Obama wins, economy loses 240,000 jobs!

That bastige! I think it is because he poses for photos in poses that remind us of Kennedy.
Blast you Oncey! I was going to come in and do this this morning. You beat me to it. I am sure Dixie has some convoluted, heavy metals inspired logic as to why Obama is responsible for the unemployment rate. Go ahead on Dixie, blast us with some of that oxygen deprived inspiration.
All because Obama's dog bit a reporter!
I was proud of the dog :clink:

Home the dog does not have to take rabies shots.
Limbaugh has started regularly referring to this as the "Obama Recession," because the market crashed as soon as he was elected (you can guess where Dix gets his marching orders). As though the market hadn't crashed prior to that.

The dittoheads have certainly earned their place in the political wilderness.
Hmm, making political commentators accountable legally for accuracy would be far better than a fairness doctrine. suspension from the airwaves for knowingly lying to the people.
1 week for first offense, and growing to permanent banishment for repeated offenses.

this soloution is non partisan. And Damo even said he liked accuracy.
Hmm, making political commentators accountable legally for accuracy would be far better than a fairness doctrine. suspension from the airwaves for knowingly lying to the people.
1 week for first offense, and growing to permanent banishment for repeated offenses.

this soloution is non partisan. And Damo even said he liked accuracy.
When have I banned you for your inaccuracies? I mock you for them, I don't ban you.
Blast you Oncey! I was going to come in and do this this morning. You beat me to it. I am sure Dixie has some convoluted, heavy metals inspired logic as to why Obama is responsible for the unemployment rate. Go ahead on Dixie, blast us with some of that oxygen deprived inspiration.

Well it's really simple. In fact, it's so simple, even you pinheads realize it, which is why it dawned on you to post this thread! You wanted to head the criticism off at the pass by posting some smart ass sarcastic thread about it, but you know the truth, it's so very simple.

Jobs are tied to the economic conditions. The market has been somewhat shaky the past year, as Bush's popularity declined, but it really began to nosedive when it became apparent Obama would win the election. As you will recall, Obama plans to raise taxes on "rich people" and "big corporations" and these are who control the market and provide the jobs. When the market has lost about 40% of its value in the past month, you can expect jobs to be lost, no one is going to hire people when they are going broke.

One of you idiots was claiming the other day, that 30% of us work for the government already, so the good news is... we are getting 'smaller government!' And hey, it's all okay anyway... The Great One is going to provide us with 'rebate' checks from rich folk, free health care, college educations, pay off our mortgages and credit cards, and give us all electric cars! I'm sure we will just be hunky-dory in a few years! And if we're not, well, we will just have to re-elect him and liberals, because they have to finish off... err.. finish the job!
Well it's really simple. In fact, it's so simple, even you pinheads realize it, which is why it dawned on you to post this thread! You wanted to head the criticism off at the pass by posting some smart ass sarcastic thread about it, but you know the truth, it's so very simple.

Jobs are tied to the economic conditions. The market has been somewhat shaky the past year, as Bush's popularity declined, but it really began to nosedive when it became apparent Obama would win the election. As you will recall, Obama plans to raise taxes on "rich people" and "big corporations" and these are who control the market and provide the jobs. When the market has lost about 40% of its value in the past month, you can expect jobs to be lost, no one is going to hire people when they are going broke.

One of you idiots was claiming the other day, that 30% of us work for the government already, so the good news is... we are getting 'smaller government!' And hey, it's all okay anyway... The Great One is going to provide us with 'rebate' checks from rich folk, free health care, college educations, pay off our mortgages and credit cards, and give us all electric cars! I'm sure we will just be hunky-dory in a few years! And if we're not, well, we will just have to re-elect him and liberals, because they have to finish off... err.. finish the job!
The jobs were lost before he won. Shit you conservatives, including you, were talking about how the PUMAs were going to shock us all you fucking shameless sham of a hack. You don't even know how fucking stupid you sound do you? "You pinheads wait, 9% undecided, PUMA's are going to shock the world". You really have to take your head out of your ass a couple of times per hour to avoide anoxyic brain damage.
hillary supporting crazies think McCain is going to win in a landslide - Just Plain Politics!

Dicksy shamelessly and hackishly said:

LMAO... Looks like a real Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy brewing within the Pinhead Party!

Could the P.U.M.A.'s make the difference for McCain? I've been predicting this all along.

There are still roughly 9% of the voters telling pollsters they are 'undecided' and that is bullshit. We should all be intelligent enough to admit, there really are no 'undecided' voters at this point. These people are McCain voters who are ashamed of admitting they plan to vote for McCain. Add 9% to McCain's numbers, and Obama loses this election BIG TIME!

...Be afraid Pinheads... be VERY afraid

Remember this hack attack? In your own hackish words you had been predicting it all along. But NOW because you all knew Obama was going to win the jobs were lost. I hope your parents are dead, because if I had a kid as stupid as you I would have put a pillow over his head and saved it a life time of embarassment.
Yeah Rush Limbaugh is ridiculous.

But if the market had skyrocketed, I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you would be here singing a different tune.
Yeah Rush Limbaugh is ridiculous.

But if the market had skyrocketed, I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you would be here singing a different tune.
Well, then it would have been because of the decisive leadership of the current WH Administration. Acting as heroes they selflessly dedicated themselves to the task of doing nothing while the market went up or down.
Yeah Rush Limbaugh is ridiculous.

But if the market had skyrocketed, I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you would be here singing a different tune.

Yeah, Democrats would be whining over how McCain stole the election. Isn't it funny, we curiously had NO disenfranchised voters this time! Haven't heard a peep from Desh on rigged machines or stuffed ballot boxes... it apparently just didn't happen at all this election! It's just amazing to me how that works!
Yeah, Democrats would be whining over how McCain stole the election. Isn't it funny, we curiously had NO disenfranchised voters this time! Haven't heard a peep from Desh on rigged machines or stuffed ballot boxes... it apparently just didn't happen at all this election! It's just amazing to me how that works!

Yeah; I guess you could apply the same phenomenon to how you didn't blame Bush for the slowing economy he inherited, or blame his election for the market taking a downturn in late '00 & '01, or blame him for the Cold War coming back when Russia invaded Georgia....
Hmm, making political commentators accountable legally for accuracy would be far better than a fairness doctrine. suspension from the airwaves for knowingly lying to the people.
1 week for first offense, and growing to permanent banishment for repeated offenses.

this soloution is non partisan. And Damo even said he liked accuracy.

Do you understand that people like Limbaugh, Hannity, Randi Rhodes and Al Franken are entertainers first? Should Bill Mahr be accountable for his week by week bullshit? How about the "View" (you know that politically balanced panel)

WTF is wrong with you?
Told you, pinheads!

This is still the Bush economy. Like Obama said this morning, there is only one President.

January 21st it becomes Obama's worry.

He is doing his homework and he has reached out to a wide spectrum, or that is my opinion.

I didn't recognize some names of the advisers, but I am going to look them up!
Yeah, Democrats would be whining over how McCain stole the election. Isn't it funny, we curiously had NO disenfranchised voters this time! Haven't heard a peep from Desh on rigged machines or stuffed ballot boxes... it apparently just didn't happen at all this election! It's just amazing to me how that works!
Hack hackety hack hack hack. Sincerely Hack Hackerson.