Obamacare is a confusing mess

Big Money

New member

So you've signed up for health care on the ObamaCare exchanges. Think you're covered? Not quite.

As with any insurance plan, new enrollees still have to pay their first months' premium to lock in coverage.

But the deadlines for that task are different all over the country, adding to the confusion over an already-perplexing sign-up process.

The deadlines in the ObamaCare enrollment process have been a moving target. For those seeking coverage for the start of the new year, the deadline to sign up was originally Dec. 15.

Then it was moved to Dec. 23, and then again to Dec. 24.

Even after that deadline passed Tuesday night, the administration announced that those who ran into technical problems on HealthCare.gov could seek an exemption and get covered by Jan. 1.

Then comes the next set of deadlines. After appeals from the Obama administration, insurers announced earlier this month that they would give people until Jan. 10 -- as opposed to Dec. 31 -- to pay their first months' premium and have coverage effective Jan. 1.

But many states running their own exchanges have their own deadlines for first payments.

Some have more than one.

In Idaho, for instance, Blue Cross, Bridgespan and Select Health extended their deadline to Jan. 10.

But PacificSource extended its deadline to Jan. 15.

The deadlines in Washington, D.C., also depend on the insurer.

Other deadlines are earlier. Californias' and Rhode Islands' is Jan. 6. Vermonts' is Jan. 7.

The following states all have Jan. 10 deadlines: Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota and New York.

The following states have Jan. 15 deadlines: Maryland, Oregon and Washington state.

The system needs to see millions more people -- the young and healthy -- buy insurance in order to offset the cost of accepting sicker patients.

If anything, it is more than a mess. It is truly disastrous. Obama should of never rolled out his healthcare plan so soon, more thought and planning should of been put into it. Then again, this is just one of many of Obama's failures as a President.

Remember next November

The unraveling presents a historic opportunity.

Its' proponents call it “settled law,” but as Prohibition taught us, not even a constitutional amendment is settled law if it is dysfunctional enough, and Americans can see a clear alternative.

This falls' website fiasco and policy cancellations are only the beginning.

Next spring the individual mandate is likely to unravel when we see how sick the people are who signed up on exchanges, and if our government really is going to penalize voters for not buying health insurance.

The employer mandate and “accountable care organizations” will take their turns in the news.

There will be scandals. There will be fraud. This will go on for years.

We will simply patch more, subsidize more, and ignore frauds and scandals, as we do in Medicare and other programs.

If anything, it is more than a mess. It is truly disastrous. Obama should of never rolled out his healthcare plan so soon, more thought and planning should of been put into it. Then again, this is just one of many of Obama's failures as a President.

Except every time Obama tried to get Republicans to help with planning and "put more thought into it", all they did was obstruct obstruct obstruct.
Except every time Obama tried to get Republicans to help with planning and "put more thought into it", all they did was obstruct obstruct obstruct.

When did Obama try to get Republicans to help, liar?

The ball is in President Obama's court to reach out to Republicans if he wants a bipartisan bill on healthcare reform, House GOP Leader John Boehner (Ohio) said Monday morning.

Boehner told reporters that the president has not invited House GOP leaders to the White House for meetings on healthcare reform since the end of April.

Earlier this year, GOP leaders sent a letter to the president in May stating that they would like to work with the administration to find "common ground" on healthcare reform.

But the administration responded with a tersely worded letter indicating that they had healthcare reform under control.


Maybe you should stick to whining about the mods.
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But that fact isn't important, really...it's all the same Tightie Rightie talking point nonsense from BM anyway.
it may be insane but uts not confusing. gop was not asked to plan anything, that was left entirely to seballious. you cannot obstruct anything you had nothing to do with. remember who pointed out "you lost" ? everything that we see happening was predicted so no one can say its unexpected. its a train wreck because it was never a viable strategy.
If anything, it is more than a mess. It is truly disastrous. Obama should of never rolled out his healthcare plan so soon, more thought and planning should of been put into it. Then again, this is just one of many of Obama's failures as a President.

Yeah; after all, they only had four years to figure out what was in the law Democrats voted along straight party lines for right?


Given the glaring ignorance that defines the Democratic Party, I'm certain that infinity would be an inadequate amount of time to sort out their moronic legislative attempts.
Except every time Obama tried to get Republicans to help with planning and "put more thought into it", all they did was obstruct obstruct obstruct.

What a dunces argument and claim; that Republicans should help their hate filled hyperartisan opponents fix a law Democrats claimed they did not know what it contained and who did not ask for Republican input in writing this law or voting for it.

If the morons of the Democratic Party want to pass a legislative abomination like this along straight party lines without opposition input for purely partisan political purposes and presuming they are smarter than everyone else on the planet, the only correct response is; go pound sand assholes.

God you people are pathetic and really THAT incredibly stupid.
Step 1...check mailbox.

Step 2...look for insurance invoice

Step 3...pay invoice by mail, or electronic banking.

Confusing? Maybe for some
This message is hidden because Big Money is on your ignore list.

But that fact isn't important, really...it's all the same Tightie Rightie talking point nonsense from BM anyway.

...versus your leftist dimwit parroting of Democtratic talking points like a trained circus monkey...

You're perfect evidence of the dimwitted low information dullards that Obama needed to get elected and re-elected on nothing more substantive than hope and change. Yes, you really are THAT stunningly stupid.
it may be insane but uts not confusing. gop was not asked to plan anything, that was left entirely to seballious. you cannot obstruct anything you had nothing to do with. remember who pointed out "you lost" ? everything that we see happening was predicted so no one can say its unexpected. its a train wreck because it was never a viable strategy.

Step 1...check mailbox.

Step 2...look for insurance invoice

Step 3...pay invoice by mail, or electronic banking.

Confusing? Maybe for some

Wrong again dunce; step (1) roll out Obamacare website; step (2) fix Obamacare website; step (3) claim you never said people could keep their insurance and doctors; step (4) re-set deadline; step (5) re-introduce Obamacare web site; step (6) re-set new deadline and fix more glaring errors on web site; step (7) denounce minority opposition party for not helping fix a law they had zero input in writing and never voted for; step (8) roll out the Obamacare website a third time; step (9) re-set new deadline in anticipation of more errors and mistakes; step (10) denounce the minority party again for pointing out the glaring mistakes in this poorly thought out law...

...then, just maybe, but not gauranteed, we will get to YOUR step one.
