Obey The Government —— Or Else


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Governments ordering their citizens how to behave began with the first government. To be precise the same personality types went into every government throughout history.


Parasites are least rare among human personality types. COVID-19 uncovered an infestation of parasites that may turn out to be larger than the parasites that feed on the welfare state:


It would be the first war not fought over territory or organized religions priesthoods, but a war fought by two opposing personality types.


I spent my adult life trying to come up with a way to permanently neuter the parasite personality politically. The brilliant U.S. Constitution held parasites in check for a century or so. Conversely, the parasite personality is Joe Biden away from permanently neutering the U.S. Constitution.

If you doubt me, know this about Biden. Parasites physically attacking strangers, destroying private property and cities is a warning of much worse to come. After Biden hands the machinery of government to his minions —— millions of parasites will enforce the law with a level of brutality never envisioned by even the most brutal governments in history.

Basically, history teaches us that evil leaders were responsible for every government’s horrors, while not one teacher ever mentions that parasites gleefully did the torturing and the killing. Whenever you hear about Nero, Stalin, Hitler, et al., ask yourself how many rank & file parasites made those leaders possible?

It has long-been my contention that parasites brought down every civilization, every empire, every culture, every prosperous country that ever was.


Future historians will tell us that Biden was guilty of every horror when, in fact, the crimes Biden’s faceless, nameless, parasites committed will be forgotten like every parasite that came before them.

NOTE: Early Christians did not obey a brutal government; nevertheless, all things considered I would root for the lions over do-gooder parasites every time:

Before you single out Nero, remember that governments are inherently evil, while limited government is the least evil by a country mile as our original government proved.

Parenthetically, Democrat priests in our government spend all of their time kissing God’s ass in an effort to ingratiate themselves with the very God they deny.

Finally, everything Socialist parasites are doing to this country is not about wearing a mask, nor is about forced vaccinations. Everything the government is planning for a once free people is about parasites hanging onto the political gains they made in the previous century.

The guy that ordered a stranger to "Put your damn mask on," is the parasite personality in action. A parasite’s hatred for anyone that disobeys the government is so deeply imbedded in their emotions they must order everyone to obey the government out of fear their own disease isolates them. Obeying the government is the only medicine sick parasites take.

Now, visualize what the mask police will do with Biden’s blessings:

"Put your damn mask on,"
said a guy three seats behind me on a Southwest Airline flight heading to Washington, D.C. to the passenger walking down the aisle. The man's mask had slid down under his nose as he negotiated his carry-on bag while holding his little daughter's hand.

I turned around to see who was making such a demand so rudely. Just as I suspected, it was the guy who came aboard sporting a full N95 mask, face shield cover, and surgical gloves. Forget for a moment that the father's mask slipping actually posed zero risk to the hazmat-protected, delusional passenger. Who appointed him a member of the mask police and protector of the well being of all the other passengers? Where did decorum and common courtesy go?

When you cannot see someone's face, anonymity prevails. It provides the same disrespectful arrogance and brazen nastiness of the social media world. I remember hearing that you should not say anything about someone on social media that you would not say to him in person. The mask now lets us say the nasty things that previously had been said while hiding behind a computer screen.

The results are unsettling. We are mixing fear-based delusions with the illusion of being anonymous by wearing a face covering. I am not arguing here for or against the efficacy of masks — I have done so at length in my book, Covid-19: A Physician's Take on the Exaggerated Fear of the Coronavirus. I am simply advocating treating others with decency when the facts are in doubt or disagreements may prevail. It was clear by the look the angry man gave me when I turned to see who was being so officious that he believed that his words not only were justified, but should be reinforced. I did the opposite. "You're fine," I remarked to the passenger whose nose had become exposed. I slid my own mask off as I remarked, "Don't let him bother you" so the guy in the aisle could both hear me and see my supportive expression. From my standpoint, if someone is so worried about contracting the virus wearing full hazmat gear, perhaps he ought not be flying on a crowded airplane at all.

To further my evaluation of this passenger's psychological pathology, I noticed that a German Shepherd was on the floor under his legs — clearly an "emotional support animal" for someone with doubtful stability. What if another passenger were allergic to dogs? Should our hazmat friend be asked to take another flight or sit at the back? A psychiatrist friend, Mark McDonald, M.D., coined a phrase that had this guy's name written all over it: "The hyper-evaluation of self leads to despicable behavior." I do not doubt that hazmat guy thinks highly of his righteous behavior and his enhanced self-esteem. Fear is a powerful accelerant of psychological pathology.

