Obama's Extremism on Abortion


God Bless America
Obama's position on late-term abortions goes to show the level of lunacy this man is operating at. He believes second and third-trimester abortions are acceptable for any reason, and if he becomes President, we can be certain he will stack the Supreme Court accordingly.

Who in their right mind could vote for this man? For the record, the vast majority of Americans (and Democrats) believe late-term abortions are nothing less than cold-blooded murder.

The ban on partial-birth abortions was a bi-partisan bill.
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For the record, the vote on banning Intact dilation and extraction as a method of abortion was mainly voted against because the procedure is pretty much only of medical use. But don't tell the extremist loons that.
This is just one of many!

Doesn't anyone consider this a serious problem?


Obama the self proclaimed Christian says things like this and it is okay according to his supporters,however if one challenges his true religious beliefs everyone on the liberal side starts the racist rants...Obama is a Muslim,a socialist and a communist all rolled into one package of deceit!
Obama the self proclaimed Christian says things like this and it is okay according to his supporters,however if one challenges his true religious beliefs everyone on the liberal side starts the racist rants...Obama is a Muslim,a socialist and a communist all rolled into one package of deceit!

Just to get this straight. Obama has managed to reconcile his Islamic lifestyle with his anti-religious Communist teachings while posing as a Christian and lying about all of it?

Man, that bloke was born to be President.

Just to get this straight. Obama has managed to reconcile his Islamic lifestyle with his anti-religious Communist teachings while posing as a Christian and lying about all of it?

Man, that bloke was born to be President.

You must have skipped the pints this morning...you are thinking real clear...:cof1:
For the record, the vote on banning Intact dilation and extraction as a method of abortion was mainly voted against because the procedure is pretty much only of medical use. But don't tell the extremist loons that.

Actually, Obama believes D&E abortions should be legal regardless of whether there is a medical justification. He has voted accordingly. He, quote "[trusts] women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion."

So there you have it, son.
Actually, Obama believes D&E abortions should be legal regardless of whether there is a medical justification. He has voted accordingly. He, quote "[trusts] women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion."

So there you have it, son.

What you are talking about is major surgery, not just a D & C. By the third trimester, a woman is not going to undertake this procedure lightly or casually, as some of its opponents seem to have suggested.

Except for a late-term unanticipated threat to the health or life of the mother, this procedure is undertaken only if the fetus is grossly deformed and unlikely to survive long past birth at full term. This happened a few years ago to a friend of mine. First child, eagerly awaited by both parents; they'd named her almost as soon as the gender had been determined by ultrasound. As development proceeded, it was clear that there were major problems. The child had no brain and no eyes, and I don't recall the other severe abnormalities. To say that the parents were devastated is a gross understatement. My friend underwent the procedure, they buried their baby using the name they'd chosen for her, and held a memorial service for her. It hurts me even today to write this as I remember the pain on their faces.

Casual? Not on your life.
What you are talking about is major surgery, not just a D & C. By the third trimester, a woman is not going to undertake this procedure lightly or casually, as some of its opponents seem to have suggested.

Except for a late-term unanticipated threat to the health or life of the mother, this procedure is undertaken only if the fetus is grossly deformed and unlikely to survive long past birth at full term. This happened a few years ago to a friend of mine. First child, eagerly awaited by both parents; they'd named her almost as soon as the gender had been determined by ultrasound. As development proceeded, it was clear that there were major problems. The child had no brain and no eyes, and I don't recall the other severe abnormalities. To say that the parents were devastated is a gross understatement. My friend underwent the procedure, they buried their baby using the name they'd chosen for her, and held a memorial service for her. It hurts me even today to write this as I remember the pain on their faces.

Casual? Not on your life.

Thanks for putting a human face on this catastrophic medical decision Thorn. I am very sorry for your friend.
For the record, the vote on banning Intact dilation and extraction as a method of abortion was mainly voted against because the procedure is pretty much only of medical use. But don't tell the extremist loons that.

I think we can agree on definition of dilation and extraction. What does 'pretty much only of medical use' entail?
What you are talking about is major surgery, not just a D & C. By the third trimester, a woman is not going to undertake this procedure lightly or casually, as some of its opponents seem to have suggested.

Except for a late-term unanticipated threat to the health or life of the mother, this procedure is undertaken only if the fetus is grossly deformed and unlikely to survive long past birth at full term. This happened a few years ago to a friend of mine. First child, eagerly awaited by both parents; they'd named her almost as soon as the gender had been determined by ultrasound. As development proceeded, it was clear that there were major problems. The child had no brain and no eyes, and I don't recall the other severe abnormalities. To say that the parents were devastated is a gross understatement. My friend underwent the procedure, they buried their baby using the name they'd chosen for her, and held a memorial service for her. It hurts me even today to write this as I remember the pain on their faces.

Casual? Not on your life.
Wow, all these birth defects showed up in 7th month or later? Gadzooks. Seems eyes and such develop way before then:

I used to be a Democrat but until they *place random extreme right wing platform straight out of the Republicans playbook here* I will not vote for them again.

Democrats, right-wing? Haha you're funny Watermark. Democrats are so far to the left nowadays they make liberalism look conservative.

As I recall, you started out as a Socialist.
Then you transformed into a Libertarian.
Then a Liberal / Democrat.
Now, a God-knows-what.

How are we supposed to take you seriously if you can't make up your mind?

Granted, my positions have changed over time as well (with maturity), but I've always stayed firmly within the right-wing. My philosophy has been fairly consistent.

If your appeal to emotion is intended to silence me, it's not going to work. The fact of the matter is, hundreds of D&E abortions are performed in the UK every year with no medical justification whatsoever. Thousands are performed in China. Where it is legal, there are women who will receive it, and doctors who will perform it, without reason. Do you deny that?

I suggest you read this article:


Take note of this statement:

Kay, however, said that she had no qualms about "terminations" for disabled, or potentially disabled children. Kay said that "terminations" for "social reasons" far outnumber those committed for suspected foetal abnormality. She says that "emotional distress" the reason most commonly given, cannot be genuine and that abortion, even by 2005, was already being used as a form of contraception.

"There are girls who come back five or six times demanding terminations and they get them. How can someone coming for their fifth termination be allowed to keep saying it is due to emotional distress? I should imagine in ten years' time the emotional distress of being allowed to have five terminations is going to take its toll. What is going on?"

Here is a nurse who has no qualms about performing a D&E abortion for medical reasons, but affirms that most D&E abortions are NOT performed for such reasons. So there you have it.

THAT is the ugly truth.

You've been pwned.
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