Obama’s List


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Mr. O'Rourke is a man after my own heart:

Virtue-signaling liberals would have you believe they are the most conscientious of people, perfectly positioned to lecture the public on matters of morality, but in truth, they defend and promote so many abominable injustices that it is impossible to ignore their rank hypocrisy. The most recent attempts of the left to play the part of public virtue police recalls an almost infinite treasury of liberal hypocrisy:

Virtue-signaling liberals would have you believe they are the most conscientious of people, perfectly positioned to lecture the public on matters of morality, but in truth, they defend and promote so many abominable injustices that it is impossible to ignore their rank hypocrisy. The most recent attempts of the left to play the part of public virtue police recalls an almost infinite treasury of liberal hypocrisy:

● Demanding that private businesses (like Christian bakeries) be forced to violate their convictions of conscience by baking homosexual "wedding" cakes (though not critiquing Islamic or homosexual bakeries for similar practices) while defending other "private" businesses (like Facebook) censoring or de-platforming whomever they wish
● Insisting that the government be allowed to regulate the most nitpicking minutiae of private life, down to how many ounces of soda you can drink, while equally insisting that the same government should never interfere in "private" decisions about your body (like, say, a woman extinguishing the life of her offspring in utero)
● Lambasting the "violence" of "hate speech" (i.e., speech that dissents from leftist dogma) while assaulting restaurant patrons for wearing MAGA hats
● Demanding that American taxpayers freely allow aliens to illegally cross into their communities, and blasting those who disagree as "racists," while themselves choosing to live in predominantly white, low-immigrant areas; building expansive walls around their own homes; and steadfastly refusing to open their own properties to immigrants when asked.
● Pretending to be great lovers of "science" if it seems to support leftist dogma like climate change while completely ignoring or denying what science has to say about the innate biological differences between the sexes or about the beginnings of life in the womb
● Confidently asserting that homosexual desires are fixed and unchangeable, such that laws must be made preventing homosexuals who voluntarily seek to change from doing so, while also asserting that fixed and immutable biological traits (like possessing a Y chromosome) are totally fluid and changeable merely by "identifying" as a woman
● Decrying the state-sponsored execution of guilty murderers, rapists, and terrorists while celebrating and promoting the state-sponsored execution of innocent unborn (and now even born!) children
●Urging that we "await all the evidence" before dismissing obvious hoaxes (e.g., Jussie Smollet's staged "hate crime") while rushing to (false) judgment when the narrative fits preconceived biases (e.g., "racist" Catholic high school students allegedly "oppressing" American Indian veterans)
● Forming the vanguard of an alleged resurgence in sexual mores and propriety toward women via the "Me Too" movement while also allowing its Hollywood branch to continue pumping out a steady stream of foul and semi-pornographic filth that largely created and sustains the very rape-and-smut culture they now claim to decry
● Denouncing political commentary as causing "violence" against Democratic politicians, then quietly ignoring similar condemnations after shootings against Republican congressmen (committed by a Bernie Sanders–supporter)
● Focusing keen media attention on (extremely rare) incidents of terrorism directed against mosques (particularly when there is any slight hope of pinning the blame on a right-winger) while studiously ignoring actual genocide committed worldwide against Christians, especially to avoid drawing attention to the Islamic origins of such genocide
● Obsessively fixating on suppressing "hateful ideology" that leads to "violence" while fostering a new mold of political representatives who now openly advocate for socialism (Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), an ideology that has claimed 100 million lives
● Denouncing non-leftist politicians who use filthy words in private but preparing to support and vote for leftist politicians who commit filthy actions, like fondling women and even children in public (and on camera)
● Insisting on the provision of "safe spaces" for adult college students who may be "triggered" or threatened by hearing ideas which differ from their own while denying those same safe spaces in the form of single-sex locker rooms for minor students who may be threatened by actions from those with nefarious intentions
● Forever attempting to restrict citizens' rights to defend themselves with firearms, while ensuring that their own political and celebrity leadership always be flanked by heavily armed security

I would put the Chicago sewer rat at the top of the list. In fact, there would be no list if spiritual leaders are denied political power.

Note that Lincoln acquired political power 148 years before television gave the sewer rat the all-powerful government Lincoln lusted after.

Almost every president after Lincoln behaved as though their personal moral code overrides the Constitution. The recent spiritual leader, Obama, took Lincoln sacrificing the Constitution for his personal moral certainty far beyond what all of the other dirty little moralists did to the country.


Obama’s drive to acquire totalitarian power could have easily degenerated into a scare tactic aimed at getting him out of office. Many Americans who saw where he was trying to take the country were initially frightened by his 2008 campaign rhetoric —— he ran as a spiritual leader in an attempt to combine religion and government à la a Muslim theocracy. The fear he created among wide-eyed Americans increased daily from the minute he was sworn in. The problem was in trying to define those fears without scaring the hell out of everybody else. The goal was to awaken everyone to peaceful resistance relying on his words and deeds to stop him. Those of us who spoke out failed repeatedly as the media buried our objections to the point of deifying him.


