Obama's trail of broken promises


New member
Some disappointment from the Left. No mention of his vow to run on public money, ban lobbyists from his administration, veto any budgets with earmarks, post proposed laws passed by Congress for 5 days for public comment before signing, rescuing the family dog from a shelter etc. etc. . These are the Lefts beefs.

Think the Media would have pointed-out any of the above 8 years ago ? Just a thought...

"...behavior by President Obama suggests a more systemic assault on the campaign promise is underway.

It started in December when he was asked why he was making Hillary Clinton his chief diplomat after criticizing her qualifications and promising Democratic primary voters that his views on international relations were different than hers. He responded by telling the questioner "you're having fun" trying "to stir up whatever quotes were generated during the course of the campaign." The implicit assertion was that anyone expecting him to answer for campaign statements must just be "having fun" -- and certainly can't be serious.

A few months later, in reversing a five-year-old commitment to support ending the Cuban embargo, Obama offered no rationale for the U-turn other than saying he was "running for Senate" at a time that "seems just eons ago" -- again, as if everyone should know that previous campaign promises mean nothing.

At least that was a response. After the New York Times recently reported that "the administration has no present plans to reopen negotiations on NAFTA" as "Obama vowed to do during his campaign," there was no explanation offered whatsoever. We were left to recall Obama previously telling Fortune magazine that his NAFTA promises were too "overheated and amplified" to be taken literally.

It's true that politicians have always broken promises, but rarely so proudly and with such impunity.

We once respected democracy by at least demanding explanations -- however weak -- for unfulfilled promises. Then we became a country whose scorched-earth campaigns against flip-flopping desensitized us to reversals. Now, we don't flinch when our president appears tickled that a few poor souls still expect politicians to fulfill promises and justify broken ones.

The worst part of this devolution is the centrality of Obama, the prophet of “hope” and “change” who once said that "cynicism is a sorry kind of wisdom." If that's true, then he has become America's wisest man -- the guy who seems to know my kids will laugh when I tell them politicians and voters once believed in democracy and took campaign promises seriously."

© 2009 Creators Syndicate Inc.

wouldn't surprise me any if he comes right out and says that he HAD to lie to get elected so he could truly represent the 'people', just give him time.
Some disappointment from the Left. No mention of his vow to run on public money, ban lobbyists from his administration, veto any budgets with earmarks, post proposed laws passed by Congress for 5 days for public comment before signing, rescuing the family dog from a shelter etc. etc. . These are the Lefts beefs.

Think the Media would have pointed-out any of the above 8 years ago ? Just a thought...

"...behavior by President Obama suggests a more systemic assault on the campaign promise is underway.

It started in December when he was asked why he was making Hillary Clinton his chief diplomat after criticizing her qualifications and promising Democratic primary voters that his views on international relations were different than hers. He responded by telling the questioner "you're having fun" trying "to stir up whatever quotes were generated during the course of the campaign." The implicit assertion was that anyone expecting him to answer for campaign statements must just be "having fun" -- and certainly can't be serious.

A few months later, in reversing a five-year-old commitment to support ending the Cuban embargo, Obama offered no rationale for the U-turn other than saying he was "running for Senate" at a time that "seems just eons ago" -- again, as if everyone should know that previous campaign promises mean nothing.

At least that was a response. After the New York Times recently reported that "the administration has no present plans to reopen negotiations on NAFTA" as "Obama vowed to do during his campaign," there was no explanation offered whatsoever. We were left to recall Obama previously telling Fortune magazine that his NAFTA promises were too "overheated and amplified" to be taken literally.

It's true that politicians have always broken promises, but rarely so proudly and with such impunity.

We once respected democracy by at least demanding explanations -- however weak -- for unfulfilled promises. Then we became a country whose scorched-earth campaigns against flip-flopping desensitized us to reversals. Now, we don't flinch when our president appears tickled that a few poor souls still expect politicians to fulfill promises and justify broken ones.

The worst part of this devolution is the centrality of Obama, the prophet of “hope” and “change” who once said that "cynicism is a sorry kind of wisdom." If that's true, then he has become America's wisest man -- the guy who seems to know my kids will laugh when I tell them politicians and voters once believed in democracy and took campaign promises seriously."

© 2009 Creators Syndicate Inc.


It really has become sickening. Obama's condescending attitude about being held accountable is more than just audacious it's arrogance unleashed.
The MSM had to apologize for giving the Shrub & company a free pass regarding the Iraq invasion/occupation. Now 6 months into his first year, it seems that the same "alternative media" that got everything right regarding the Shrub & company will have the burden of socking it to Obama. Oh well, I wonder if the neocons will see the hypocrisy in depending upon the people they previously villified to set the record straight. time will tell.
It really has become sickening. Obama's condescending attitude about being held accountable is more than just audacious it's arrogance unleashed.

