Obama: We're working on gun control 'under the radar' Read more: Obama: We're workin


"I just want you to know that we are working on it," Barack Obama reportedly told Sarah Brady regarding gun control. "We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar."

This interesting bit of news was reported in an April 11 Washington Post Lifestyle section story about Obama's gun-control and regulatory policy wonk Steve Croley. Toward the end of the article the writer, Jason Horowitz, mentions a March 30 meeting between Jim and Sarah Brady and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney during which the President "dropped in."

Horowitz quotes Sarah Brady relating how President Obama gave his personal assurance that he and his administration were working hard on a gun-control agenda. Brady reported that Obama then told them about advancing the agenda "under the radar."

Apparently Mrs. Brady either doesn't grasp the concept of "under the radar," or, more likely, she expected the reporter to be discreet and keep the "good news" about Obama's stealth operations to himself. Thankfully this reporter chose to report the news, so we have direct corroboration of Obama's sneak-attack against the Second Amendment

Read more: Obama: We're working on gun control 'under the radar'
Yup, all Legion has to say is laugh. No intellectual commentary here, but somehow he's offended at being called a troll.
If this spreads and grow, repugnicants could have a chance in'12 Wake up idiots.

Oh noooees. Actually using a policy position to win an election?!! Can't have that! Better focus on some inane suggestion that the person who quoted Obama is a racist!
Oh noooees. Actually using a policy position to win an election?!! Can't have that! Better focus on some inane suggestion that the person who quoted Obama is a racist!

Good catch!

I bet you 10 to 1 Obama goes out and falsely panders to the gun states though. Do you recall his 08 speeches in Idaho for instance?
Obama will not win in 12 unless he can find a way to totally distance himself from the ATF scandal gunrunner. Even a small attachment to that outrageous criminal action will condemn his campaign run. The NRA will take that as far as it can go as well as tie him to the tactical shotgun import ban the ATF wants to implement.
Obama will not win in 12 unless he can find a way to totally distance himself from the ATF scandal gunrunner. Even a small attachment to that outrageous criminal action will condemn his campaign run. The NRA will take that as far as it can go as well as tie him to the tactical shotgun import ban the ATF wants to implement.

I see the GOP winning based on ads that actually talk about the result of bad policy, including this.
Keep spreading that fear to the gunloving faithful. It worked swell for you in '08, didn't it?
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;807609 said:
Keep spreading that fear to the gunloving faithful. It worked swell for you in '08, didn't it?

The dems won in '08 mainly because of how inept Bush was. I don't think that will work as well in '12.

And you keep referring to the fear we are spreading, as if it is imaginary. But links to Obama's own comments have been posted.
The dems won in '08 mainly because of how inept Bush was. I don't think that will work as well in '12.

Yeah, because Trump is way more competent.

And you keep referring to the fear we are spreading, as if it is imaginary. But links to Obama's own comments have been posted.

I like the way you believe everything he says will magically happen.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;807628 said:
I like the way you believe everything he says will magically happen.
I like how you show complete ignorance in the way the executive branch works. it's almost charming in it's naivete
When Obama pries your penis substitute out of your cold, dead (and hairy) hands, I will admit you were right.
Are you scared the big bad gubmint is gonna take your little gunsies?