
He really was the President the first four years, we knew it, now he confirms it!
Has Cheney's latest revelation about his relationship with Bush cracked you up?
He really was the President the first four years, we knew it, now he confirms it!

Yeah it is great. I tried telling all the Bushies that, but noooo they never listen.
Without Cheney we may well have not invaded Iraq.

I think Ignore the man behind the curtain was one of my references to Cheney.
Yeah it is great. I tried telling all the Bushies that, but noooo they never listen.
Without Cheney we may well have not invaded Iraq.

I think Ignore the man behind the curtain was one of my references to Cheney.