Good thing we've got an objective, unbiased Media to hold him to the same strict standards demanded of the Bush administration.

For instance, after constantly reminding America of "the Bush deficits" that were "mortgaging our childrens future" I'm sure the Media will keep-up the pressure to limit the Dems from imposing such burdens on those yet unborn...
The MSM had to apologize for giving the Shrub & company a free pass regarding the Iraq invasion/occupation. Now 6 months into his first year, it seems that the same "alternative media" that got everything right regarding the Shrub & company will have the burden of socking it to Obama. Oh well, I wonder if the neocons will see the hypocrisy in depending upon the people they previously villified to set the record straight. time will tell.

Perhaps the Media remembered the following between the time they "gave Shrub and company a free pass" and their bout of Mass Amnesia once the "Bush Lied/ People Died" peace bogged down (many more examples on request) :

Clinton says Iraq poses 'clear and present danger'

U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered a military strike against Iraq to keep Saddam Hussein from threatening his neighbours and the security of the world.

Clinton said the worsening situation in Iraq posed "a clear and present danger" to the stability of the Persian Gulf region, to American interests and to the world.

Speaking from the Oval Office at the White House, Clinton said he received unanimous support from his military advisers for the attack, which began soon after midnight Iraqi time. The targets of the attack are military installations and places where chemical and biological weapons are prepared.

Perhaps the Media remembered the following between the time they "gave Shrub and company a free pass" and their bout of Mass Amnesia once the "Bush Lied/ People Died" peace bogged down (many more examples on request) :

Clinton says Iraq poses 'clear and present danger'

U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered a military strike against Iraq to keep Saddam Hussein from threatening his neighbours and the security of the world.

Clinton said the worsening situation in Iraq posed "a clear and present danger" to the stability of the Persian Gulf region, to American interests and to the world.

Speaking from the Oval Office at the White House, Clinton said he received unanimous support from his military advisers for the attack, which began soon after midnight Iraqi time. The targets of the attack are military installations and places where chemical and biological weapons are prepared.


Clinton never would have ordered a full-scale invasion of Iraq, and neither would Gore.

Stop making excuses for Bush's war of choice. The level of human suffering he is responsible for is incomprehensible at this point. Bush is accountable.
As for Obama, the stuff I have seen from your side so far has been nitpicky minutia. One need look no further than his budget to see that he has certainly delivered on the "change" he promised; the national priorities have done a 180.

You just don't like the change that's happening. I'm not moved by that...
As for Obama, the stuff I have seen from your side so far has been nitpicky minutia. One need look no further than his budget to see that he has certainly delivered on the "change" he promised; the national priorities have done a 180.

You just don't like the change that's happening. I'm not moved by that...

Oh yeah he delivered us 1 trillion in dept in one failed swoop..His first bill he signed, 63cents tax on a pack of cigarettes the highest of any President, and who does that hit the hardest? Not the wealthy..
But remember, he didn't raise a tax on those making less then $250,000..
The Obama speaks with a forked tongue and I don't think he cares...He knows he'll have all his cult followers to always assemble and pretend he is still worshipped so....and he has the lamestream Pravda's in his pocket, so we're pretty much SCREWED, and he doesn't care about that either..this is what he thinks of us...:321:
Some disappointment from the Left. No mention of his vow to run on public money, ban lobbyists from his administration, veto any budgets with earmarks, post proposed laws passed by Congress for 5 days for public comment before signing, rescuing the family dog from a shelter etc. etc. . These are the Lefts beefs.

Think the Media would have pointed-out any of the above 8 years ago ? Just a thought...

"...behavior by President Obama suggests a more systemic assault on the campaign promise is underway.

It started in December when he was asked why he was making Hillary Clinton his chief diplomat after criticizing her qualifications and promising Democratic primary voters that his views on international relations were different than hers. He responded by telling the questioner "you're having fun" trying "to stir up whatever quotes were generated during the course of the campaign." The implicit assertion was that anyone expecting him to answer for campaign statements must just be "having fun" -- and certainly can't be serious.

A few months later, in reversing a five-year-old commitment to support ending the Cuban embargo, Obama offered no rationale for the U-turn other than saying he was "running for Senate" at a time that "seems just eons ago" -- again, as if everyone should know that previous campaign promises mean nothing.