I do not often cite the Bible, but this quotation clearly shows what Jesus thought about Obama and his kind:

Christ directed attention to the longstanding Pharisaical pretension to be just and holy men, although He in His omniscience saw them privately indulging in the very vices they publicly condemned:

Blind guides, who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness[.] ... So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just; but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Matt. 11:23–27)

May 9, 2019
The Liberal Hypocrites Who Want to Be Our Moral Betters
By Mick O'Rourke

Mr. O'Rourke is a man after my own heart:

Virtue-signaling liberals would have you believe they are the most conscientious of people, perfectly positioned to lecture the public on matters of morality, but in truth, they defend and promote so many abominable injustices that it is impossible to ignore their rank hypocrisy. The most recent attempts of the left to play the part of public virtue police recalls an almost infinite treasury of liberal hypocrisy:

Virtue-signaling liberals would have you believe they are the most conscientious of people, perfectly positioned to lecture the public on matters of morality, but in truth, they defend and promote so many abominable injustices that it is impossible to ignore their rank hypocrisy. The most recent attempts of the left to play the part of public virtue police recalls an almost infinite treasury of liberal hypocrisy:

● Demanding that private businesses (like Christian bakeries) be forced to violate their convictions of conscience by baking homosexual "wedding" cakes (though not critiquing Islamic or homosexual bakeries for similar practices) while defending other "private" businesses (like Facebook) censoring or de-platforming whomever they wish
● Insisting that the government be allowed to regulate the most nitpicking minutiae of private life, down to how many ounces of soda you can drink, while equally insisting that the same government should never interfere in "private" decisions about your body (like, say, a woman extinguishing the life of her offspring in utero)
● Lambasting the "violence" of "hate speech" (i.e., speech that dissents from leftist dogma) while assaulting restaurant patrons for wearing MAGA hats
● Demanding that American taxpayers freely allow aliens to illegally cross into their communities, and blasting those who disagree as "racists," while themselves choosing to live in predominantly white, low-immigrant areas; building expansive walls around their own homes; and steadfastly refusing to open their own properties to immigrants when asked.
● Pretending to be great lovers of "science" if it seems to support leftist dogma like climate change while completely ignoring or denying what science has to say about the innate biological differences between the sexes or about the beginnings of life in the womb
● Confidently asserting that homosexual desires are fixed and unchangeable, such that laws must be made preventing homosexuals who voluntarily seek to change from doing so, while also asserting that fixed and immutable biological traits (like possessing a Y chromosome) are totally fluid and changeable merely by "identifying" as a woman
● Decrying the state-sponsored execution of guilty murderers, rapists, and terrorists while celebrating and promoting the state-sponsored execution of innocent unborn (and now even born!) children
●Urging that we "await all the evidence" before dismissing obvious hoaxes (e.g., Jussie Smollet's staged "hate crime") while rushing to (false) judgment when the narrative fits preconceived biases (e.g., "racist" Catholic high school students allegedly "oppressing" American Indian veterans)
● Forming the vanguard of an alleged resurgence in sexual mores and propriety toward women via the "Me Too" movement while also allowing its Hollywood branch to continue pumping out a steady stream of foul and semi-pornographic filth that largely created and sustains the very rape-and-smut culture they now claim to decry
● Denouncing political commentary as causing "violence" against Democratic politicians, then quietly ignoring similar condemnations after shootings against Republican congressmen (committed by a Bernie Sanders–supporter)
● Focusing keen media attention on (extremely rare) incidents of terrorism directed against mosques (particularly when there is any slight hope of pinning the blame on a right-winger) while studiously ignoring actual genocide committed worldwide against Christians, especially to avoid drawing attention to the Islamic origins of such genocide
● Obsessively fixating on suppressing "hateful ideology" that leads to "violence" while fostering a new mold of political representatives who now openly advocate for socialism (Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), an ideology that has claimed 100 million lives
● Denouncing non-leftist politicians who use filthy words in private but preparing to support and vote for leftist politicians who commit filthy actions, like fondling women and even children in public (and on camera)
● Insisting on the provision of "safe spaces" for adult college students who may be "triggered" or threatened by hearing ideas which differ from their own while denying those same safe spaces in the form of single-sex locker rooms for minor students who may be threatened by actions from those with nefarious intentions
● Forever attempting to restrict citizens' rights to defend themselves with firearms, while ensuring that their own political and celebrity leadership always be flanked by heavily armed security

I would put the Chicago sewer rat at the top of the list. In fact, there would be no list if spiritual leaders are denied political power.

Note that Lincoln acquired political power 148 years before television gave the sewer rat the all-powerful government Lincoln lusted after.

Almost every president after Lincoln behaved as though their personal moral code overrides the Constitution. The recent spiritual leader, Obama, took Lincoln sacrificing the Constitution for his personal moral certainty far beyond what all of the other dirty little moralists did to the country.


Obama’s drive to acquire totalitarian power could have easily degenerated into a scare tactic aimed at getting him out of office. Many Americans who saw where he was trying to take the country were initially frightened by his 2008 campaign rhetoric —— he ran as a spiritual leader in an attempt to combine religion and government à la a Muslim theocracy. The fear he created among wide-eyed Americans increased daily from the minute he was sworn in. The problem was in trying to define those fears without scaring the hell out of everybody else. The goal was to awaken everyone to peaceful resistance relying on his words and deeds to stop him. Those of us who spoke out failed repeatedly as the media buried our objections to the point of deifying him.


I do not often cite the Bible, but this quotation clearly shows what Jesus thought about Obama and his kind:

Christ directed attention to the longstanding Pharisaical pretension to be just and holy men, although He in His omniscience saw them privately indulging in the very vices they publicly condemned:

Blind guides, who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness[.] ... So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just; but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Matt. 11:23–27)

May 9, 2019
The Liberal Hypocrites Who Want to Be Our Moral Betters
By Mick O'Rourke

A veritable cornucopia of strawman arguments and fake news. Considerable hypocrisy as well, ref his pussy grabbing godling. Apparently lies are truth, dependent only upon their service to your political ideology.

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There is no way I am going to wade through that word salad.

I assume it has something to do with Deep State, Death Panels, and FEMA death camps.