Obama's margin of victory: The media


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Confirming what everybody already knows: Barack Obama's razor-thin margin of victory after all the Democrat primaries were over, followed hugely fawning coverage by all the broacast network "news" channels. If he had had objective coverage rather than the virtual love-fest he got, might the margin of victtory been on Hillary's side instead?



Obama's Margin of Victory: The Media
How Barack Obama Could Not Have Won the Democratic Nomination Without

It was the closest nomination contest in a generation, with just one-
tenth of a percentage point -- 41,622 votes out of more than 35
million cast -- separating Barack Obama from Hillary Clinton when the
Democratic primaries ended in June. Obama's margin among elected
delegates was almost as thin, just 51 to 48 percent.

But Barack Obama had a crucial advantage over his rivals this year:
the support of the national media, especially the three broadcast
networks. At every step of his national political career, network
reporters showered the Illinois Senator with glowing media coverage,
building him up as a political celebrity and exhibiting little
interest in investigating his past associations or exploring the
controversies that could have threatened his campaign.

These are the key findings of the Media Research Center's exhaustive
analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage of Barack Obama --
every story, every soundbite, every mention --from his first
appearance on a network broadcast in May 2000 through the end of the
Democratic primaries in June 2008, a total of 1,365 stories. MRC
analysts found that the networks' coverage -- particularly prior to
the formal start of Obama's presidential campaign -- bordered on
giddy celebration of a political "rock star" rather than objective
news gathering.

Key Findings:

# The three broadcast networks treated Obama to nearly seven times
more good press than bad -- 462 positive stories (34% of the total),
compared with only 70 stories (just 5%) that were critical.

# NBC Nightly News was the most lopsided, with 179 pro-Obama reports
(37%), more than ten times the number of anti-Obama stories (17, or
3%). The CBS Evening News was nearly as skewed, with 156 stories spun
in favor of Obama (38%), compared to a mere 21 anti-Obama reports
(5%). ABC's World News was the least slanted, but still tilted
roughly four-to-one in Obama's favor (127 stories to 32, or 27% to 7%).

# Barack Obama received his best press when it mattered most, as he
debuted on the national scene. All of the networks lavished him with
praise when he was keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic Convention,
and did not produce a single negative story about Obama (out of 81
total reports) prior to the start of his presidential campaign in
early 2007.

# The networks downplayed or ignored major Obama gaffes and scandals.
Obama's relationship with convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko was
the subject of only two full reports (one each on ABC and NBC) and
mentioned in just 15 other stories. CBS and NBC also initially
downplayed controversial statements from Obama's longtime pastor
Jeremiah Wright, but heavily praised Obama's March 18 speech on race relations.

# While Obama's worst media coverage came during the weeks leading up
to the Pennsylvania primary on April 22, even then the networks
offered two positive stories for every one that carried a negative
spin (21% to 9%). Obama's best press of the year came after he won
the North Carolina primary on May 6 -- after that, 43 percent of
stories were favorable to Obama, compared to just one percent that
were critical.

# The networks minimized Obama's liberal ideology, only referring to
him as a "liberal" 14 times in four years. In contrast, reporters
found twice as many occasions (29) to refer to Obama as either a
"rock star," "rising star" or "superstar" during the same period.

# In covering the campaign, network reporters highlighted voters who
offered favorable opinions about Obama. Of 147 average citizens who
expressed an on-camera opinion about Obama, 114 (78%) were pro-Obama,
compared to just 28 (19%) that had a negative view, with the
remaining five offering a mixed opinion.

Perhaps if he had faced serious journalistic scrutiny instead of
media cheerleading, Barack Obama might still have won his party's
nomination. But the tremendously positive coverage that the networks
bestowed upon his campaign was of incalculable value. The early
celebrity coverage helped make Obama a nationally-known figure with a
near-perfect media image. The protectiveness that reporters showed
during the early primaries made it difficult for his rivals to
effectively criticize him. And when it came to controversies such as
the Wright affair, network reporters acted more as defenders than as
journalists in an adversarial relationship. If the media did not
actually win the Democratic nomination for Barack Obama, they surely
made it a whole lot easier.
This issue will get further exercise as we measure how much Obama's VP candidate's earlier remarks about him, are aired in present and future reports.

Will Biden's prolific comments about Obama's naivety and lack of experience, "The Presidency is not exactly a good place for on-the-job training", etc. etc., get anywhere near the air time from now on, the comments like "voodoo economics" did after Reagan selected Bush Sr. as his running mate?