Obama's Hillbilly Half-Brother Threatening To Derail Campaign


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BOONEVILLE, KY—Barack Obama's once-commanding lead in the polls slipped to two points Monday, continuing a month-long slide that many credit to the recent appearance of the Democratic candidate's heretofore unknown half-brother, Cooter Obama.

Long kept a family secret, the overalls-clad, straw-chewing Kentuckian first entered the public spotlight in July, when he drove his 1982 Ford flatbed pickup through the press corps at an Obama rally in order to inform his brother that he caught the skunk that had been living under his front porch. According to witnesses, Cooter's skunk proceeded to spray Washington Post political reporter Michael D. Shear in the face.

"Sorry 'bout that, mister! Some tomater juice'll take care of the stank," Cooter said as his mortified younger brother led him off the stage. "Shoot, Barack, you didn't tell me you was runnin' for president!"

Since Cooter's emergence on the national scene, the Obama campaign has downplayed the brothers' relationship. A statement issued last week by Obama's top adviser, David Axelrod, claimed that the two lived together only for a brief period in 1981, shortly before Barack left to attend Columbia University and Cooter had to drop out of chicken-killing school because an air conditioner fell on his head.

Nonetheless, political experts said Cooter's increased visibility in recent weeks has hurt Obama's polling among urban, upper-middle-class, non-straw-hat-wearing voters. The Obama camp has scrambled to control the damage caused by Cooter's penchants for loudly practicing his banjo during Obama's speeches, repeatedly referring to Barack by his childhood nickname, "Ol' Jelly Legs," and chasing his troublemaking pig, Mbogo, in the nude in the background of Obama's CNN interview on the importance of education.

The problem came to a head last week, advisers said, when Cooter arrived unannounced at a $100-a-plate fundraiser, slipped past security, and proffered a jug of moonshine to the high-society donors, claiming it would "straighten their curlies." In addition, dozens of would-be attendees at a Cedar Rapids, IA town-hall meeting Sunday were turned away at the door by the elder Obama, who was sitting at the entrance in a rocking chair and brandishing a double-barreled shotgun.

"What Sen. Obama's half-brother meant to communicate was that he was pleased that the candidate's message of change is fostering vigorous dialogue," Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said following the incident. "In no way was his proposal to 'fill y'all's backsides with rock salt' intended to be taken in any other way."

In the past two weeks, Obama has lost support from such groups as PETA, which withdrew its endorsement when Cooter punched a swan in the face, claiming it was "one of them mean ones"; the Clean Energy Group, which protested Cooter's recent attempt to fry a squirrel in a flaming 20-gallon barrel of diesel fuel; and Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), whom Cooter mistook for an outhouse Monday and urinated on for 35 seconds.

"I thought we would be able to escape controversy by leaving the country for a week and visiting Iraq and Europe," an unnamed source in the Obama camp told reporters. "Little did we know that Cooter would command just as much attention back home by getting drunk with the Russian ambassador, lighting off fireworks, and crashing Obama's campaign limo into a creek in the Ozark Mountains."

Despite the setbacks he has caused, Cooter has secured a small but devoted following, and has occasionally managed to reflect well on the campaign. At a speaking engagement to which Obama arrived two hours late, Cooter kept the crowd's spirits up by breaking out a washtub string bass and a washboard and holding an impromptu hoedown.

Although his primary focus has been to support his brother, Cooter Obama said he is not without political aspirations of his own.

"Shoot, I'm helpin' because I love my brother," Cooter said. "Maybe if he gets elected he can make me Secretary of Moonshine. Course, that don't mean I ain't votin' for the other fella. Ol' Jelly Legs wants to take my guns away."


Hmmmm I can remember when this was reality. Remember Billy Carter? I can remember when he did piss on a reporter! I sure wish my mother hadn't of thrown out the 6 pack of Billy Beer I bought. I bet an unopened 6 pack of Billy Beer would be worth quite a lot now.
Here's Obama's Billy:

According to The Telegraph, George Hussein Onyango Obama has only met Barack Obama, his older brother, twice in his life, once when he was five years old and again in 2006 when Obama toured East Africa and visited Nairobi.

Obama speaks of his brother in his autobiography, saying he was a "beautiful boy with a rounded head."

George Obama was found by Italy's Vanity Fair in a home which is described as a "two metre by three metre shack," that has football posters, a calendar of exotic beaches of the world and a front page newspaper picture of Barack Obama.

George Obama was born by a different mother than Barack was and sired by the same father, Barack Hussein Obama.

George told Vanity Fair that he likes to live as a recluse and that no one knows he exists and he further states that when he asked about his name, Obama, he denies that he is related to Barack Obama, stating "I say we are not related. I am ashamed."

Not ashamed of Barack Obama, but of his own extreme poverty.

George has hopes of attending a local technical college in the hopes of bettering himself.

He describes his second meeting with his famous brother saying it was brief, they spoke for a few minutes and then stated, "It was like meeting a complete stranger."

He also describes what it is like to live where he lives, detailing riots and people being hacked to death during the last elections, saying that the police do not arrest a person, they just shoot them.

He ends by saying, "I have seen two of my friends killed. I have scars from defending myself with my fists. I am good with my fists."

This is a stark contrast to how his older half-brother lives as well as showing a difference regarding the opportunities that one brother has had and the other might never get.
Hmmmm I can remember when this was reality. Remember Billy Carter? I can remember when he did piss on a reporter! I sure wish my mother hadn't of thrown out the 6 pack of Billy Beer I bought. I bet an unopened 6 pack of Billy Beer would be worth quite a lot now.
My mother threw mine out when I joined the Navy. But she saved my trains... I'd rather have the beer.
Hmmmm I can remember when this was reality. Remember Billy Carter? I can remember when he did piss on a reporter! I sure wish my mother hadn't of thrown out the 6 pack of Billy Beer I bought. I bet an unopened 6 pack of Billy Beer would be worth quite a lot now.


I still have a 6 pack of unopened Billy Beer in the garage. The last time I checked, an unopened 6 pack was going for ten bucks.
I hope its worth something as a historical oddity, because the beer absolutely sucked ass.
My mother threw mine out when I joined the Navy. But she saved my trains... I'd rather have the beer.

Yea, that's mom's for you. She not only threw out my Billy beer but she tossed my pack of condoms too. I never did understand why she got mad about me having a pack of condoms.
No, it came in a black and white can with the labal, "Generic Beer". Does anybody else remember the black and white "Generic" brand?

Oh I remember that stuff. I came out when the generic craze hit.

No, never drank any of it.