Obama Wins, Nancy Starts Writing Checks!

The ink on the post-election papers is not even dry yet, and already, the Democrats are breaking their necks to spend our tax dollars on even more pork-laden bailouts, stimulus, and rescue plans. The latest in line for free government handouts? The Big Three automakers! This is just the beginning, wait until they all get comfortable in their newly gained seats of power!

Fiscal responsibility? What's that? Huh? Did someone say something, I can't hear a thing! National Debt? Well.... how much is a "trillion" anyway? It's just a number.... something little more than "billion" ...just one extra letter... no biggie! It doesn't mean a thing to people who are broke and dependent on government, anyway! Oh yeahhhhh, Bush spent us into debt with all these 'unjust' wars and 'corporate welfare' ...and 'tax cuts for the rich!' I almost forgot about that!

I don't know about the rest of you, maybe you are going to wait until the Dems propose we just 'direct deposit' our paychecks into the US Treasury's account, but I'm investing heavily in printing presses and green ink!
If the economy recovers, the national debt is not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. Your hero Reagan showed that.

The big 3 auto makers support a huge number of jobs. They are a casualty of the economic downturn. Letting them fail is not an option.
If the economy recovers, the national debt is not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. Your hero Reagan showed that.

The big 3 auto makers support a huge number of jobs. They are a casualty of the economic downturn. Letting them fail is not an option.

I would argue that the big 3 was struggling even in the late '90's. This is not something new.
The ink on the post-election papers is not even dry yet, and already, the Democrats are breaking their necks to spend our tax dollars on even more pork-laden bailouts, stimulus, and rescue plans. The latest in line for free government handouts? The Big Three automakers! This is just the beginning, wait until they all get comfortable in their newly gained seats of power!

Fiscal responsibility? What's that? Huh? Did someone say something, I can't hear a thing! National Debt? Well.... how much is a "trillion" anyway? It's just a number.... something little more than "billion" ...just one extra letter... no biggie! It doesn't mean a thing to people who are broke and dependent on government, anyway! Oh yeahhhhh, Bush spent us into debt with all these 'unjust' wars and 'corporate welfare' ...and 'tax cuts for the rich!' I almost forgot about that!

I don't know about the rest of you, maybe you are going to wait until the Dems propose we just 'direct deposit' our paychecks into the US Treasury's account, but I'm investing heavily in printing presses and green ink!

The problem with this? The very same capitalist that we support are asking for the handout. The same with the Banks and Financial Institutions. The problem here is this Generations Capitalists are a bunch of phony's!

We are supposed to feel sorry for the jack asses on Wall Street? They tell you to hang in there and wait out the long term.. and then soon as they hear a whisper of negative news... they sell out. F&^K them.

So I dont want to play this game anymore ... I have resigned to the fact that those on top are full of shit. They are die hard capitalists when the going is good ... but when the going gets tough they turn into Socialists real quick... with their hands out. So they will get bailed out and in a couple of years when things turn around they will suddenly become capitalists again.
If the economy recovers, the national debt is not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. Your hero Reagan showed that.

The big 3 auto makers support a huge number of jobs. They are a casualty of the economic downturn. Letting them fail is not an option.

Where does it end, though? With the national debt, and with bailouts? Eventually, aren't we going to have to face the music on the ever-increasing debt our nation is incurring? Were you aware that the majority of that $700 billion bailout package came from the Chinese coffers? Should we just go ahead and cede our sovereignty to Communist China? And the bailouts... where does that end? EVERY sector is hurting right now... textiles, manufacturing, construction, state governments, publishing, advertising, utilities, agriculture, the list goes on and on... are we going to bail them all out? If not, where are we going to draw the line, and what do we tell them when we do? Your particular sector isn't 'important' enough to bail out? Is this going to ultimately be determined by who made the most political contributions?

Ronald Reagan proved the National Debt was not a big problem as long as we could maintain a balanced budget and stimulate the economy, he never argued or advocated running up the debt at a breakneck rate, like the Democrats certainly seem poised and ready to do. There will come a point in time, where we so devalue the US Dollar, we collapse economically on the world market, and that time is rapidly approaching.
The problem with this? The very same capitalist that we support are asking for the handout. The same with the Banks and Financial Institutions. The problem here is this Generations Capitalists are a bunch of phony's!

We are supposed to feel sorry for the jack asses on Wall Street? They tell you to hang in there and wait out the long term.. and then soon as they hear a whisper of negative news... they sell out. F&^K them.

So I dont want to play this game anymore ... I have resigned to the fact that those on top are full of shit. They are die hard capitalists when the going is good ... but when the going gets tough they turn into Socialists real quick... with their hands out. So they will get bailed out and in a couple of years when things turn around they will suddenly become capitalists again.
They have the same motive whether when dealing with the state or with customers - to gain money.

In a free market they can only do this by pleasing consumers. With government, they beg, bribe, lobby and use force to get it.

I understand your anger with them but they will never change and their motive is only sinister by its means in the latter and much more beneficial in the former.