Obama won't end Iraq!

Tapping into the Liberal pinhead intellect and buzz, it seems resoundingly clear, the main issue supporters rally around is Obama's anti-war position regarding Iraq. He has stated that he wants to withdraw US forces from Iraq as soon as he is elected. The reality of doing this, would be something entirely different.

First, there is the issue of our commitments to our European allies (yes, we do have some) and the Security Council members at the UN. Their minds will have to be changed before the United States can redeploy, we are not in this unilaterally... contrary to leftist propaganda. We are part of a coalition of UN nations, and we are obligated to remain in Iraq as leaders of the coalition.

Obama could go to the UN Security Council and lobby for the end to our involvement in Iraq, but the UN will be dealing with a host of other issues regarding Iran's nuclear program, so he will have to wait a while to press this issue. When and if he does, what does he say? We've changed our minds, we don't want to do this anymore guys, sorry? Many of our strongest allies are depending on us to lead, and taking our marbles and going home, is not leadership. What does Obama plan to do, turn security of Iraq over to UN forces? How is he going to sell that? Here guys, you take over, we're done! Righhhht! Not gonna happen.

Obama could issue an Executive Order, it would be within his presidential authority to do so, but that isn't going to happen because of the international diplomacy nightmare which would follow such an action. The First Black President isn't going to want to deal with such a crisis from his own doings, it just wouldn't look that good for him. So... here is what is going to happen, IF Obama manages to get elected president....

Right off the bat, we will start hearing the Democrat talking points we have all come to know and love. "It took Bush 6 years to get us into this mess, Obama can't get us out overnight... in 6 months...in a year...in two years... in three..." well, you get the point, they have at least a 6 year excuse. All the while, our troops will still be in Iraq, business as usual. Nothing will change!

Long about 4 years, about the time for re-election, Obama will start to talk about how things have gotten so much better over there since his administration took over, and he thinks if we can just re-elect him and a few more liberal dems, they can Lead Us On To Victory in Iraq! After re-election, he will bring home some troops, as probably any Republican president would have already done, and the Liberals will be talking about how they turned it all around in Iraq and thank goodness they were elected to power!

What isn't going to happen with an Obama presidency, is a withdrawal from Iraq before the objectives are met. On this issue, Obama is not the only voice, and from a political standpoint, he will not want to be.
Is it just me, or does Dixie seem positively giddy about the prospect of 5 more years in Iraq?

I know that if I told him that it would be a 10 year war in 2003, I'd get a "STFU pinhead," and it would be added to all of our other "bogus predictions," like 100,000 dead....
Is it just me, or does Dixie seem positively giddy about the prospect of 5 more years in Iraq?

I know that if I told him that it would be a 10 year war in 2003, I'd get a "STFU pinhead," and it would be added to all of our other "bogus predictions," like 100,000 dead....

I'm never "giddy" about war, and don't know many who are. I was just pointing out some facts. Trying to bring you pinheads back into the real world here. You apperently think Obama, as president, would get us out of Iraq as soon as he takes office, and that isn't going to happen. I've made valid points as to why this won't happen, and your response is yet another personal attack. It's almost too predictable.... Dixie makes great point--pinhead launches personal attack on Dixie. It's almost as if you have no argument, and there is nothing you can say to refute my points. After all, if you had any kind of legitimate argument, you would certainly want to make it, in hopes of maybe discrediting my points and swaying some opinions your way, but nope... not a thing from you, except more personal attacks. Guess that says it all, huh? ...Ya, I know, go fuck myself, right?
I'm never "giddy" about war, and don't know many who are. I was just pointing out some facts. Trying to bring you pinheads back into the real world here. You apperently think Obama, as president, would get us out of Iraq as soon as he takes office, and that isn't going to happen. I've made valid points as to why this won't happen, and your response is yet another personal attack. It's almost too predictable.... Dixie makes great point--pinhead launches personal attack on Dixie. It's almost as if you have no argument, and there is nothing you can say to refute my points. After all, if you had any kind of legitimate argument, you would certainly want to make it, in hopes of maybe discrediting my points and swaying some opinions your way, but nope... not a thing from you, except more personal attacks. Guess that says it all, huh? ...Ya, I know, go fuck myself, right?

Uh, it's not going to happen because Obama has never said he would "get us out of Iraq as soon as he takes office."

Tilting at windmills again, Dix.
Uh, it's not going to happen because Obama has never said he would "get us out of Iraq as soon as he takes office."

Tilting at windmills again, Dix.

he siad somthing alomng the line that he will get us out unless AQ has a presence there.
"Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda."

He's already missed his own deadline once:

Tapping into the Liberal pinhead intellect and buzz, it seems resoundingly clear, the main issue supporters rally around is Obama's anti-war position regarding Iraq. He has stated that he wants to withdraw US forces from Iraq as soon as he is elected. The reality of doing this, would be something entirely different.


What isn't going to happen with an Obama presidency, is a withdrawal from Iraq before the objectives are met. On this issue, Obama is not the only voice, and from a political standpoint, he will not want to be.

John McCain: 100 years is just fine by me:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gwqEneBKUs&feature=related"]YouTube - john.he.is[/ame]
"Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda."

He's already missed his own deadline once:


Indefensible, Bush has missed every 6 month deadline on Iraq for what about 5 years? sheesh.
Long about 4 years, about the time for re-election, Obama will start to talk about how things have gotten so much better over there since his administration took over, and he thinks if we can just re-elect him and a few more liberal dems, they can Lead Us On To Victory in Iraq! After re-election, he will bring home some troops, as probably any Republican president would have already done, and the Liberals will be talking about how they turned it all around in Iraq and thank goodness they were elected to power!

ITs fun to look back and see how pinheaded predictions turned out.