Obamas legacy in doubt?

Big Money

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As his administration scrambles to fix the online enrollment process under the Affordable Care Act, President Obama is facing a challenge that threatens to undercut the most significant legislative victory of his presidency.

The online web site was billed ahead of the rollout as an easy-to-use portal where the uninsured could window shop for their health care options. Instead it was plagued with problems.

"The longer this gets delayed, the less believable the excuses of the Obama administration become to people," said Susan MacManus, a political scientist at the University of South Florida. "It feeds into the concerns that people have about inefficiencies and waste by government at a time when many people are still struggling to get by."

Now an effort that the White House is billing as a "tech surge" to fix the web site is crucial to the White House's ability to reach its goal of signing up 7 million people for coverage through government exchanges by the end of March.

So far, the White House has shed little light on how much progress has been made toward reaching that goal.

More than 19 million people have logged on to the federal website, which is being run for 36 states that declined to set up their own exchanges. And nearly 500,000 have filled out applications for insurance through both the federal and state-run sites, but the White House won't say how many have enrolled.

Even if the administration is now able to fix the problems with the web site could further diminish public opinion for a law that still faces skepticism. Forty-three percent approve of the law, while 51% disapprove, according to a CBS News poll published Tuesday.

Here is how it's going to be in the future. If Obamacare works, there is no doubt about that the president and his party will get the credit. But, if it does not work or it becomes a catastrophe they will get all the blames.
Have no fear.........Obama's legacy is secure and well documented....setting new records.

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor.
record long term unemployment under President Obama is at the highest level since at least the end of World War II
record numbers getting disability
record numbers getting food stamps
record number of years Senate has not passed a budget
record high national debt
record of military suicides
record of military kia in Afghanistan
record High Gasoline at Pump Averaged in 2012
record largest monthly deficit in history in February at $223 billion...CBO ( deficit for the ENTIRE Year of 2007 year was $62 billion lower than this one month)
record 'first'....debt rating has been downgraded for the first time in our history under Obama.
record....The number of Americans designated as "not in the labor force" in February, 2013 was 89,304,000, a record high,
First pinhead to propose 2 budgets that NOT EVEN ONE MEMBER of his own party would vote for....
Here is how it's going to be in the future. If Obamacare works, there is no doubt about that the president and his party will get the credit. But, if it does not work or it becomes a catastrophe they will get all the blames.

It has no chance in hell of working as promised because it is an extremely poor piece of legislation with little intelligence contained within its pages.

But I am certain the dimwitted Democrats along with the dullard class will claim it coud have worked if not for Republican refusal to make it work and agree with his excellence Obama.

It is similar to the equally stupid comments by brain dead Communists who insist Marxisim works, it's just never been tried correctly.
Have no fear.........Obama's legacy is secure and well documented....setting new records.

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor.
record long term unemployment under President Obama is at the highest level since at least the end of World War II
record numbers getting disability
record numbers getting food stamps
record number of years Senate has not passed a budget
record high national debt
record of military suicides
record of military kia in Afghanistan
record High Gasoline at Pump Averaged in 2012
record largest monthly deficit in history in February at $223 billion...CBO ( deficit for the ENTIRE Year of 2007 year was $62 billion lower than this one month)
record 'first'....debt rating has been downgraded for the first time in our history under Obama.
record....The number of Americans designated as "not in the labor force" in February, 2013 was 89,304,000, a record high,
First pinhead to propose 2 budgets that NOT EVEN ONE MEMBER of his own party would vote for....

Bumped for the truth. Hits the proverbial nail right on the head. And we still have another three years with this inept buffoon; he might outdo himself even more!