Obamacare finis?

Big Money

New member
There's been a rash of commentary from some on the left who've decided that the real problem with Obamacare isn't the crippling technological issues that have made it impossible for almost anyone to enroll in the federally run health-insurance exchanges but the media's coverage of those problems.

It's not the crime, it's the lack of a cover-up.

The complaint takes different forms. Salon's Joan Walsh frames it instrumentally. The coverage, she writes, "only aids [the] unhinged right." In this telling, the problem with reporting on Obamacare's problems is that it helps Obamacare's enemies.

Zerlina Maxwell frames it as a question of insured journalists being unable to see past their own rarified position. "The privilege of analyzing the process from the perspective of someone who is already insured and not in need of coverage allows the core impact of the new program on the health and security of millions of Americans to be missed," she writes.

There are dimensions to these arguments that really center on the job of the journalist, and there, I think Walsh and Maxwell and I simply disagree. But behind this disagreement is a question about how deep the law's problems really go.

As Walsh and Maxwell (and President Obama) say, Obamacare is more than just a Web site.

More balanced coverage, they believe, would be emphasizing all its other good qualities.

"I was actually happy to see the president come out defiantly in his Rose Garden talk, describing the ACA as 'not just a website' and listing the many benefits it’s already providing," wrote Walsh.

"Obamacare is more than a website," repeats Maxwell.

Well to start with my healthcare premiums went up some time back when the first phase of Obama-Care kicked in. My co-pay at doctors offices went from zero to $35.00 a shot because of the Obama-Care mandate that all health insurance coverage cover pre-existing conditions and children can remain on their parents health plan until Moses parts the Red Sea again. WTF, who the fuck did they think was gonna pay for that? It’s just another redistribution scam.
Here’s the facts. Obama-Care is a pile of fucking paper at least 4 feet high that nobody in Congress ever read before they voted on it. It’s so fucking wonderful that Congress exempts itself from it and Obama unconstitutionally anoints himself with the unconstitutional power to change the law, (a law passed by Congress), as he pleases to exempt whoever the fuck he takes a notion to exempt from the law, namely his friends and loyal donors. It’s the first time in American history that the American public is forced by the federal government to buy a crony capitalist market product that healthcare insurance companies lobbied for and played a major roll in the writing of.

It’s no curiosity that a totally ideologically corrupted Supreme Court made up of partisan hacks, appointed by party shills and confirmed by party racketeers would declare such an amazing piece of unconstitutional shit to be constitutional. They have no respect for the Constitution they swear to preserve, protect and defend, their only loyalty is to the bastards that appoint them and the corrupted ideologies that they serve.