At least that was a response. After the New York Times recently reported that "the administration has no present plans to reopen negotiations on NAFTA" as "Obama vowed to do during his campaign," there was no explanation offered whatsoever. We were left to recall Obama previously telling Fortune magazine that his NAFTA promises were too "overheated and amplified" to be taken literally.

It's true that politicians have always broken promises, but rarely so proudly and with such impunity.

We once respected democracy by at least demanding explanations -- however weak -- for unfulfilled promises. Then we became a country whose scorched-earth campaigns against flip-flopping desensitized us to reversals. Now, we don't flinch when our president appears tickled that a few poor souls still expect politicians to fulfill promises and justify broken ones.

The worst part of this devolution is the centrality of Obama, the prophet of “hope” and “change” who once said that "cynicism is a sorry kind of wisdom." If that's true, then he has become America's wisest man -- the guy who seems to know my kids will laugh when I tell them politicians and voters once believed in democracy and took campaign promises seriously."

© 2009 Creators Syndicate Inc.


No wonder so many seniors voted for this man.

Promise Broken rulings on the Obameter

No. 24: End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000

"Will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year. This will eliminate taxes for 7 million seniors -- saving them an average of $1,400 a year-- and will also mean that 27 million seniors will not need to file an income tax return at all."
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The MSM had to apologize for giving the Shrub & company a free pass regarding the Iraq invasion/occupation. Now 6 months into his first year, it seems that the same "alternative media" that got everything right regarding the Shrub & company will have the burden of socking it to Obama. Oh well, I wonder if the neocons will see the hypocrisy in depending upon the people they previously villified to set the record straight. time will tell.

Perhaps the Media remembered the following between the time they "gave Shrub and company a free pass" and their bout of Mass Amnesia once the "Bush Lied/ People Died" peace bogged down (many more examples on request) :

Clinton says Iraq poses 'clear and present danger'

U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered a military strike against Iraq to keep Saddam Hussein from threatening his neighbours and the security of the world.

Clinton said the worsening situation in Iraq posed "a clear and present danger" to the stability of the Persian Gulf region, to American interests and to the world.

Speaking from the Oval Office at the White House, Clinton said he received unanimous support from his military advisers for the attack, which began soon after midnight Iraqi time. The targets of the attack are military installations and places where chemical and biological weapons are prepared.


You and every other neocon on these boards have repeated this moot point time and again.....and then you totally ignore all the FACTS surrounding this point.....with your usual insipid stubborness.

FACT: Clinton and God knows how many other Dems in the House and Senate all voiced the rhetoric about Hussein hiding/producing WMD's, violating UN rules, etc. Hell, they all knew that we SOLD him the materials for the damned things for years previously. This is why Clinton MAINTAINED all the standards that Daddy Bush set up.....strategic bombings, no fly zones, embargos. Also, THIS IS WHY WE HAD UN INSPECTORS ON THE GROUND. The inspectors left because Slick Willy let the neocons goad him into an additional bombing....which turned out to be an aspirin factory. The inspectors returned after negotiations, and then were once again forced to leave because of the Shrub's invasion. IT IS PARAMOUNT TO NOTE THAT NEITHER CLINTON NOR ANY OF THE DEMS THAT YOU QUOTE EVER ADVOCATED INVASION PRIOR TO THE UN INSPECTORS FINISHING THEIR JOB. That honor falls on the shoulders of the Shrub & Cheney....who lied their asses off and then violated the UN agreement and HJ114. It was during this process that our MSM did NOT do their job of decent investigative reporting (or standard coverage, for that matter) DESPITE sources from our own gov't, national security, foreign allied intelligence telling them that the Shrub & company were LYING. It was Maclatchy and the Alternative Media (Democracy Now!, Village Voice, even NPR) that carried the torch of true news coverage.

The MSM apologized when it was too painfully obvious to ignore how the Shrub & company ran rough shod over the democratic process and the truth....and they did not do their job of objective reporting. Now, as the neocon punditry and parrots wail about Obama ending the world and a bias media, it seems (once again) that the very groups whom they denounced for telling the truth about the Shrub are now being touted for telling the truth about Obama...as demonstrated in this thread.

Neocon hypocrisy knows no bounds....which is why they lost the elections in 2008.
saying the lamestream media gave Bush a free pass on Iraq, and had to apologize, is the biggest pile of shit story that has been spread around..

so supposedly because of that, that is why now their on their knees for a chance at "The One",

I've heard some outrageous made up lies before, but, this one take it all..

too stupid really for a reply, but I just couldn't take it anymore..

When a Free Press dies, so does the Country..
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