Obama wins hands down


Junior Member
It really wasn't even funny.... Obama cleaned the floor with McCain. Looking forward to the next debate with Pallin, who it's rumored after the couric interview may not be the VP candidate.
imho anyone who has not decided on who to vote for at this point is not too bright.
The debates are just partisan pep rallies.
yeah that is a Drudge poll. check out one at democracy now or somesuch :D

we will have to wait till mid next week to see how the polls shake out.
Obama did win because of woman 59 to 31, Man went Mcain 46 to 43.
No shocker Dawgy is with the ladies.
I thought Obama was sophmoric
i though McCain held his own. I was sure obama would destroy him but he actually came out sort of goreish.

Id say tie at best.
This debate had no clear winner, but as we get further out, if you add McCain's hystarics the three days going into the debate and the fact that he backed down... Obama won, just for showing consistant leadership on the mere issue of having the debate at all.

As we move out from the debate, Obama will continue to rise. Obams showed he can hold his own against McCain on Forign Policy, thats enough I belive to get him elected.