Obama's Environmental Absurdity


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Did anybody ever believe that Obama would/might actually approve the building of the Keystone pipeline?

Years of government research showed that the pipeline was the least of all transportation options to have an adverse environmental impact.

Apparently Obama the hero of the hysterical environmentalist, must believe that his government’s own studies that transporting oil by rail and truck across the United States was several times more likely to have adverse events on the environment, was somehow a right-wing lie. So, our environmentalist President decided to continue the rail and trucking operations of Canadian oil across the country and having America watch while Canada pipelines their oil to their west cost to be shipped to China for refining and use where that nation’s environmental standards are nowhere near as environmentally friendly as those of the United States.

Questions: By what constitutional authority does Obama get to be the final arbitrator on the building of the Keystone pipeline to begin with?

Can and will anybody on the left actually and truthfully explain why Obama made the decision to nix the pipeline?