Obamacare by Morning....

I watched most of the CMM Awrds, and the music was good, but George Jones, Buck Owens and especially Merle Haggard songs are the real Country songs. Hollywood has managed to get their hands on some of these "Country" songs, and rapper Sean PDitty Homes...really, that proves my point. The bottom line is that they are making big money with this stuff, and money talks. Look up on YouTube; "Back To The Barrooms", sung by Merle Haggard..below the link..real Contry Music
Here it is...

Someone who replied said that they could not hear the words, or something, well here are some comments made about your posted video..........................................................

"The 47th Annual Country Music Association Awards took a turn to the comedic Wednesday evening, as co-hosts Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood launched into a skit of Obamacare that sent the audience into loud laughter — and those of liberal ideology into furious and outraged rants on social media.
“Obamacare, what’s that?” said Mr. Paisley, playing a patient with a hurt back, in need of a doctor, Fox News reported.

“Oh, it’s great,” Ms. Underwood said. “I started signing up last Thursday, and I’m almost done.” She then invited Mr. Paisley to sign up for Obamacare and “join the six other people” who’ve already done so, Fox News said.

The duo then launched into a rendition of George Strait’s “Amarillo by Morning,” but with a slight switch of words: “Obamacare by morning, why’s this taking so long? I’m going to end up with hemorrhoids, if I sit here ‘til dawn.”
Supporters of Obamacare weren’t happy.
One Twitter poster wrote, The Blaze reported: “I think it’s very disrespectful for the country award to make fun of obamacare! You didn’t do jokes on anything that bush did!”
Another, in all capital letters: “These white folks on the CMA just slandered the [expletive] out of Obama & Obamacare.”

Another: “[Expletive] off CMA obamacare is good wtf.”
And yet one more, reported by The Blaze, again all in caps: “Why is the CMA’s talking about Obamacare. Shut the [expletive] up

"First time I've ever liked country music!! Indeed, keep it coming!!"

"Relax, Leftists. They were just "Redistributing" some laughs"

"Heaven forfend that the Chosen One and His signature failure be mocked. Keep it coming."

"And just as predictable as the rain, the maniacs are crying racism."

"God was'nt it wonderful to finally see the worthless Democrat Party kicked where it hurts by entertainers instead of the constant BS propaganda from shows like the "West Wing" where Democrat BS is shown as "history" or mealy mouth Democrats like Tom Hanks providing a LIARS CHORUS for ignoring the DAMAGE done to America by the Democrat Party."

"These liberals better get used to the idea that the emperor's new clothing isn't hiding his horrific arrogance and ignorance anymore. These liberals and their leader are getting exactly what they deserve - well earned contempt for their poor judgment in buying governing decisions, abuse of the American political process, and irrational, illogical behavior. I for one am sick of their stupidity damaging everyone! Get a clue dummies! You voted for a phony, lying moron (as are you!) And, I am a an oxymoron - a thinking liberal with no interest in adding my support to a putrid sham of a healthcare law. You won't be able to steal my personal information from the terrific Obamacare web portal as I have no intention of registering for useless insurance."

"I'm in 100% agreement with you. "Taxes" must be apportioned, and therefore, no one is exempt. If Congress is exempt and others are getting a pass, I'm all for taking one for myself."

"Its another Solyandra type scam, the contract was given to Ms. Toni Townes-Whitley because of her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni. This was a no bid contract for Michelle's friend who's company screwed up the American People's insurance that they were happy with, now millions have no insurance. Democrats voted 100% for this debacle, Republicans 0%. More informaiton from the Daily Caller below:"

"Oh, those poor babies! Mustn't ever mock their dear leader, although the libs mocked Bush for 8 solid years."

"They still mock him. Isn't everything still his fault? Just wait, we all know the absolute failure of obamacare and the website problems will be blamed on W eventually. All the people who are supposed to be working on fixing the website are really working on blaming Bush for everything"

"And, what... ? No one rembers the dixie ckicks and their Bush rantings?"

"The same radical Leftists who spent 8+ years mocking everything and anything about Bush now are upset that their Messiah's failing big program was ridiculed on TV :)"

"I saw it on FOX at 0500 hrs. today. I thought it was hilarious.
As for all for the Leftist whiners who claimed that GW Bush was never slammed at an "awards ceremony" - where have THEY been? Certainly NOT paying attention.
Leftists only have a sense of humor when a Republican is being bashed.
That's a FACT, Jack!"

"I was actually shocked that it happened on ABC, we all know that's a communist run channel for Obama. LOL, someone pulled a fast one!"

"Not mentioned on their site today nor on the Clinton News Network."

Rich suthernurs who are all bummedthat more black people in their state will get healthcare.

"damn those darkies are not supposed to live that long "

should have been their final song lyric
its pretty much the most boring music alive now.

they have turned it into pop.

they will kill it to along with the republican name
its pretty much the most boring music alive now.

they have turned it into pop.

they will kill it to along with the republican name
I agree about the Country Music now, but I am giving you an order to go listen to my Merle Haggaed video that I posted..."Back To The Barrooms", that is what real Country Music used to sound like until the Hollywood Money Libs(ABC) got a hold of promoting the Nashville sound years ago. The mocking of Obama was CMM's way of telling those Hollywood Libs to shove it up their asses, I loved it and I thank Damo for posting it originally.
Vinny, you been sounding moore and moore desperate/depressed lately, like your Lib world is crashing down around you. I hope that you do not fly the coup, like many of your Lib cohors did recently. Remember Vinny, it will only get worse for you, so maybe you should switch sides and drink some nice tea...LOL
I watched most of the CMM Awrds, and the music was good, but George Jones, Buck Owens and especially Merle Haggard songs are the real Country songs. Hollywood has managed to get their hands on some of these "Country" songs, and rapper Sean PDitty Homes...really, that proves my point. The bottom line is that they are making big money with this stuff, and money talks. Look up on YouTube; "Back To The Barrooms", sung by Merle Haggard..below the link..real Contry Music
Thank God that the CMM had the chutzpa to do their thing on ObamaDon'tCare, but these Hollywood Money Libs will try to take it out on them or someone, but those two are really big in the music industry, which means that they are safe. In Hollywood, if you are a Conservative, you better be really talented/popular to get any work, otherwise they give the work to their average talented Lib cohor actors and singers. I have relatives who have been brainwashed into listening to that Rap Crap, because that is all they hear on mainstream radio. I read that CNN never played that Damo video, but Fox News did because it was news. I hope that some of the Younger brainwashed generation get their sheet together and vote the Right way in 2014, otherwise there will never be "Peace In The Valley.
Rich suthernurs who are all bummedthat more black people in their state will get healthcare.

"damn those darkies are not supposed to live that long "

should have been their final song lyric
You are now admitting that obama did all this for the Blacks, by increasing healthcare costs for non-blacks. Every person that I know has had their Healthcare costs go way up in the last year or so, every one of them. ObamaDon'tCare is a perfect name for this attempt at Socialized Medicine. How about single payer where the Governnent runs it, do you wants that? ObamaDon'tCare needs to be redone, not necessarily gotten rid of, but both parties need to sit down and redo it. Otherwise, obama will be a do nothing President after the 2014 election where the Republicans will become stronger in the Senate and increase their hold in the House. There will not be any Immigration reform until obama capitulates to the Republican House, there is no other way. You, Vinny, are as radical as I thought you were, even moore so, are you a Commie?....