Obama's Last State of the Union Address


100% recycled karma
amazing. Obama calling for bipartisanship, same as he did coming into Office -now that he's leaving.
What happened to that vaunted "pen and a phone" governing?
so much for his promises of the "post-partisan" president

...it's a ridiculous theater of the absurd

10 Yemen guys released from Gitmo today.. does anyone think they were seriously vetted?
Where are you gong to send them that they won't return to jihad?

Don't even get me started on Daesh..remember when he called them "JV"
Daesh is the most organized, worldwide, terrorist organization that it has many of the functions of state (IS)

Tonight he makes up a strawman about ISIL not being "WWIII" ( I have to read the transcript)
nevermind..I see SOTU is in current events - not politics ? ( which toasts my anal compulsive cookies all to hell)

How can this be???
SOTU was very good, one of the very rare times we listened to it all. Loved the Food Stamp recipient comment, and the gerrymandering words to a group of people who do nothing but suckle at the teat of government. Article below covers it well and then there is the tired and worn out reply from the republicans, "If we held the White House, taxes would be lower, spending slowed and the military strengthened...." Governor Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina. Did this not fail over and over and over....


If America wakes from the stupidly of the control of big money and corporate power and thinks again of American values, President Obama will rank with Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and LBJ as presidents whose policies supported Americans, all Americans. The brainwashed right will never understand this as they are filled with bitterness over the loss of the fictional America that never was. Foes and fiction bring together the right wing, accomplishment is missing.

Think about this for a second, no nation was ever founded by a conservative, no conservative has ever been able to answer my simple question naming one accomplishment of a so called conservative that has helped America or the world, none nada never. So where does that leave you? Well the only answer is the obvious one, conservatives exist only to whine. Think about it? No accomplishments. Now look just a bit deeper, Coolidge/Hoover = Great depression; Reagan/Bush = S&L Bailout, It's the economy Stupid!; Bush Jr = Great Recession, an almost complete collapse of the economy, two unnecessary wars, and 911. All created massive deficits, all grew government, all had negative or marginal job creation. Now tell me how anyone could ever claim to be a republican conservative? Hard isn't it?

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?
yes their record of fail is very long

why do they stick with all these ideas even when they keep failing the people?

They don't seek a better Union.

they seek something else
amazing. Obama calling for bipartisanship, same as he did coming into Office -now that he's leaving.
What happened to that vaunted "pen and a phone" governing?
so much for his promises of the "post-partisan" president

...it's a ridiculous theater of the absurd

10 Yemen guys released from Gitmo today.. does anyone think they were seriously vetted?
Where are you gong to send them that they won't return to jihad?

Don't even get me started on Daesh..remember when he called them "JV"
Daesh is the most organized, worldwide, terrorist organization that it has many of the functions of state (IS)

Tonight he makes up a strawman about ISIL not being "WWIII" ( I have to read the transcript)

To your point there are times I really do like his high minded rhetoric but it is often preceded by divisive name calling partisan rhetoric which completely belies his following statements
your party voted against their own written and sponsored bills when he said they were a good idea and he would sign that bill.

Do you understand what a BLATENT show of partisanship that is?
Low key, quiet and not on pulse with those in the room. Bill Clinton just months after being impeached brought the entire room to its feet over and over again.

Content A
Delivery D-
To your point there are times I really do like his high minded rhetoric but it is often preceded by divisive name calling partisan rhetoric which completely belies his following statements
yep. I like his high-minded metrosexual, cool style.
He can be quite erudite -a refreshing change from 'Bushisms". But he's also petulant ( we see the same with his attitude toward Putin in Syria).

Put it this way Congress is 435 members, getting them to reset the tone is much more difficult.
Obama could show a bit of leadership here,and then if Congress was their usual funky skulk -unable to do anything
Obama would be on solid ground.

As it is - he's part of the problem with no legislative agenda, except to call for Congress to pass his own.
amazing. Obama calling for bipartisanship, same as he did coming into Office -now that he's leaving.
What happened to that vaunted "pen and a phone" governing?
so much for his promises of the "post-partisan" president

...it's a ridiculous theater of the absurd

10 Yemen guys released from Gitmo today.. does anyone think they were seriously vetted?
Where are you gong to send them that they won't return to jihad?

Don't even get me started on Daesh..remember when he called them "JV"
Daesh is the most organized, worldwide, terrorist organization that it has many of the functions of state (IS)

Tonight he makes up a strawman about ISIL not being "WWIII" ( I have to read the transcript)

But hey he has been the most transparent:palm: