Obama's 150 billion Green tech investment


Verified User
thanks to dung for the link.
Obama IS GOING TO (I didn't say plans to , cause he's winning it). invest 150 billion in clean tech.
15B a yr is a hard core approach and no doubt private investment will follow ie. Tboone and Branson style leadership.
So come January 09 you can rejoice in new Democratic leadership and have a once in a lifetime chance to invest in Cleaning up Amurica.:cof1:
1.dude did you get you math at public school
2. Or like me were you burning a lot of tree in High School?
Private capital raised over half of that amount in one quarter.

""U.S. venture investments in clean-technology companies climbed to a record $961.7 million in the second quarter of 2008 - up 41 percent from the first quarter and 83 percent from the same quarter last year, according to a new report.""

In one quarter they raised almost one billion, if Obama's plan passes we'll be spending 15 billion (not big numbers when compared with most of the budget) per year.
How is it going to be spent? I could support spending that kind of money on changing infrastructure from current fossil fuel energy to cleaner, renewable energy, such as changing coal and oil fired electrical generating plants over to renewable fuels like waste wood or cellulosic ethanol.

But I would not support a series of never-ending subsidies on production of energy from new sources, such as subsidizing the price of cellulosic ethanol to make it competitive.
Good Luck,

What the hell is "renewable energy"?

Such a concept violates the second law of thermodynamics.

"Renewable energy" is impossible. It's just more horseshit from the wacky left.
Good Luck,

What the hell is "renewable energy"?

Such a concept violates the second law of thermodynamics.

"Renewable energy" is impossible. It's just more horseshit from the wacky left.
Going for asshole of the month points? Or just proudly parading your ignorance?

"Renewable energy" is a commonly used term to denote energy derived from fuels which can be renewed - most often agriculturally based. Ethanol is a renewable fuel because we can grow crops to create more ethanol, and as such is referred to as "renewable energy". The fuel source is "renewed", therefore the energy derived is "renewed".

The term is admittedly inaccurate from a purist standpoint. But socio-politically coined terms most often are. A more accurate descriptive phrase would be "renewable energy source".
Good Luck,

What the hell is "renewable energy"?

Such a concept violates the second law of thermodynamics.

"Renewable energy" is impossible. It's just more horseshit from the wacky left.

It means it comes directly instead of indirectly from the sun or the earth.
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Well windpower is indirect. Whatever.

Oil is energy indirectly acquired from the sun over milliions of years ago. All the newer sources acquire it more directly. The energy will run out whenever the sun goes. So it's not infinitely renewable, obviously.
like usual most will miss the wave:
