Obama's Endgame~~~

So lemme get this straight. 30 yrs of conservative ideology which includes 'deficits don't matter' and outsourcing jobs to their communist allies is now all Obama's fault?
This is typical for Republicons to not take responsibility for their failures and to try to cast the blame on Dems, Mexicans, gays, or anyone else.

This country is in the shape it's in because of YOU!
So lemme get this straight. 30 yrs of conservative ideology which includes 'deficits don't matter' and outsourcing jobs to their communist allies is now all Obama's fault?
This is typical for Republicons to not take responsibility for their failures and to try to cast the blame on Dems, Mexicans, gays, or anyone else.

This country is in the shape it's in because of YOU!
LOL You hard core democrats are really a piece of work. Is it required to get prefrontal lobotomies these days, or is your ignorance a deliberate piece of massive self deception?

Let's look at the biggest, most economically influential FTAs in existence:
NAFTA - 1994
SAFTA - 1995
CEMAC - 1999
These three yielded more outsourcing of jobs that all others combined, especially SAFTA. Where do you think all the jokes about India phone support comes from?

Now, care to remind us who was in charge when these agreements were negotiated and signed?
LOL You hard core democrats are really a piece of work. Is it required to get prefrontal lobotomies these days, or is your ignorance a deliberate piece of massive self deception?

Let's look at the biggest, most economically influential FTAs in existence:
NAFTA - 1994
SAFTA - 1995
CEMAC - 1999
These three yielded more outsourcing of jobs that all others combined, especially SAFTA. Where do you think all the jokes about India phone support comes from?

Now, care to remind us who was in charge when these agreements were negotiated and signed?
Excuse, who controlled Congress?
Excuse, who controlled Congress?
Excuse me, but we're not talking laws here. We are talking negotiated treaties, the scope of which falls primarily under the powers of the executive branch of the federal government. The Senate (not all of congress) only ratifies what was negotiated and promoted by the president. (see U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 2, paragraph 2.)

Try learning how our government works before wading into who was in charge of what.
LOL You hard core democrats are really a piece of work. Is it required to get prefrontal lobotomies these days, or is your ignorance a deliberate piece of massive self deception?

Let's look at the biggest, most economically influential FTAs in existence:
NAFTA - 1994
SAFTA - 1995
CEMAC - 1999
These three yielded more outsourcing of jobs that all others combined, especially SAFTA. Where do you think all the jokes about India phone support comes from?

Now, care to remind us who was in charge when these agreements were negotiated and signed?
What happens if Congress does not ratify the treaty?
What happens if Congress does not ratify the treaty?

Chapter 1: Treaties
Chapter 2: Precedents, Negotiators, Bipartisanship
Chapter 3: Senate Options
Chapter 4: Executive Agreements, Treaty Termination, Status as Law
Chapter 5: Rejected Treaties


The Constitution gives the Senate the power to approve, by a two-thirds vote, treaties made by the executive branch.

The Senate has rejected relatively few of the hundreds of treaties it has considered in its history. Many others, however, have died in committee or been withdrawn by the president rather than face defeat.

Some presidents have found it helpful to include senators in negotiating treaties in order to help pave the way for later Senate approval.

The requirement for a two-thirds vote ensures that a treaty will need bipartisan support to be approved.

The Senate may also amend a treaty or adopt various changes, which may lead the other nation, or nations, to further negotiate the treaty.

The president may also enter into executive agreements with foreign nations that are not subject to Senate approval.

Were NAFTA and the others treaties that did not need Congressional approval? If not, then why all the debate over them?
So lemme get this straight. 30 yrs of conservative ideology which includes 'deficits don't matter' and outsourcing jobs to their communist allies is now all Obama's fault?
This is typical for Republicons to not take responsibility for their failures and to try to cast the blame on Dems, Mexicans, gays, or anyone else.

This country is in the shape it's in because of YOU!

Not true.

I hate the reps, but I'm not dumb enough to think the dems don't have a great bit of liability with all this. They suck big time.

That being a fact, why don't you tell us why the dems are not responsible?
What happens if Congress does not ratify the treaty?
Then it goes for renegotiation. But blaming the senate for ratifying is like blaming the president instead of congress for the laws that are passed. Quit trying to give dems a pass at the expense of blind partisan "it's all their fault" bullshit.

Tell me, who is responsible for the repeal of Glass Steagall?

Chapter 1: Treaties
Chapter 2: Precedents, Negotiators, Bipartisanship
Chapter 3: Senate Options
Chapter 4: Executive Agreements, Treaty Termination, Status as Law
Chapter 5: Rejected Treaties


The Constitution gives the Senate the power to approve, by a two-thirds vote, treaties made by the executive branch.

The Senate has rejected relatively few of the hundreds of treaties it has considered in its history. Many others, however, have died in committee or been withdrawn by the president rather than face defeat.

Some presidents have found it helpful to include senators in negotiating treaties in order to help pave the way for later Senate approval.

The requirement for a two-thirds vote ensures that a treaty will need bipartisan support to be approved.

The Senate may also amend a treaty or adopt various changes, which may lead the other nation, or nations, to further negotiate the treaty.

The president may also enter into executive agreements with foreign nations that are not subject to Senate approval.

Were NAFTA and the others treaties that did not need Congressional approval? If not, then why all the debate over them?
How about getting more information before making a complete fool of yourself?

NAFTA passed 61-38 (1 absent)
of the 61 yea votes, 27 (almost half) were democrats.

SAFTA, while having the same import (if not more) was actually part of the SAARC summits and not a full-fledged trade treaty. It went into effect in 1995 without the need for senate approval under the executive agreement clause you, yourself pointed out.

So much for trying to spin that one into "it's the republicans' fault"
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an organization of South Asian nations, founded in 1985...

The Customs and Economic Union of Central Africa (or UDEAC from its name in French, Union Douanière et Économique de l’Afrique Centrale), established by the Brazzaville Treaty in 1966...it was officially superseded by CEMAC in June 1999 (through agreement from 1994). To date, CEMAC has not achieved its objective of creating a customs union.

It's not which party did what. Clinton was Republicon lite and believes the same free market bullshit that Reagan and Bush I did. It's not which party - its the ideology behind outsourcing our ability to manufacture goods. I voted for Clinton once, when he signed Nafta/Gatt I realized he was a traitor.

At least you admit we are in deep shit even if your conditioning won't let you see the truth.
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an organization of South Asian nations, founded in 1985...

The Customs and Economic Union of Central Africa (or UDEAC from its name in French, Union Douanière et Économique de l’Afrique Centrale), established by the Brazzaville Treaty in 1966...it was officially superseded by CEMAC in June 1999 (through agreement from 1994). To date, CEMAC has not achieved its objective of creating a customs union.

It's not which party did what. Clinton was Republicon lite and believes the same free market bullshit that Reagan and Bush I did. It's not which party - its the ideology behind outsourcing our ability to manufacture goods. I voted for Clinton once, when he signed Nafta/Gatt I realized he was a traitor.

At least you admit we are in deep shit even if your conditioning won't let you see the truth.

I agree with you about the free market bullshit and outsourcing our ability to manufacture goods. The American worker has really been raped.
So lemme get this straight. 30 yrs of conservative ideology which includes 'deficits don't matter' and outsourcing jobs to their communist allies is now all Obama's fault?
This is typical for Republicons to not take responsibility for their failures and to try to cast the blame on Dems, Mexicans, gays, or anyone else.

This country is in the shape it's in because of YOU!

Except we haven't had conservative ideology, just appeasement of the Democrat/ socialist Party by the GOP.
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an organization of South Asian nations, founded in 1985...

The Customs and Economic Union of Central Africa (or UDEAC from its name in French, Union Douanière et Économique de l’Afrique Centrale), established by the Brazzaville Treaty in 1966...it was officially superseded by CEMAC in June 1999 (through agreement from 1994). To date, CEMAC has not achieved its objective of creating a customs union.

It's not which party did what. Clinton was Republicon lite and believes the same free market bullshit that Reagan and Bush I did. It's not which party - its the ideology behind outsourcing our ability to manufacture goods. I voted for Clinton once, when he signed Nafta/Gatt I realized he was a traitor.

At least you admit we are in deep shit even if your conditioning won't let you see the truth.
I hear ya....I voted for Perot over that shit. Look where it go me?
Gotta realize something: according to today's hard core liberal democrat, the "Center" line is draw about halfway between full blown socialism and Marxist communism. Karl Marx is "left of center" according to their massively skewed spectrum.

I used to be a democrat. But when they moved so far to the left that they define socialism as moderate, I started speaking out. When I got told to STFU, it was the last straw. (actual quote was "shut your nigger mouth and do as you're told" being 1/2 Native American, 1/4 black and 1/4 white I am a couple tones lighter than Obama, and several lighter than the speaker.) That is when I decided to not support the democratic party (exclusively) any longer. Since then the hard cores have moved even farther left, with their rhetoric actually defending socialism, instead of protesting they are not socialists. A big change - and goes a long way in legitimizing all the far right rhetoric over the last decades which accused the left of having a socialist agenda.