Perhaps I should have shown hazmat guy the expression written on the napkin that accompanied my complimentary plastic cup of ice water from the flight attendant: "In a world full of no, we're a plane full of yes." Except that there is no "yes" to personal liberty.

I don't know where this is leading, but Utopia is not the next stop on this road — quite the opposite. The train to hell is being conducted by hyper-evaluated narcissists like hazmat guy...or the governors of states such as California, Michigan, and New York.

I find myself wanting to be with only those who are like-minded.

It seems no longer possible to disagree without being called names, to voice a contrary opinion without someone calling for your public shaming, or to believe that liberty has a higher value than the status quo of one's health.

I worry for the next generation who will grow up without insight into America's past and without role models who believe in the founding principles of America: E Pluribus Unum, Liberty, and In God We Trust. For now I will continue to fight for America, be a role model of courage to my kids, and pray there are more of us than the hazmat guys to make a difference in the future of our country.

December 24, 2020
'Put your damn mask on,' the man on the plane snarled...
By Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D.

The analysis in this brilliant, intelligent, sharp, intellectual, alert, clever, quick, acute, profound, rational, penetrating, discerning, inventive, astute, brainy, perspicacious, quick-witted article by Eric Georgatos can be summed up in three words: OBEY THE GOVERNMENT

Observers of human history might have to go back all the way to Galileo to find a ruling class as determined to cancel someone as much as today’s is to cancel Sidney Powell in response to her single-minded devotion to bringing the truth of the full scale of the 2020 election fraud to light.

Galileo broke the news/discovery that the earth wasn’t the center of the universe, and in fact revolved around the sun, and that just didn’t comport with what the ruling class, including church authorities, were prepared or willing to accept. Galileo rocked their world -- probably deeply threatening their hold of authority over the masses if they were exposed as so fundamentally wrong -- so their solution wasn’t to deal with the truth but to put Galileo under house arrest and demand that he renounce his discovery.

The American ruling class of 2020 is bizarrely opposed to allocating any oxygen to what Sidney Powell has discovered and is alleging about Dominion Voting Systems (and others), about vote-shifting algorithms and partial decimal vote counts, and about vote manipulation showing up throughout the country. Even Rudy Giuliani, the President’s attorney, and Mark Meadows, the President’s Chief of Staff, seem hellbent on publicly keeping their distance from Powell -- and on keeping President Trump from getting too close to or aligned with Powell.

Other elements of the ruling class -- such as SCOTUS and much of the rest of the federal judiciary -- won’t even look at the evidence Powell has assembled. They just ‘don’t want to go there’, and so they make up legal excuses -- e.g., lack of standing -- and wave off the substance of the allegations.

What gives? Why are they behaving this way?

Common sense says election integrity is fundamental to the survival of democracy in any form, so if there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, why wouldn’t serious adults want to turn over every rock to determine the truth? If the ruling class is so eager to pronounce Sidney Powell a lunatic fringe conspiracy theorist, why wouldn’t they want the Dominion voting machines fully audited so they can prove once and for all that Powell is crazy and deserves to be mocked and ignored?

Many people in the Dallas, Texas area have been struggling with these ‘what gives?’ questions since at least 2018, when the mid-term election results had an immediate smell of having been rigged. Yet Texas law enforcement authorities -- by reputation so pro-law and order -- refused to investigate.

There seem to be three possible explanations for the behavior of the ruling class, and none of them are good.

The first and probably worst is that many on both sides of the political aisle may be in on the fraud. Rigged elections are an equal opportunity enticement to many if not most politicians. There would be no desire on the part of anyone in on the fix to encourage any investigation that might ruin the fix for everyone.

Aligned with this explanation is the internet speculation about the remarkable election wins of RINOs and quasi-Never-Trumpers Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins (and even of moderate, no charisma John Cornyn, whose vote total implausibly exceeded Trump’s in Texas).

All won big despite enormous opposition campaign spending and beat expectations and polls by a sizable margin -- in the same election President Trump supposedly lost to a senile old man who couldn’t draw 200 people to any campaign event (and still can’t draw flies to his speeches from the “office of the President-elect”).

These Senate results may not scream fraud to the same degree the Trump/Biden result does, but they have an odor about them. Yet they reconcile pretty quickly -- though to be clear, still hypothetically -- if in exchange for unified post-election effort to dismiss the seriousness of election fraud and help usher Trump out of the White House, they were promised re-election, and with margins that might scare off for at least one election cycle the most credible future challengers. (Outraged by the hypothetical? Then let’s audit the machines and put hypotheticals to rest.)

The second explanation for the ‘what gives?’ is fear and intimidation. Election fraud on a national scale in the United States of America is the ultimate high stakes global power play. As is repeatedly noted at the Conservative Treehouse, ‘there are trillions at stake’. The players are beyond nasty; nothing is out of bounds for the sake of acquiring or holding on to global power.

In this scenario, all it would take is a few threatening calls at the right time to a weak officeholder or judge (or their family members) -- and the quick result will be votes or rulings that there shall be no audits of voting machines, or simply dismissals of lawsuits on procedural grounds that permit the evidence to be ignored.

The third explanation is a variant of Galileo’s experience: the conclusion that follows from the evidence Sidney Powell has put together is so devastating to Americans’ view of how their country is supposed to be governed that it simply can’t be given voice or visibility. The truth would shock Americans into a complete loss of faith and trust in their government. The truth would so rock our world -- that we’re all being lied to and manipulated so constantly and in so many ways -- that we’ll cease to function in any manner resembling law and order. Under such circumstances, the ruling class would have determined that Americans ‘can’t handle the truth’…so they can’t be allowed to know the truth.

It’s easy to see how this explanation can hold together, even in the face of overwhelming circumstantial evidence of election fraud: ‘experts’ just raise the evidentiary bar of ‘proof’ so high that it can never be met -- i.e., unless Sidney Powell can produce Dominion/Smartmatic source code written not in programming code but in bold-font, all-caps English that says “FLIP VOTES FROM TRUMP TO BIDEN HERE”, then the same experts can solemnly announce that the circumstantial evidence is just not enough proof to justify remedial action.

The American people already know what happened in the 2020 election, because they watched Trump haters in action over the last 4+ years. They saw the Russia collusion hoax; they saw the sham impeachment; and they increasingly see pandemic protocols utterly untethered to science but transparently connected to straitjacketing the American people with a globalist Great Reset imposed by an unelected ruling elite, with the same pattern of lies and liars that brought about the hoax and the impeachment.

A stolen election in 2020 therefore isn’t a shocking aberration; it’s an obvious continuation, a culmination of the ruling class determination to get rid of an outsider who threatened to ‘reset’ America back to its original design -- a nation governed not by a hierarchy of ruling elites, but by ‘we the people’.


All three explanations for ignoring or dismissing the evidence of election fraud are plausible, and they are not mutually exclusive. And they all point to the over-arching challenge of these times: is there sufficient courage among the American people to demand the truth?

Sidney Powell has the requisite courage. The coming days, weeks, months (years?) will answer whether enough other Americans of this era are up to the challenge. If there are, we believe they can force their government to live by the truth.

As President Trump might say, “We’ll see what happens”.

December 26, 2020
Why Sidney Powell gets the Galileo treatment
By Eric Georgatos

Everything about the COVID -19 scam puts money in the pockets of elected officials and high ranking federal bureaucrats. That is why I am certain money is changing hands on this one:



Big Pharma (VACCINES), hypodermic needle and mask manufacturers are more than generous to their sales people, but I have to admit that I cannot figure out who is paying Birx's commission for canceling family gatherings.
what a butthurt crybaby you are. somebody makes me wear a mask!! boo-fucking-hoo!! and some of them visited their families for christmas!! boo-fucking-hoo!
what a butthurt crybaby you are. somebody makes me wear a mask!! boo-fucking-hoo!! and some of them visited their families for christmas!! boo-fucking-hoo!

To Hoosier Daddy: Asshole.
Big Pharma (VACCINES), hypodermic needle and mask manufacturers are more than generous to their sales people,

When they shove that hypodermic needle up your ass you and your kind will have organisms.

involuntary (adjective)

not done by choice; done unwillingly, or without the decision or intention of the person involved.